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Posts posted by GNC1700

  1. [quote name='Jyrinx' timestamp='1323666153' post='2874771']
    Sorry to see you go, but if you really don't care and don't mind, please buy up to 50 tech and then send 50 tech to me here: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=291824

    Thanks :)

    /shameless acquisition of tech
    I alredy have a tech deal and don't have the money to buy more tech, so you can just raid me or something

  2. I'm tired of this game and don't feel like playing anymore. Rite now I have about $1,134,147.99.49 in dollars and 21.34 Tech if I'm in your range and you want to raid me go rite ahead I could care less.

    Thank you,

  3. [quote name='Guardian Mason' timestamp='1322704212' post='2857432']
    I have uranium and lumber. I am looking for sugar but not gold. I am team black. Is there any chance that you would be willing to change your gold to either fish, aluminum, or pigs? If so, message me in game, or send me a trade offer and I will accept. (Nation name: Humanist Union)
    Oh sorry I already have lumber...

  4. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1322687107' post='2857237']
    Because what you define as a crappy alliance others might not and vice versa. Who dictates which is a crappy alliance and which is not? I personally think your alliance is !@#$. Does that mean you get NO access to new members?

    What one person picks as an answer one day may change that answer on another day.

    Alliances are a varied mix of people that don't always sing of the same hymn sheet, This is what makes them enjoyable rather than yes i agree with everyone else alliances.

    A survey wouldn't fix a single thing, the only thing it would do is aggravate new people joining by them having to fill out some stupid survey.

    This game is in decline, there is nothing these threads will throw up that will cure the problem, it will continue to decline regardless of whats done to save it. It's just the way it is and it's just the way it will be. Declining until its left with a few thousand people or until it becomes too much of a hassle or cost for the admin to run.
    I don't think you read what I said right, whether an alliance is good or not is your personal opinion that's why there should be a survey. For example, some people focus on economy while some people focus on war. There are alliances that focus on economy and there are some that focus on war. People are going to keep changing their AAs until they find the right one, this is an even more aggravating. That's why this game is starting to suck.

  5. Even though smaller nations need alliances for protection, brotherhood, and aid as you progress in the game you find that you don't need one cuz they often hold bigger nations back with all their rules and politics. So once you hit say 25,000 NS you should go rogue or start your own alliance.

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