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Posts posted by burtonland1981

  1. Burton, you know a coup can't work.

    I am the Don.

    My word is law.

    I am root forum admin.

    Most importantly, I am a fun/good guy who the family members respect.

    The only way a coup would work would be if they split off and made their own alliance....but that isn't really a coup now is it.

    Your stupidity is shocking even to me. I said a coup was not my current goal. Any alliance that follows someone with your lack of reading comprehension is in big trouble.

    This is just me having fun at your expense. I'm leaving, so you can ZI me all you want and please do so, because every dime you spend to ZI me is just me winning again because you are the one that is really losing something. Your stupidity and eagerness to appear heroic is just helping my cause. At the end of the day my nation is deleted which is my wish, and yours has taken a hit in the wallet.

    Not to mention that this little episode and brought the names of unsatisfied mafia members to my attention, so when i decide to return i can then get the coup machine running.

    And make no mistake, i will probably be back. Hell, i might even join the mafia just for !@#$% and giggles at some point down the road. You won't know because i'm going to have a brand new IP soon in a completely different part of the country.

    As for teaching us a lesson. OH YEAH, you put the hurt on us big time

    You are under the impression that being hit with a few nukes is me putting the hurt on you. Guess what, that was just the icing on the cake. I've already got what i wanted and it already has hurt you big time, you are just too wrapped up in damage reports to see it. Not every battle is fought with nukes, missiles, tanks, and troops.

    As i wind this war down now it is time for me to say goodbye to everyone on here as this is my last post, and i'll see you all down the road.

  2. The Nation of BurtonLand1981 was attacked in the F.I.S.T. war on June 18th, 2008. While not badly damaged and quickly defecting to POW status, this action; being involved in yet another war brought on because of the leader of an alliance was being stupid, was the tipping point. Add to that the fact I'm getting ready to move to a new apartment in real life in mid-July, I feel that this is a good time to call it quits. The people of BurtonLand1981 while having much anger at the moron leadership in F.I.S.T., is not going to spend any more time thinking about them.

    My real enemy is The leadership of The Mafia for their gross disrespect they shown in allowing a minister to insult another minister (me) on multiple occasions while I was working my $@! off for that alliance running the education department, making videos, keeping people up to date, and helping out however I could.

    For this, I have decided that on this day (June 27th, 2008), the nation of BurtonLand1981 will declare war on the leadership of The Mafia.

    The Targets are:

    Serberus of The State for his insults

    Knight999 of The Sarmatian Empire for his complacency in a leadership position

    Emperor Marxus IV of The Cameco Corp for his complacency in a leadership position

    The Nation of BurtonLand1981 has no dreams of surviving this and in fact I have no wish to survive this, but I feel that it must be done as a lesson to them and to others to remember that no matter how long ago an insult occurred that sometimes they are not forgotten. I should have known better than to return to an alliance that stabbed its allies in the back during the Goon War but i was immature and dumb. I've learned from that lesson, and now is the time for the leaders of the mafia to learn their lesson via their ex Minister of Education.

    To the other members of The Mafia, I mean no harm to you. I know you will attack me because you are the ones that have the true loyalty to the family. I respect and expect that. Attack me all you want and I will not fire a shot at you. I understand it's business. After this is all over and they are back to full strength and I am long gone, I only ask that you continue to remember what an insult can do and to learn from that and use that lesson to become better at diplomacy and being a more effective leader of any alliance you may start or gain rank in. A couple of you had asked me about leading a coup the night I left and if you still feel that way you could take advantage of this if you want but that isn't my end goal. I'm sorry I haven't been very talkative to you two lately because I would have given you a little notice. I will miss many of you that I worked with during my time there and I wish you all the best of luck. To whoever is the new minister of education: do a good job. Without someone there to lead the way in teaching the less experienced guys how to do stuff, an alliance is worthless. Be hands-on and do whatever it takes to get people to understand a concept and don't give up on anyone.

    To their allies, I would highly suggest that you view the leadership with at least a tiny bit of suspicion. Just like their leadership turned on their allies in the Goon War they will turn on you. They know no such thing as loyalty. They will swing with the breeze in order to cover their own asses and that is it. A member of this ""mafia"" leadership will not die for their family. The common people of the mafia (the ones I didn't declare on) are good people and I would welcome them with open arms to any alliance I ran. They would be an asset to any alliance.

    I must now return to the battlefield to die charging in on the fastest horse with my sword drawn!

  3. DoomMafia.png

    We are the few yet strong, honorable yet secretive, the loving but cruel, and always well dressed. We are the Mafia, CyberNations personal little underworld. We are a fairly young alliance under very experienced leadership who are willing to take you in and move you from a run of the mill wise guy into a made man. We can offer our new family members Aid to help them get off on their own.

    With a growing member count (currently 77 strong) and a ever increasing strength (660k) there is no better time to join us and take part in the massive amounts of win we generate.

    We are actively looking for new members and wish the best for all recruits. The Mafia can be a mans best friend or worst enemy. You know what side to choose, Join the Mafia today.

    Our Creed

    A couple videos:



    Join The Mafia today!

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