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Pelican Overlord

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Posts posted by Pelican Overlord

  1. You know what? $*#% the internet. Forums have rules, and I'm pretty sure that racism violates them. Rather than trhow myself into a war of words, I'll simply say that anyone who has any principle of right and wrong will make the proper choice and not support racism. END. OF. DISCUSSION. Have a nice day.

  2. This treaty has one purpose: to end cruelty, racism, and genocide on Planet Bob. All people deserve to be allowed to coexist in peace.

    By signing this treaty, you pledge that you believe in these ideals, and will defend the rights of those persecuted around the world.
    All signatories of this treaty also condemn the cruel actions by the nation of Xenios, and seek to topple the evil regime forcing the citizens of this nation into a "holy war" that will only cause bloodshed for both sides. The signatories of this treaty wish to end further bloodshed, and urge the nation of Xenios to cease its discriminatory activities.
    All signatories also agree to place an embargo on all traded goods to and from the nation of Xenios in protest to their violent actions.
    -Pelican Land
    -State of Padiw

  3. [quote name='The Polemarch' timestamp='1349648318' post='3038370']
    Xenios responds to these words by a spontaneous demonstration whereby all citizens, young and old, male and female, march to the capital of Fort Archangel and there gathered, collectively and in unison perform the following:


    This is followed by general incredulity at Pelican Land's recent act of declaring "freedom of religion" whilst simultaneously enforcing Judaism on its "mixed ethnicity".
    You sound like Joseph Ducreux and Hitler combined into one really racist person.
    [b] [/b]

  4. Pelican Land will from now set it's religion to Judaism, in a protest to the evil nation that is Xenios. We will send aid to anyone who takes action to dispatch this monsterous nation once and for all.

    (( If I could attack you, I would. I'm waiting for you to reach my NS so I can personally ravage your nation. ))

  5. [quote name='The Polemarch' timestamp='1349435567' post='3037579']
    Of course this thread is already "closed". You will not draw truly "pro-Jewish" nations to a bloc where the only guarantee is a fight. You may get the odd misguided non-Jew who has been deluded into thinking Xenios' fight is done for anything but pure motives, but certainly the Talmudic Jewish powers that operate in Planet Bob will not be open in their defiance. The Judaizers and the Judaized prefer instead to work in the shadows, and run in fear when faced with true a truly unified nation and people. They prefer to exert their power by sowing seeds of disunity in other blocs and alliances, and then amid the chaos picking up the pieces.

    They feast on disunity, whilst promoting false "harmony", and fear a truly united people who do not kowtow to the perverse teachings of the Talmud. They are cowards who run from the light that the League of Anti-Judaizers shines into the darkest, dankest corners of Bob. Jew can run, but Jew can't hide from the light of Xenios' people.
    Congrats, over 13 million people hate you already.

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