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Posts posted by Sands

  1. This thread is for anything related to my Sands IC thread. If you have OOC questions please post them here. For anyone familiar with my old thread I will be continuing something similar, but it will not be quite the same.


    Also I have not written anything extensive in quite a while so it will begin slowly as I crystallize where I want the thread to go.



    Preemptive FAQ


    Yes, that thread is for any of the three (or additional future) CNRP maps I posted to. Any IC post from any active CNRPer from any map will be role played out in that thread.


    No, I will not join your coalition to wage war, trade goods and services, or sign a treaty.


    No, I do not care if you threaten to, and follow through with, the threat of dropping a nuclear strike on my nation. I still won't sign your treaty, trade agreement, military aid. Effects will be role played out, and you can go back to whatever you were doing beforehand.




    Thread metrics


    This space will be used later.

  2. SandStorm.JPG


    Sand. Sand Scours. Sand clogs. Sand rubs, and scratches, and wears. Sand is already beaten down. Pulverized, smashed, and eroded off ancient rocks.



    Outside the sand bit into the frames and fabric of the huts and tents. Hissing and slithering along with the dull rumble of wind that blew it across the settlement. Other than camels few things moved besides the blowing sand. A stray donkey trying to find a lee to shelter in, a donkey owner trying to find where his donkey had run off to, and a piece of roof blowing past. Other not so mundane things also were caught in the sandstorm. A piece of paper with a Normandy diplomatic stamp on it fluttered on the breeze surrounded by a scatter of non-native flowers, a newspaper with an article about a ship and a strange death scuttling and tumbling along the surface, and a glove stuck on a broken beach umbrella rolling across the ground, caught in the storm before being lost in the consuming haze to be buried. 


    The sand simply continued to hiss and slither on by. 

  3. I offered no defense? I believe I addressed your claim that I was talking about a noob and that he wasn't actually a true noob. 


    I checked your posts to see what you thought good posting was, since you must be a good poster in your eyes. Apparently a good poster to you is someone that tells others to not post, but with a please.



    So please stop posting SirDog. (Am I doing good now?)




    ninja edit: btw, this is how I know you didn't bother to actually read my opening post.


    Also to anyone that says "well you were a derp moron for   :smug: posting this so now you're gonna get raided all the time!".


    So other that restating things I've willingly stated I'm already doing. You've only told someone to stop adding content to the forum.

  4. With all due respect, your post is merely diatribe over a tech raid which you appear to encourage. The fact that your conversation between your opponent and you results in some incredible piece of bull which tickles your fancy really makes no difference. You refer to the age of your nation, the other guy's nation is 20 days old. Therefore is it really that outlandish for a noob to make stupid remarks and act stupidly? No, it is not, and notably most noobs cannot fight. But you, a self declared experienced nation who likes to be raided, open the OP re: your alleged military prowess against a bloody noob, and then boast about his inept responses....go away.



    Actually he has proven to have some skill with defense, and the fact he grew in a single day show's he's not a complete noob. No noob gathers money then grows in a single day. Meaning he's not a 20 day noob like other raiders. He's someone that's played before that went after what he thought was an inactive. Its just his plan wasn't as complex as he thought it was.


    But if all you want to see on your forum is, well, nothing. I don't know what to say. I didn't realize that I had to only post the most interesting things in the world for busy trendsetters like you. What exactly would you like to see SirDog? What passes your "Good poasting plox" radar? Looking at your past 5 posts, they have all been elitist snide remarks about how bad other people's posting habits are with the one exception being someone telling you where you can make loads of mars money. 


    Excuse me while I smug post about your smug posting.

  5. You have dedicated a bit of time to your blog and I am guessing that being raided is a big deal for you when really it is an everyday occurrence on Bob. Hence the apathy towards your post which I somewhat agree with. For if every CNer was to blog that they got raided these boards would be in meltdown.

    But to move on...for a nation your size this should mean nothing. Get some war experience out of it and after a few tech deals you will rebuild in no time. At least you have allies protecting you, there are many unaligned nations who have no support and become mere pickings for the vultures on Planet Bob.



    I think you missed reading his mistake reply. He sent me a replay that he was sending to one of my allies that he thought I was inactive and he didn't read my bio. I've been trolling him with that info, which he hasn't realized, all day. Though if you want to make the same error into not realizing why a 507 day old nation hasn't bothered to grow past 5000 NS please continue. I just happen to do it because I find it interesting to see what justification raiders give for attacking someone small.


    I get into raider wars all the time. I've got war experience. I posted the entire PM convo of this one because he doesn't realize he goofed and tipped his hand about why he raided, he claims to be the founder of ROMA, and he said he's been playing cybernations since 2004.


    If that's not worth posting for people to read, what is?

  6. Wow you guys are harsh. I found this funny.


    If that slots open tomorrow I'll give you a hand. Until then, good luck.


    I'm pretty solid on the warchest. I haven't actually called for help. I've notified ROMA I was under attack and who claimed to be attacking me. Terran actually wardecced him before I even logged in today. If he is as low on funds as I figured he was I will probably resume my tech deals.

  7. please stop posting.


    I normally don't post, but thanks for caring. I'll try not to generate content for people to read some more in the future. Please generate it all on your own.








    In response to the bolded:


    LOL  :facepalm:




    I needed a better sentence there. He claimed I called in allies. I didn't actually call in Terran. They just noticed before I got in today.

  8. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=525877  Is at war with me. He has done 4 ground attacks and 4 fails air attacks against me. I retaliated for almost equal damage on my first try, while anarchied.


    Curious as to why such an inept and new nation would attack someone with camps and a war history written in the thousands of dead soldiers I sent him a PM.



    This isn't much of news, because it looks like a regular rogue raider. But wait, there's a dastardly anti-ROMA plot to this raider. Behold as I lay bare this web of intrigue and derping.


    Also to anyone that says "well you were a derp moron for  :smug: posting this so now you're gonna get raided all the time!".   I get raided all the time anyway. I don't post on the forums often, or at all recently, and I still got raided by this guy.







    for the TL;DR


    I get hit by raider, I PM him back. He mistakenly sends me a PM he meant to send to terran to me admitting he thought I was inactive and easy. I spend the next couple of hours telling him I'm going to fight him until his nation burns.


    He responds by first telling me he's some big founder of the alliance Im in (Alliance politics can DIAF. Way to many wars I didn't want to be in because of that stuff). Then he tells me he totally wanted a good fight but I called in allies, which is kinda listed in my bio. Then he tries to act like we could of been friends.


    Then he says he's been playing since 2004.



    TL;DR of the TL;DR


    Me: derp derp derp troll troll troll troll troll


    Him: Durrr Hurrr hhuurrrrrrrrrrr

  9. Considering he attacked me when I had no tech, and I've made 15 tech off him, I have no reason to be mad. He's making me money for the war he started. So really his raid is going bad and he is ripping of tech sellers to fight the pointless war he started. My battle reports just prove he has no money after all of them.

    As for helping weaker nations grow. Look at his alliance. They are all about the same size.

    Finally, Do not post using a gibberish translator. It does not reflect well on you.

  10. Relevant to his tech requests


    He's turning tech money into war. His aid screen shows no repayments as of yet.

    He also has almost no liquid money. This was my attack results today after he got 3 million yesterday. I believe he bought damaged infra and lots and lots of spies. I can SS proof of these raid totals.

    [color=#505050][font=Verdana, arial, san-serif][size=2]Their forces looted $3,481.28 from you and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment.[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#505050][font=Verdana, arial, san-serif][size=2]Their forces looted $4,386.42 from you and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment.[/size][/font][/color]

  11. [quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1355441769' post='3063531']
    I'm 99.99% sure TBM no longer has any say in who gets Seattle, Washington and I'm about 98% sure he had no say in it when he offered it.
    [quote name='Vidarr the Terrible' timestamp='1355447476' post='3063566']

    And Sands, TBM was just being difficult. I own Seattle, and it's a major city of mine, so I'm not keen on giving it up. If you PM Voodoo, Triyun, iKrolm, TheShammySocialist, or ask in the AUP thread, you could most definitely find some land.[b] [/b]I sincerely apologize for not noticing your question and the response TBM gave sooner.

    Then I will restate the previous request.

    As all possible land seems to be under the administration of someone I put an open request for 25x25 miles in a square/diamond shape.

    If 25x25 is not possible then 20x20, 15x15, 10x10, or 5x5 would work as well.

  12. [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=512789"]http://www.cybernati...ation_ID=512789[/url]

    I Believe he's been scamming tech deals to fuel the oddest wars I've ever seen. They don't seem to be for any purpose. Not even for griefing. He hit me when I had zero tech so it wasn't a raid, and he hasn't demanded anything or said anything. My last attack revealed that he has no funds left because he spent it all trying to catch up to my inflation when I used part of my war chest. Either he is sitting on all the tech he's supposed to start paying out, or he doesn't intend to repay the 4 nations that aided him.

    His older aid within his alliance is strange as well. Like all of them were working to build up just his nation.

    Edit: more info.

    He's turning tech money into war. His aid screen shows no repayments as of yet.

    He also has almost no liquid money. This was my attack results today after he got 3 million yesterday. I believe he bought damaged infra and lots and lots of spies. I can SS proof of these raid totals.

    [color=#505050][font=Verdana, arial, san-serif][size=2]Their forces looted $3,481.28 from you and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment.[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#505050][font=Verdana, arial, san-serif][size=2]Their forces looted $4,386.42 from you and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment.[/size][/font][/color]

  13. [quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1353821084' post='3056921']
    You can have Seattle Washington. It's yours bro.

    If this is still valid I will be taking it. Though expect updates with it to be about as expedient as this reply was from my first request.

  14. I request a 25 mile by 25 mile square/diamond of land. Anywhere.

    Since all of the white land appears to be a protectorate I will leave it up to the first person to gift me the land.

    I do not care where it is located. Who offers. Or what might happen to it. First person to offer it, I'm taking it.

  15. [quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1351863657' post='3047617']
    Man, nice to see you back. I kept your little.. err.. province or whatnot in a special tribal protectorate zone for as long as I could and once you never reappeared I turned it over to the AUP.

    That's fine. It turned into little more than solo RP anyway. Not what I wanted. I'm currently thinking of how I can rejoin the community while doing something a lot more interactive with everyone. Only instead of seeing if anyone will approach me, I'll just go to them.

    [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1351974261' post='3048105']
    I don't think thats what the movie is called :P

    Well Doctor Matthewllove, I suggest you don't worry and learn to love reference bombs.

  16. Hello, Hi, Howdy, etc.

    It is that time of year when I get stuck indoors and look toward things to pass the time. CNRP might be one of those, but I notice it is quite a bit, thinner, since last year. Not that this is a problem, but I will not be doing what I did last time. A nice narrative that no one wanted to join in on is not much fun when you wanted to RP and not write a novel. With a smaller group I'm wondering if there is more or less interaction now.

  17. [quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1328571905' post='2915667']
    Another reason why I say get rid of the map.

    [quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1328572455' post='2915679']
    Get rid of the map?

    [quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1328573031' post='2915686']
    Sure...I don't care about the map. Interact with who you want to interact with or don't interact at all.

    [quote name='Generalissimo' timestamp='1328577007' post='2915745']
    I’ve always been against the map – from Botha’s scramble for Africa to that conference that followed.
    Eventually my position became so fringe within the community it wasn’t worth discussing anymore.
    I’m just glad someone, anyone, finally agrees me.

    I would say get rid of the real earth map, but keep some kind of map.

    I've been told two things that have rather soured me wanting to continue my story. The first is that people love it, but don't really want to get involved for one reason or another. The big two reasons are they think my position in Africa is worthless, and the other that they can't get involved in the RP at this time.

    The one person had joined in, hasn't really talked to me at all, and stopped posting before I did.

    While a different, non-earthly, map might not help the problem of people having as little drive to rp with me as I do to even continue my own story line, it would remove that "You're in bumsville no where" excuse that I've heard several times.

    I don't want a large nation, or a certain country in a certain spot, though I do have a destination if I continue with my RP. If someone found reason to invade me it would be annoying certainly, but I would be forced to throw out my current plans and change them. Meaning I'd be doing something with others rather than typing at a wall, which is really how it feels.

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