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    Shadow Company
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  1. [quote name='Incitatus' timestamp='1335731270' post='2960847'] The posts you are referring to HAS something to do with the OP. Just because it isn't exactly the response you're looking for, it's still an appropriate response. The treaty/protection is due to their inability to gain members without poaching. [/quote] No. It isn't an appropriate response. The optional protection piece stands only as part of the agreement of an economic alliance between us. It only states that due to the fact we are an economic interest to one another and also declares that we are separate entities and will stand as our own individual entities as well. It also states that this is no protectorate of any kind this is just an economic alliance and as such we are declaring Optional Defense as a claim that we will defend our economic interests with one another. You are stepping out of line with this entire situation by the fact that this isn't about poaching at all nor is about getting members from merging guilds nor is about defense of one another outside of it being an economic defense of interests between two alliances. It isn't appropriate, I suggest you stop.
  2. In any case, I suggest that this slander be ended. As vandelsand said, it has absolutely no relevance to the post and therefore uncalled for in every right. Let it stand publicly that Bull Moose's past transgression concerning this issue be void on the claim that is has already been handled as BOTH parties have already admitted to. I also declare in this message that further talk about Bull Moose concerning this situation will be reported. Mistakes were made and the past is the past. Our agreement still stands as an agreement of a new, prosperous future for both Bull Moose and the Shadow Company and as such should be greeted with more honor and dignity. I appreciate all who take the time to read our agreement and see it as a new beginning from this point on.
  3. Where is all this ill-natured energy coming from? Bull Moose and Shadow Company both deny trying to "poach" members. I suggest these allegations be put to rest.
  4. [quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1335718087' post='2960786'] I think you may be mistaken. [/quote] I think you need re-think that.
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