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Orville Reginbacher

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Posts posted by Orville Reginbacher

  1. To:  All Cybernations

    From:  The pun-named popcorn leader

    Re:  My return.


    Hello world.  I'm back until I'm not back again.  Someone I have to pay all these bills I accumulated sometime during the past five years of my vacation, (has anyone wondered who is actually billing us?  Do we live in a simulation?) and don't know where to find my NpO brethren.  Looking forward to being lost for a while.  Can anyone catch me up on what I missed during my 5 year vacay?



  2. 1 hour ago, The Pansy said:

    Is there a point to this thread, it's Grub.

    I second.  Vote 1 Grub.


    First thou select 1 Grub. Then thou must vote 1. 1 shall be the number of the voting and the number of the voting shall be 1. 4 shalt thou not vote, neither shalt thou vote 2, excepting that thou then recedeth to 1. 5 is right out. Once the number 1, being the number of the voting, be reached, then lobbest thou the Grub in the direction of thine foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it."


    Honestly, I'm not sour at all. I don't dislike war <ooc I don't fight properly,  being where I am update is 6am and $%&@ getting up at 6am for a game> even one where I'm going to lose badly. Fun fact, I've only ever been on the winning side of a conflict once and it's done nothing to deter me.

    I think it's the avatar.  Everything you say comes out like it is being squealed by some angsty teenage bully.  Not saying that is what you are, but the avatar makes it sound that way.


    That said, I would love 6am update.  My day starts at 6.  What bothers me is trying to stay up to 1am.  Because I'm old.


    Polar was on the loosing side of the previous war (not counting SNX), didn't deter us, either, it seems.

  4. Yes. We'll be cutting ties with CDS and NAAC as well.

    I remember Echelon always being decent folks.  Sad to see them up and disappear.


    If I'm perfectly honest, I had forgotten about Echelon as they simply dropped off the radar. It's a shame, but this is the world we are in now.

    This is true, and it's a symptom of the problem.

    Were business men first and foremost, we cherish property and contract law, unlike the NpO who lets mounds of money sit on the table to be collected a year later, ohh no that doesn't fly with us, a deal is a deal and we don't want to hear excuses.

    lol, elitist us ok, speaking of which I'd like to have a chat with you and your cohorts, our water filtration systems are working overtime due to your inability of close quarter combat and felt the need to radiate the entire landscape of the aqua team.

    Who did you piss off now ?

    I take exception to this.  I also cherish contract law.  Query, if you kill off his trades and make it difficult for him economically, how do you ever hope to receive your tech, or for him to have enough to provide it to you?  There is the law, and then there is being rational and practical.  That said, good luck getting your debt!


    Also, did you first make sure this wasn't a consumer debt?  If it was I am pretty sure your initial collection letters failed to comply with the international Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, and you may be liable for up to $1000 plus attorneys fees.  :-P

  6. If I'm wrong, Polaris had plenty of opportunities to approach me or SirWilliam diplomatically to reassure us of their good intentions. That they failed to do so does not fill me with confidence in their protestations of innocence.


    I am only a member with literally no say in alliance affairs--I'm not that active other than doing my duty.  For myself, I wouldn't contact you because I simply wouldn't care to reassure you.

  7. I agree with hartfw and Qazzian.


    Pretty sure that when leadership of an alliance has a track record of willy-nilly switching AAs but still having membership, rights, and responsibilities to the old AA, the AA is a distinction without a difference.


    This is very similar to a legal concept in Lawyeria called Piercing the Corporate [or AA] Veil:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piercing_the_corporate_veil


    If it's good enough for Lawyeria law, it's good enough for international law.


    Do not think I'm ignorant enough to believe you are pointing out facts without motivation. You are complaining our war was not "fair" enough. That my alliance didn't organize a war enough to your liking. That is what you mean by the jab in your last sentence after all. I don't live in a fact free world, I agree. It was very lopsided. It was a bit of a farce, that I concede.


    Unlike you however, I have planned wars. Some that we won and one that we lost (though ironically you declined to fight in that one). The reason I planned wars was because I had a particular vision for the game and for my alliance (much like yourself) and so the tools at my disposal (through leadership) I imparted my will on the game. You however, for some reason, decline to do that. You only complain. You heckle from the cheap seats. Despite being in a position of power (which for various reasons I am not anymore, to my dismay) you exert no effort to impart your will onto others. And so I wonder if the quote in your signature applies to yourself? Maybe it needs an update. Maybe the frequency of a player's whining is inversely proportional to the contribution they make to planet bob.

    This guy (or girl) really likes parentheses (a lot, and even when commas would suffice).


    Glad to see this (war) over.

  9. Isn't it amazing how the new Polar govt has turned three former allies (CCC, NADC, SNX) into what could be considered, at minimum, less than favorable relations? I love Polaris but that's a failure of diplomacy if there ever was one.


    Do you ever get tired of making stuff up?  


    In regard to the soured SNX relations, you said:



    Actually the fault of this one is the Imperium's, though the membership was largely unaware of what had previously taken place.


    You went on to say:




    The last government in SNX was very corrupt and the membership has been learning all sorts of shenanigans that the prior government perpetrated. These actions included secret govt charter votes, improperly organized tech deals with Polar, the manner in which Imperium treaties with NADC and TSO were handled, and numerous other decisions which ruined the formerly strong relationship between Polar and SNX.


    Your mouth must be tired, with you speaking from both sides of it so often...

  10. Very timely topic.  I had some more ideas for you:


    1.  SNX and Polar part ways;

    2.  NAAC disbands;

    3.  Emperor Charles was removed from power in a coup...


    All joking aside, I don't see what the issue is.  If Polar can vote in 3 separate senators (to NATO's 1 and CCC's 1), and the combined forces of various alliances can't mount a political campaign for one of the 3 we took, I'm not sure what the problem is.


    Surely other alliances have enough membership to get one person elected to senate, no?


    More to come in later days. Add your own comments about these alliances.


    1. NPO. Powerful alliance, but never takes advantage. Have you ever heard of Pacifica Sphere? Could be gooder. Good luck getting through the 12 step application process.


    I can't tell if this was an attempt at trolling, or if you were being sarcastic, or if you are new to the game, or if you were making jokes, because some of the descriptions were okay, others you go from sarcastic humor to truth, and many are way off.  


    This one is just...wrong.  Powerful alliance?  Absolutely.  Never uses that power and doesn't have a sphere of influence?  Are you kidding me?  Years ago it was NPO, world police.  They were the dominant hegemonic power and they used it all the time.  Looks like they are getting back into shape again, too.

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