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Posts posted by Delos

  1. Well, since the topic was closed I will have to reply in here.

    I did what you suggested and sold 10 infrastructure but now my bill is $20,000 rather than $2000. Good one guys. Any more bright ideas?

  2. I'm going to call this a bug because there is no way I can get out of it. I made a donation of $20 just the other day but I'm still $2000 short on being able to pay my bills.

    This is crazy that I cannot get out of it!!! My whole alliance is in Peace Mode so they cannot send me any money, and if I didn't have an alliance where I could borrow money I'd be stuck.

    For me this game has lost all appeal and it makes me want to walk away from it and never come back. The only thing that stops me is hope that this can be resolved and the fact I just forked out two hours hours wages for a solution that didn't help me and I want it resolved so I get something for my money.

    I would propose that nations should be able to privatize their improvements with a 100% return on the initial cost of it. In the real world a publicly owned company, when sold off to the private sector, is sold for an amount equal to or more than the original cost to build.

    This whole "cannot buy until bills are paid" is incorrect based on the real world. If this was the case then the United States and most other first world countries wouldn't be able to do anything as most (99%) run a deficit budget for the obvious economic advantage it gives.

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