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Posts posted by Xander420

  1. I was going to leave Ucon (And have) weather i joined UA or not. I read about your alliance on here and thought it would be a great alliance to join and help it grow. I think it has a great future and i want to be a part of that future. I did not and have never joined two alliances at once. I resigned from Ucon yesterday,i posted my resignation proper and then applied to join UA not the other way around. I am willing to explain my reasons to anyone who would like to know. If your allies have any questions please have them message me on the CN site. I will also be on IRC later today and they can talk to me there aswell.


    Sorry for any confussion to you or your allies

  2. I have played CN with 2 diffrent nations since 2009,I have held multiable government positions in alliances i have been a part of and enjoyed every minute of it. But i am looking for a new alliance to be a part of. Any nation can send me a message about joining and i would be happy to join one of any size but my prefrence is smaller more tight knit alliances who are active on IRC.

    So just send me a message in-game and thanks for reading.

    Ruler name: Xander420
    Nation name: UnitedAmerica

    Message me here

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