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Posts posted by Zhaan

  1. I would like to echo what many have stated already. People stand by their friends, and they should, unless their friends are doing something stupid, in which case they need to be friend enough to call a spade a spade. Honoring treaties is noble, but following your heart is just. It's never easy to do the right thing. That's where true leadership comes into play, imo. You don't believe in this war, but you'll fight it because you're friends are. It's harder sometimes to stand up to friends than enemies. Doing what's right doesn't always earn you popularity votes. You may be accused of whatever for backing out of a treaty, and maybe you should consider how your treaties are worded in the future, but I don't see how you can go to war in the name of "honoring treaties" and "supporting allies" when you don't support the justification.

  2. Someone intent on leaving a community and hoping everyone burns doesn't continually return to read the responses and spar with that community. You're addicted to CN, whether you want to be or not. You won't leave, although it would be best for you if you did take a couple of months off because right now, this is what you've become:

    [quote]You are an emotionally unstable pathological liar with identity issues who's addicted to the public attention of wallowing in the cycle of betrayal, confession, and guilt.

    Now pack in your attention whoring drama-lama crap-fest and get the $%&@ out.[/quote]

  3. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1338915449' post='2977591']
    When this was getting posted I could almost foresee the names of the half wits that would come in and post their undying love for us. You do not disappoint. :awesome::wub:

    Hiro! How ya been? What happened to OCP? I haven't been around CN much lately.

  4. I've never been more disappointed. You had a good thing going. I was one of the people who left my alliance to help build this one and applied only yesterday. Nice forums, professional feel, and a lot of people joining in a short time. Then you ruin it for all of us? WTH? An alliance, a home, is about the community you create...not the theme you give it. It's not about what others can do to keep you happy. It's about playing a role in your community, and as a leader, being committed to it. I've made the same mistake in the past myself, but damn...a week? Look, the game will be slow and boring at times. The new will always wear off whether you've just joined an alliance or created your own. But you stick with it. You make friends. You make a home. You don't keep going all over the place looking for others to provide you with something that you can only provide for yourself. This time, you affected more than yourself. I don't even know you, and now I get what people have against you.

  5. Disappointing, Rotavele, that you post this dramatic thread about finding your own and creating this alliance despite whatever...

    It had a professional layout and feel to it and I was actually sold on it. You had amazing growth in a short time as well. I applied yesterday to find out you've merged it already? Pfft. Now I get it.

  6. [quote name='ControlVolume' timestamp='1334983139' post='2956418']
    e: OOC

    The game is dying because the game sucks by today's standards. It's sucked for quite some time now. While zynga might be rightfully decried for being nothing but a moneygrab, it brought to light the large playerbase willing to play browser games, and browser games have in turn advanced in complexity and enjoyment whereas this game has stagnated. The game has not brought anything interesting to the table in quite some time. admin's solution to high-level nations not having enough to do was to add wonders, where they can add a single click once a month. Wooooo! Even wars themselves are mechanically tedious at the upper levels, a simple waiting game while one side waits for the other side to run out of money over the course of a month. There is no skill, there is no strategy, and unless you're a leader or somehow politically involved, there is nothing to do except wait for a war to pop up to make things less dull. It's Progress Quest that can sometimes go in the opposite direction instead.

    oh also mandatory OOC tags are also pretty dumb and most people think roleplaying a ~glorious leader~ is weird so that probably hurts OWF discussion


    This is the truest answer to the decline. Even new games that want to maintain player base and attract new players are constantly updating and improving their games. It's a competitive market. For many of us, this place is our niche, but we can't do anything to avoid its inevitable demise. Only admin can do that.

  7. Seems to me it would've been better to host an open debate on this subject, analyze the facts and opinions offered by the community, and derive the list from there....as a joint effort. Still, it's a fun topic and I enjoyed seeing GUN's honorable mention, although I don't feel that we ever did anything that shaped the politics of Bob or had any significant impact outside of our own walls.

  8. You guys did pretty well. As I said, these were taken from the avatars the players listed below still hold on the old forums:


    Vaylen (he was a leader of BoSS and afterwards, a member of NPO)

    New Reverie




    Electron Sponge


    [i][b]Can you guess this one?[/b][/i]


    [i][b]and this one?[/b][/i]


  9. I was browsing through the historical CN forums and this idea came to me. Below are a handful of avatars from members of the early days. Some are still with us, using the same name and same or similar avatars. Others are not. Some are easy. Others, I don't know? Can you guess who they are?









  10. [quote name='LordGecko' timestamp='1331136044' post='2935049']
    Thanks to all the alliances who respond to this thread. Some send me PM and others made a post. This had been very helpful.

    I finally decide to enter The Apparatus. Mr. Randalla answer this questions and others I send him to his inbox.

    That's Ms. Randalla. :P

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