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Bagel Master

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Posts posted by Bagel Master

  1. No, he said he was using all of his resources to fight back. Is that not defense? Are you trying to spin a tech raid victim fighting back into an offensive action?

    No sir! I'm retaliating full force in mouth, vi-jay-jay, and arse. My goal would be to make it not worth it for him to nuke me, and as an alternative, ask me to agree to stop fighting and declare peace.

  2. Yes it is. He is a rogue. Don't ask me how. That would require logic to be used, and we all know that logic no longer has a place on Planet Bob.

    If a nation nukes me if I raid it, then it is using all it's possible resources to defend itself. Fortunately, I have more resources available, as I would be able to nuke, and/or have it sanctioned, and/or ask my buddies to organize (not through the alliance) a counter-strike. I have no problem with a nation nuking in a raid, I'll grow some balls and take that nuclear phallus like a man, but I'm also going to do everything in my power to make it not worth it to nuke, rather than ask for peace. War is war, you want to maximize your profits, and cut your losses as much as possible.

  3. And now I've got azaleas to plant around the castle, wiedersehen.

    IC: Uhh, we're fighting a war or something. (I needed something applicable to the thread)

    OOC: Dude, do you garden often? The hostas around my house are going ape-!@#$. It's like hosta-city here. But they look kinda good, but I don't know how to control them.

  4. Dude, it's notepad he has open. If he went to fake the screenshots he'd just have opened notepad and copy-pasted a lot of "Hello's", changing the times.

    Anyhow, it's hard to see who's right now :(

    XChat, stores logs in .txt format by default. If you close the client, you cannot review the logs in XChat. Windows opens .txt files with Notepad by default. The name of the log file is that of the format XChat uses by default. Of course he could've doctored the logs, but reading the actual dialog, it is clear J-Money (jerdge) is quite desperate to negotiate. Thus, attempting to get the attention of Ephie would be quite understandable. Copying "Hello" and then hitting SHIFT+ENTER and copy+pasting that entry in an IRC client is a completely viable way to be able to spam a message for an indefinite amount of time. I do it all the time, cause I'm an *******, I mean, butthole. Amirite or amirite?

    Take what you want from these two, they're both intelligent and well-spoken individuals, but it seems that Ephie's reasoning seems to carry some more weight.

  5. That was uncalled for, whatever IC differences you have with WC. Do you see some of the people wishing him well? Do all of them love WC IC? No. Show some respect.

    Good luck WC. :)


    The OWF is OOC, so unless marked with a "IC" tag, posts are OOC so Bama was right in what he said, he might not be liked IC but what he does IC is in no way the same as what he does OOC, so yeah.

    Not that I know you or whatever, but GL in RL.


    Hey man, you'll definitely be missed around here. Especially by me. If you don't mind me asking, what college are you going off to next year? It'd be terribly awkward if I still played CN in college (terrible idea), and mentioned it and you were around IRL. So, I am giving you full discretion to either punch me in the face, KICK TO THA GROIN, maybe some DANGITA DANGITA DANGITA DANG, or enslaving my first born, if you do overhear me.

    Anyways man, keep it real, hydrate when you party.

    \m/ >_< \m/

  6. I was never in \m/, but I think your room was the only other room besides the private chan that I had on auto-join (still do). Good times. I must admit, \m/ was the only alliance that wasn't as concerned about success by superior stats, but by using the game as... *gasps* a game. That's what made it unique. There were folks who got their kicks from so many different aspects of the game, whether it be the politicing, the social aspects, or the war system, and that's why \m/ was truly unique. No other alliance was so "user-friendly" as \m/, and I doubt any alliance ever will be.

    I, for one, would look forward to daily "\m/ disbanded X months, X days ago" threads. Just for kicks and giggles.

    Who wants to take bets on how quick I am to be criticized, chastised, or punished for my comments?

  7. On topic: See you when someone else finds your new nation. :awesome:

    Off topic: What's all these posts about "The Scholar"? He's been on my ignore list since he started deviating from his "treatises" and trolling. It makes that feature well worth it's existence.

  8. I'm gonna go ahead and guess that the new First Mate is gonna be the guy who, hours before, refused to apologize to a major alliance, left the FPI,m and then attacked a member of the FPI. Can we get a drumroll?

    Of course it'll be Geo. If only to slap me in the face.

    I can imagine you powdering your hand with baby powder and crankin' some Curtis Mayfield before you lay the smackdown. FPI = I like. You = I like. FPI+You = I like. You-FPI=Not so much.

  9. Some time before his retirement, Bilrow made it quite clear that the GGA fully expected to lose its sanction. He further stated that this was immaterial, as the GGA was focusing on internal development.

    Furthermore, TOP is currently ahead of the GGA in the so-called "Sanction Race" so another alliance would have to drop as well.

    I won't ask you for any predictions in that regard, though, as clearly your crystal ball isn't working well.

    TOP is not ahead in the sanction race, considering they don't meet the basic criteria for becoming sanctioned. You need 300 members under the Alliance tag, and TOP only has 158.

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