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Posts posted by TerryTheCollosus

  1. [quote name='Pikachurin' timestamp='1327805177' post='2909100']
    Not really. For a lot of tech buyers, $3 million is just spare change, so your discount wouldn't really be beneficial to them.

    talk about a wow. 3 million as spare change. *whistle* this is for those other tech buyers looking for cheaper, less costly deals, who don't have some 7 million in taxes every day.

  2. [quote name='Universal Darkness' timestamp='1327787812' post='2908951']
    But it's a waste of an aid slot.

    You're making very little money, and your buyer is making very little tech.

    No buyer would want to waste 20days of 1 aid slot to earn 15 tech.
    Most probably make $500k in taxes daily or weekly.

    yeah, around maybe 15% of cyber nations. besides, you get half the tech of normal deals at less then a third of the cost.

  3. [quote name='New Carnoly' timestamp='1327781998' post='2908888']
    that is a waste of an aid slot, 15 tech smh :/

    [quote name='Universal Darkness' timestamp='1327785964' post='2908925']
    I agree 100% with New Carnoly.
    If I were a tech buyer, I'd never waste my aid slots on a deal like this.

    Try doing a 3/50 deal like this.. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=108586
    It got me into a maximum possible number of deals, and only in two days!

    Good Luck to you anyways!

    really? half the 30 part and more than 60% discount from 3,000,000? I'd say it's an excellent deal.

  4. My name is TerryTheCollosus, known in-game as Terra de Firma.

    This is a one time offer, so listen closely.

    I am offering you, yes you 15 tech for just 1,000,000 dollars! That's right, I'll give you 15 tech if you give me 1,000,000 dollars!
    But wait, there's more! Buy now and you only give me 500,000 dollars and you STILL get 15 dollars!
    Here's how it works: You reply saying you want my half-price 15 tech, then go to your CYBER NATIONS page and sent TerFerwes, my nation, 500,000 dollars! After the ten-day initial foreign aid limit expires, YOU will have 15 tech in your hands! It takes only eleven days. And, it's 15 tech in exchange for a 50% discounted 500,000 dollars!
    Reply TODAY! And send me 500,000 bucks! After ten days, on the eleventh day, You'll get 15 tech! REPLY TODAY!!!

    Hope you enjoyed my little commercial-style deal. But it's true: Just reply, find the TerFewes nation page, send 500,000, after ten days, I'll send you 15 tech. Like deal?

  5. [quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1327705998' post='2908489']
    And the wiki are the many articles you are looking for. Else, learn about it just as you go.

    see, the problem with the wiki is it covers the mechanics of the game - and wars, a few nations, as well as alliances.there's not the in-between part- the diplomacy. and great war i is, straight from it's page, insanely outdated in parts.

  6. [quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1327703272' post='2908450']
    And even if someone tried to document everything, it would get tangled in red tape because at least one CNRPer would cry foul and accuse the document of being biased.

    ok, excuse me...

    [quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1327703469' post='2908454']
    Indeeed, Bias, or the perception of it, would create a big problem in trying to document an complete history. As it does in real life to a degree.

    excuse me, mr.

    [quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1327703548' post='2908455']
    I could write an article just alone on the drama between weeaboos. And that's not even one year I experienced. And the weeaboos are just some perpheric corner of Bob that noone really cares about, apart from when they get rolled.


    ok, ok, maybe not one article but many.

  7. [quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1327687117' post='2908320']
    Well guess what, we don't get everything we want. This is the best out there.

    ....cough useless cough....

    [quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1327687229' post='2908321']
    You are looking for histories of all alliances in one article? You know that this was mostly a paralel development of many alliances. This is like looking into an article covering the whole history of earth. And such things normally are published as books, due to the sheer amount of information.

    In short: Most likely not existent, as your request asks for too much information.

    no, look at the wiki History of Cyber Nations, then take it to the entire one to 2011, and wa-lah, you have what I need.

  8. [quote name='TerryTheCollosus' timestamp='1327517277' post='2906674']
    the online game, not tournament edition or rp, the online alliance/war/nuke stuff.

    Nah, not all of them, just the major events like in the wiki version, but up to 2011


    i'll try that...??

    uhh, that's kind of difficult to search through.

  9. [quote name='Generalissimo' timestamp='1327459072' post='2906376']
    For CNRP roleplaying or the CyberNations Game?
    These are separate continuities.

    the online game, not tournament edition or rp, the online alliance/war/nuke stuff.

    [quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1327460793' post='2906384']
    It would be hundreds of pages long if you include all of the nations that have ever existed in CNRP. Sorry partner, but this written history does not exist.

    Nah, not all of them, just the major events like in the wiki version, but up to 2011

    [quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1327462415' post='2906390']
    I think he's talking about the actual game, not CNRP.

    In that case, this really isn't the place you should be looking. The Open World Forum would yield better results.


    [quote name='Jeb the Wise' timestamp='1327480886' post='2906530']
    The forums [i]are[/i] the history of CN. I think you're looking for this:


    i'll try that...??

  10. [quote name='TerryTheCollosus' timestamp='1327514953' post='2906651']
    Once, we were the Doofed League of Stupidity. But now, we are the Allied Powers. We are teh greatest of teh great, though extremely small.

    So, I herd U liek Allys? You want to join, no? You do? Great! We have rules, though...

    1) Follow orders from ME, Terra de Firma of TerFerwes, orders. All of them.
    2) You can tech raid, though you will get no assistance.
    3) Must be in war mode.
    4) We are collectively known as the Allies, in-game the Allied Powers.

    To join, PM Me, and I shall PM you back with instructions and your first orders... Note that dragging the Allied Powers into an alliance war will result, depending on circumstances, in... ah... shall I say, deletion of the alliance.

    Oh yeah, I'm a very kind dictator.

  11. Once, we were the Doofed League of Stupidity. But now, we are the Allied Powers. We are teh greatest of teh great, though extremely small.

    So, I herd U liek Allys? You want to join, no? You do? Great! We have rules, though...

    1) Follow orders from ME, Terra de Firma of TerFerwes, orders. All of them.
    2) You can tech raid, though you will get no assistance.
    3) Must be in war mode.
    4) We are collectively known as the Allies, in-game the Allied Powers.

    To join, PM Me, and I shall PM you back with instructions and your first orders... Note that dragging the Allied Powers into an alliance war will result, depending on circumstances, in... ah... shall I say, deletion of the alliance.

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