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Posts posted by Elendil

  1. ScroogeTOP was sitting at his roll-top desk in his fortified, bunker when a timid knock was heard at the big steel bomb-proof PEACE-MODE door.

    “Who is it, damn your eyes, don’t you know I’m busy?” said ScroogeTOP as he scribbled away at his accounts book.

    “It is me, good sir, your loyal servant TinyTimSPARTA”

    “Well, come in then, damn you, and make it quick.”

    A poor, ragged figure scarred by numerous radiation burns hobbled into the room on a pathetic wooden crutch.

    “Please, sir, it is almost Christmas. I wonder if I might have the day off from the wars to spend with my family, I mean the survivors of course.”

    “Listen Tiny, this is a business alliance, not a charity operation. I have expenses. Do you know how much PEACE-MODE costs every day?”

    “I’m terribly sorry sir. I apologize for being a bother.”

    TinyTimSPARTA hobbles out again and ScroogeTOP nods off at his desk. Suddenly he is awakened by a shadowy figure.

    “My god man! Are you the ghost of Christmas Past?”

    “Naw, don’t get your knickers in a twist. I’m just an IRON espionage agent here to f*k with your DEFCON.”

    ScroogeTOP trembles all over, “Oh the humanity!”

    “But I see you’re still in PEACE-MODE (cough) pussy (cough) so I’ll just take some of your money and be on my way.”

    ScroogeTOP looks up and sees an orange glow in the window. “Good spirit, is it dawn already?”

    The IRON spy glances at the window as he rifles through ScroogeTOP’s desk drawers. “Naw, it’s just TinyTim’s house getting nuked again. Nothing to see here.”

    But dawn does come at last and ScroogeTOP runs out of the bunker, a changed man. He heads straight to the crater where TinyTimSPARTA is sharing a meagre repast of tinned beans with his buddies from MI6 and that weird micro that nobody can remember the name of.

    “My dear TinyTim, I have something for you! Merry Christmas!” and he hands him a parcel.

    “What is it sir, nukes? money? soldiers? tech?” TinyTim’s eyes light up with anticipation as he fumbles with the wrapping paper. “A f*king goose? Are you kidding me, you lame bastard! A f*king goose?”


  2. When I first saw this declaration I figured you guys were just on drugs or something. (Which still can't be ruled out) But then I caught on to the phrase hidden in the bold letters.

    And now I know it is much worse, and that TOP must be severely punished.


    Not, mind you, for threatening IRON. The noble lion is not disturbed by the witless braying of jackals.


    No, you must be punished for bad Latin. The correct declension would be Ferrum Delendum Est.


    In the old days you would have been taken to the head-master's study, have your britches pulled down and your posterior switched with a bamboo staff. For some obscure reason, society tends to frown on that kind of thing these days, so we are going to nuke your cities, destroy your population and loot all your tech instead.


    You have been put on notice.

  3. How long before this religion spawns heretical breakaway sects?

    For instance, have you decided whether the child of Admin is one substance with Admin?

    I don't want to get all Byzantine on your asses, but you people need to work this stuff out before you go public.

  4. You might try replacing your Barracks and Police HQs with Stadiums and Banks ;) And your Population Density seems to be getting close to the high side.


    Thanks, those are useful suggestions but I can't change my improvements yet, I am at negative slots since being smashed up in the war. In a couple of weeks I may be able to do that.


    I'll try buying more land when I'm able also.

  5. Pathetic end. Shoutout to VE who have been outstanding warriors and very classy. You have earned my respect and dare I say the respect of the majority of IRONers. o/ VE

    I'll second that in every respect.


    We salute you VE for a courageous fight with honour.


    You can keep your horses, sir, and your swords.


    As for the whiny AA shifting cowards of Umbrella; you may be crowing now about your intact upper tier but next time around, how many allies do you think you'll have left to cower behind? Methinks people will remember being used as meat shields to protect your precious warchests.

  6. People who use "literally" as a simple intensifier are the ones who are impoverishing the language. If it is used to such an extent that the original meaning is swamped, we have lost a perfectly functionally word.


    To cite an example; the word "nice" used to mean "precise, exact" with the added connotation of being extremely fussy about small details. As in, "that is a nice distinction." Now the word is effectively dead, almost useless. It is just a soft way of saying "good." The language has lost the ability to say something precise through verbal sloppiness.


    "Nice" "decimate" "gay" are probably all lost causes, we can't use the words in their original meanings anymore without either being misunderstood or sounding like we're trying to be funny. I don't think "literally" is a lost cause just yet, and is worth fighting for.


    Just my two cents, I know I'm a bit of a curmudgeon.

  7. The word "literally" has been used in this "wrong way" (to emphasize your point) since the 17th century. I'd say it's already acceptable in terms of grammar.

    Just because some people were morons long ago doesn't mean we have to continue the tradition.


    Literally needs to be used correctly or we debase the language.


    And don't get me started on "decimate."

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