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Posts posted by BlackJackTalon

  1. Another methrage post with oh so many words and oh so little content.. What's new.


    I never liked you guys when we were allied, your organization and structure is flawed not to mention the moralist BS that your gov used to spew on a daily basis. So excuse me for not hailing your triumphant return. I do congratulate y'all on your treaty, like I said earlier it's a match made in heaven. 

    I understand that this sort of idiotic, evidence lacking, nonesense spewing trollism is par for the course here on OWF. 


    Even so, your statement is ridiculous enough to warrant a response. 


    If you hate our structure so much, then I suggest you continue, ya know, NOT being in the FCC. Furthermore, there are signifigant differences between the old FCC charter and the new. I wrote it from scratch this time around, balancing some of the checks to provide a more streamlined government process, in line with modern CN thinking. 


    The FCC has gone through numerous structural changes, and to blanket condemn them all, without pointing to any single facet which you found disagreeable, is the hight of incompetence. Now please, refrain from opening your trap when the grownups are talking.

  2. Ok, totally can't remember the name, but someone in INT. 


    I was fighting with NATO at the time, and this joker dropped 6 nukes on me with a smile. 


    While that sounds meanspirited, He was being dogpiled but several other, larger nations, and he fought admirably until his nation lay in smoking ruins. I could hardly complain about 6 nukes when he was being overwhelmed into ZI. 


    Also, he was fairly jovial in PM with me, which I appreciate. Any time im at War, i prefer to do it with humourous shouts interspersed between bayonet thrusts.

  3. The fact that you needed help with governing yourselves from the outside after how long? is very telling.


    As well as that he needed to leave to "expand his knowlage of CN". You may not have a lot of treaties, but you should have something of a clue of world politics. You should have connections to the outside world and not be forced to leave to gain knowledge.


    With very limited connection to the issue at hand, I can not reliably hope to consider myself an expert on it. But then, It doesnt concern me, or you. So since random people are evidentally going to continue to post their thoughts, without regard to their attachment to the issue, I suppose I will follow suit.


    Truthfully, I, and the FCC, wish the Hooligans the best of luck, not out of any sort of affiliation to them, simply because we do not wish to see any alliance struggle.  Many alliances fail, the FCC's prior incarnation included. Often, a vaccum at leadership is the reason, It seems to me, that by taking steps to avoid this, they made a the correct move. Furthermore, Each alliance, each community, handles situations differently. "Leaving to expand their knowledge" is a completely admirable trait IMO. To understand where you lack knowledge and to seek it, can hardly be a negative thing. 


    Finally, if the alliance he is meant to have abandoned repeatedly holds no ill will, and suggests that they maintian nothing but respect for the individual in question, how difficult can it be for you to afford the same courtesy? 


    Back to the OP's intent: Interesting to note the hooligans leaving, best of luck to them in dealing with their internals, and Planet Bob remains at war. 

  4. A has-been alliance and a completely irrelevant one.. How quaint. I hope you enjoy your union, it was a match made in heaven.



    You demean your alliance with this sort of useless comment. TOP is better then that, and evidentally better then you. 


    I wish TOP the best of luck going forwards, and would be happy to chat with their Leadership with regards to our former treaty. 


    As the FCC never technically disbanded, we are doing what we can to honor at least the intent of former treaties.


    #FCC on IRC.

  5. Jack was an original FCC cabinet member, and wished to revive the FCC. Thus is the present incarnation of the FCC.


    Thus is our rebirth. If you wish to continue our relationship I invite you to our forums and IRC, you will find friends both new and old.


    Or at least you will enjoy my crumpets. I don't make them for nothing, although at times I feel I am taken advantage of. :(



    She is. She certainly is. 


    But yeah, I began my first nation in end of 2006/start of 2007 and soon after joined the FCC. I was with them for almost 2 years, learning the ropes. I worked up to a gov position for a while before leaving. (at the time they were completely neutral, and I wanted to experience war.) I then started my own alliance for a bit, before leaving in 2009-2010 area. 


    I rerolled a few months ago, discovered the FCC was gone, joined NATO, started an FCC clan for a different game, Left NATO, brought a few of those members over, found some other great members here, and we started the FCC. 




    A new FCC or did you just all wake up from that deep slumber you were in?


    I'm asking without animosity. We were one of your very long treaty partners but the last year we tried talking to you, folks, we were utterly unable to reach people. Not just government, people.


    And No worries, I meant to answer without animosity as well. My tone should be read as a slight twinkle in the eye. 


    From my discussions with Argent, who protected their AA. After Methrage left, it just...stopped. They never officially disbanded, but members went inactive or moved on until their was no one left.

  6. What is this, 2007?


    This is the Fifth Column Confederation. 



    We believe in a Non-Interventionist Position, with honest, friendly relations with all. We believe that Cybernations was, is, and shall be a wonderful game, filled with incredible people. It is our sincerest desire to build positive relationships with any and all. 





    Whos next to get their FCC Treaty on?  :ehm:

  7. “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”
    C.S. Lewis






    Through the simple act of conversation, bonds of friendship are born. These bonds, once
    brought forth, are then strengthened through aid, and through effort. Such is the case between these two great alliances. Through the generosity of comrades in spirit, and by the deliberate effort of all parties, we now seek to formalize this relationship through the ratification of this treaty.

    Peace and Friendship

    The signatories of these accords do hereby swear to honor each other in their open world dealings, to harbor no aggressive intent towards one another, and to do all in their power to avoid doing injury to one another’s growth or standing. If this is clause is infringed upon, the signatories also swear to do all that can be reasonably expected to deal with the matter in a private diplomatic fashion.

    Intelligence and Information

    The signatories of this treaty do hereby swear to freely share all information pertinent to one another, be it of a military, or financial nature. This is to be accomplished through the continued usage of one another’s IRC channels, and through the establishment of Embassies in each of the signatories forums.

    Aid and Defense

    The signatories of this treaty do hereby grant each other the right to freely seek financial aid in the event that a nation of one signatory is unable to secure said aid through their own alliances means. This is to be accomplished through an appeal by the ambassadors of either signatory, or through the established embassies. Furthermore, the signatories of this treaty do hereby give notice that they have established an Optional Defense Pact between one another. In the event that war should befall one signatory, it is recommended that due consideration be given by the other to providing military assistance. This recommendation is solely in the event of a defensive war however.

    Trade and Growth

    The signatories of this treaty do hereby grant preferred trade status to one another. In the event that trade circles are unable to be formed fully by one alliance, all effort shall be made to seek help from a fellow signatory. Furthermore, as prefered trade partners, all reasonable effort shall be made to formulate tech deals within the boundaries of these accords. While outside tech deals are by no means restricted, the terms of this clause should form the basis of a strong tech trade between our two alliances.


    Should either signatory wish to revoke the terms of the treaty, they shall give forty-eight hours of notice, during which interim the established peace between the signatories shall remain in effect.




    Signed for the Fifth Column Confederation

    Black Jack Talon - Director
    Astelria - Minister of Foreign Affairs




    Signed for Confederatio Aesir


    Sigrun Vepneir Moussing Odensdotter - Queen of the Aesir

    Methrage - The Royal Predator

  8. I'd disagree with the statement that large alliances offer less personable treatment.


    I also think that a mid ranking alliance is not necassarily a bad place to be. There is no reason for them to be described as just "middle of the road." 

    These are both totally valid points. I didn't really take enough time to properly explain these points. I have nothing but respect for IRON as well as many other alliances. None of what I said should be read as a scathing attack on any alliance, sanctioned or otherwise. I was simply trying to quickly put forth a basic explanation and provide the skeletal framework for future research. 


    I express my apologies for any slight I may have put forth in my haste. 


    That said, OP did actually join the Fifth Column Confederation, and we are happy to have our new german friend!

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