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Posts posted by 420jthm

  1. IMHO props for taking the high ground and not taking your allies down with you. in my personal opinion i wouldn't have minded an escalation but it would have just been a curb stomp on a larger scale and this whole war could have easily been avoided in the first place. to see a global conflict take place over one nations govt official not researching a tech raid is preposterous.

  2. [quote name='MCRABT' timestamp='1314351089' post='2788690']
    There was time when FEAR government advised us not to provide one your dead end alliances protection and it was foolish of us not to follow that advice. It saddens me that they have allowed you a place in government. As you can probably see from our members reaction in this thread FEAR is fairly well liked in IRON. I might add that the Deputy Secretary of State you are in daily contact with has been in the job for a little over a week, in the year prior the relationship between IRON and FEAR has been that of cordiality in the passing. We don't need a ToA to maintain that type of relationship just a degree of decorum which I am sure I can maintain with your alliance despite your individual obnoxiousness.

    ^------ what he said. whats with the animosity? everyone seems to understand why this has happened except you.

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