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Posts posted by burtenjay

  1. no I've been a registered member of this great community for over 5 years, as for an active one...thats a different story. frankly, i don't like you all :D



    edit* apparently this ones been active since 2012...don't remember remaking it 

  2. i'm insulted you'd think I would even consider going into peace mode. You have no idea how long I've been waiting to read that message of war declared. As soon as i have a free slot i will buy back up into your range, i noticed I've slipped a bit low, and no more navy so cheers!

  3. For the Record:


    My initial message wasn't a threat. Your reaction is on your own accord. It was simply a statement of intent to fight a war while a global conflict has been taking place. So yeah, slight irony.




    If you can take anything away from this, please understand that this is a prime example of the failures within CN. I intended for a gentlemen's war because of the nearly 6 years of history we share in common whether you realize it or not. Honestly there is very little in this for me, i cannot brag if i win, i do not intend to nor did i ever think it would stand as a point of pride. If you win, i will be entirely more impressed, you very well could i do not doubt. I'm sure you have taken your fair share of beating, as well as i know you have given them, but how often does Cybernation's war result in one on one combat.. no matter how un equal nations are, it is still mathematically the most fair. An that is where you, in your quest for an empire, fail to see the brighter side of this game. So yes, you are a far far far superior cyber political operator than myself. Your ability to make friends impresses me greatly, you ability to sacrifice your nation impresses me greatly, however you incompetance in respect to your leadership of whatever empire would make the greatest historians, philosophers, and all of the likes laugh at the mere assertion that you are in any way a great leader. That sir, is why i would like to fight your nation...er should i say the nation led by some chick role-played by a dude :D



    HAHAHAHA kudos on the sense of humor. RIP Bob.  would you mind burying my spies somewhere as well? a shallow grave will work just fine

  4. Honestly why is there any debate occurring in this topic? Mogar in a matter of weeks if you were in my position, poof, your are gone, Re-roll, do whatever you want, but thats as simple as it comes, Talk big while your on that side of the war, talk real big, because if things flip, Poof. goodnight. I didn't threaten you, like i said, i initiated conversation and your response of feeling threatened is completely natural being in your situation on the losing side of the fence. Oh you'll win the war, don't get me wrong, i'll surrender and all. But i will kick the living shit out of you while i have the chance. That my friend is a threat :D looking forward to that declaration and peace terms specifically for me. 







    2/14/2014 4:01:19 PM


    Ruler: BurtenJay 


    Ruler: Mogar 
    Gather Intelligence

    Success, But Caught 
    show.png Details
    You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of Mogatopia. In the attack your spy efforts were successful as your spies were able to gather the following information about the nation:

    Last Tax Collection: 2/9/2014 12:13:43 AM
    Last Bill Payment: 2/14/2014 5:41:34 AM
    Desired Religion: Mixed
    Desired Government: Transitional
    Threat Level: Severe 
    Tax Rate: 30%
    Number of Spies: 800
    Last Nuke Purchase: 2/13/2014 2:09:09 AM
    Last Wonder Purchase: 10/13/2013
    Total Money: $18,260,987
    Technology: 201.67 Levels
    Last Bill Payment: 2/14/2014 5:41:34 AM
    Trade Partners: Edjaal, Ogaden, The Turtle Lair, New XGA, Abaisan
    Secret Aid Sent To: None
    Military XP Ratings: Army XP: 200, Navy XP: 27, Air Force XP: 1171, Intelligence XP: 30
    Assigned Generals: Air Force XP Level 490, Army XP Level 164, Intelligence XP Level 87
    Total Aircraft: 68
    Aircraft Fighter Strength: 486
    Aircraft Bomber Strength: 0
    Navy Purchases Today: 0
    Navy Vessels:

    • Corvettes: 0
    • Landing Ships: 0
    • Battleships: 0
    • Cruisers: 0
    • Frigates: 0
    • Destroyers: 0
    • Submarines: 0
    • Aircraft Carriers: 0

    Although the mission was a success your spies were caught, 20 spies were killed, and your identity has been publicly revealed.

  5. why does most of the world have nukes, MAD, mutually assured destruction, i trust not a single one of you and i have yet to be in a war that doesnt involve them and i have yet to be the first person to go shooting them off. as for the complaint about infra tech ratio, the entire purpose of this is to match people evenly...hence your missing the main principle.

  6. Ruler Name: BurtenJay
    Nation Name:eXcessiveAgression
    Nation strength: 60,312
    Representing(alliance name): Nordreich
    Random opponent or issue challenge(if so please list name(s)): come one come all
    Pairing: 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3: whatever is first to come available

    I agree to pay all entrance fees shall i lose,
    Signed X [u]BurtenJay[/u]

    im willing to do this with reps or without them or ill go as high as 22.5 mill and 250 tech shall the pairings be fair.

  7. because you can't fight realistically? i apologize sir but it seems to me the two nukes that have been dropped in real warfare have since been regaurded with tremendous regret and sadness. Did it work? yes. Did it take any skill? to build and procure, sure, to use, absolutely not. To be honest they don't leave much to chance or strategy. i'm simply looking for those who wish to brighten there dull evenings with a not so green glow in a competitive friendly manner.

  8. We'll make this simple, anyone who wants to run ground attacks only warfare, no cm's, no cruise missiles, no aircraft, no nuclear weapons or navy to i guess. So just basic nightly tech raid opportunies and casulty adders let me know cus nobody wants to do anything else competetive in this world :)

  9. Application
    Ruler Name: BurtenJay
    Nation Name: eXcessiveAgression
    Nation strength: 60,312
    Representing(alliance name): Nordreich
    Pairing: 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3

    Random opponent or issue challenge(if so please list name(s)): either or

    I agree to pay all entrance fees shall i lose,
    Signed X [u]BurtenJay[/u]

  10. Greetings Planet Bob,

    For far to long, i have watched, and you have all for the most part tried to stamp your mushroom tatoos' upon this world. Realizing the current system of war does little to help or improve the situation by discouraging new members, the world is shrinking. I bring to you a proposal for a gentlemens game of skill and tactical chance other wise known as war, in an orderly fashion. The aim is to create new alliance bonds thru the spirit of competition. More importantly, it is to see who is the best when it doesnt revert to a curb stomping as it tends to.

    [b]The rules are as follows:[/b]
    1) There are rules and these rules are subject to change but for now
    2) Nuclear weapons are not allowed during the combat period
    3) Combatants can request a 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3 skirmish, hell if you wanna do a 1v2 or 1v3 im sure we can work something out to
    4) The warfare lasts a full 7 days, unless a player surrender occurs (surrender = automatic loss)

    [b]Entrance Fees:[/b]
    6 million and 100 tech


    9 million and 100 tech

    this will be paid as a prize by the loser to the statistical winner(s) after the war.
    And im all for raising the stakes shall anyone see a need for more value.

    [b]Pairings[/b] will be made with as equally matched opponents as possible from the list of applicants. Or feel free to challenge a friend or a foe from anyone who applies. Once pairings are made each opponent has a final chance to back out if they feel they have been unfairly paired.

    Ruler Name:
    Nation Name:
    Nation strength:
    Representing(alliance name):
    Random opponent or issue challenge(if so please list name(s)):
    Pairing: 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3

    I agree to pay all entrance fees shall i lose,
    Signed X____________________

    May evolve with more complexity but for now the formula is

    Total infrastructure lost + Total Tech Lost = X

    whichever opponent's or teams X value is lower when the wars expire will be awarded the prize. allowing them entrance into the ultimant warriors tournament.

    Im open to suggestions or ways to incorporate NS and soldier casulties into the scoring but anyone interested in these small skirmishes and to have some fun please apply below, remember you can always back out prior to the arranged date. so lets get a list going

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