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Posts posted by ahovking

  1. Massive amounts of stimulus from the governments [u]department of economical development[/u] under The Department of Finance and Deregulation development has focus on vast Infrastructure development in low development Infrastructure areas.


    [center]With War on the Horizon The Oceania Union has locked down its treasury and is now planing for War

    The images below is an image of Millitry commanders planing for the event of War.

    The images below is an image of the millitry on drills.



    [center]With War on the Horizon The Oceania Union has began testing with missiles



    The Oceania Union is now manufacturing microchips on an massive scale

    The Oceania Union is also producing Beer on a large scale or over sea's markets

    And in the resent months hundreds of small construction companies have been popping up everywhere.

    As a result of this new boom hundreds of roads are beeing created and now offering services overseas


    [size="5"]Update of Missile testing[/size]

    The Oceania Union has anounced its first new missile that will be deplayed as soon as the Union enters a war, the name of this new missile is called the SN2 ballistic missile

    Of 2570 test only 70 was a failure. altho now it is belived that all the bugs are sorted out.

    [center]The Oceania Union has began testing the final design of the Main Battle Tank called the A-10

    New Design for the replacement of the A-10 is already being designed to ensure that when the new tank design is passed it will be the best tank in the world.


    The Oceania Union has just tested and has now began the construction of the 25 Mitchell bomber

    [size="5"][center]UN-11 Spyplane [/center][/size]


    [center]Very little is known about this spyplane but its name the UN-11[/center]

  2. The Institution of Education of Oceania and the department of Education has announced the following:

    [quote][color=#ee4a2d]"College" is used in the name of all state high schools, We will be adopting the old Australia Education system from 2011[/color][/quote]

    The Oceania Union has completed its last national school called the Australian National Christian College (A.N.C.C)


    On the 1 first of October the Institution of Education of Oceania and the department of Education had announced the first national University of the Oceania Union, The new national University Will be called "The National University Of Oceania" or the "N.U.O"
    As you can see this is a birds eye view of the new University

    With Trades With Nations like wjmgamer, Brian D Darlin, Zigil Mayers IV (FH), seawolf (FH), Soter The Oceania Union is now going though a Economic boom. Before the Economic boom the Avg. Gross Income Per Individual Per Day was about: $54 and now has reach to $127.96 and trade is now at an all time high.



    [center][size="5"]News Flash [/size][/center]

    A haggard group of new recruits in United Union Of Oceania's army have spoken out against the brutal conditions experienced in their military training. In Response "THEY WANT WHAT?!" screams Sgt. Burkz, while pressing back a rising vein on her neck. "This is WAR, not DAYCARE! If anything, the training standards should be tougher! If I want to whip some pasty-faced, beer-gutted greenhorn because he can't climb over a razor-wire fence then I should be be given the permission to do so right away! The cry-babies won't like it, but they can run home back to their rich daddies if that's the way they're having it. War isn't a walk in the park, and training shouldn't be either. For all our sakes."

    But the Minster of Department of Military Affair and the Minster of military research department has stated that the government will adopt an new Military policy "What if we started taking children and raising them from birth to fight? We'd be able to make them completely immune to propaganda, psychological warfare, and demoralisation. Not only would that stop the crying new recruits, it'd also give us a powerful military edge. People may not like giving up their kids, but that's why we run the country. We know better."

    After the vast fortunes of a recently deceased oil tycoon in United Union Of Oceania were left to a small cactus plant, citizens nationwide have been asking the same question: should the inheritance tax laws be changed? In Response "This is a disgusting breach of my human rights," says Samuel Nagasawa, heir to an international widget empire. "Just think of all the poor families who have spent their lives scrimping and saving with the dream of passing on a modest luxury yacht to ensure the security of their children's children. All that sacrifice, all that toil, all those long nights working their fingers to the bone setting up offshore accounts - it brings a tear to my eye. Inheritance tax has got to go!"

    The United Union Of Oceania police force have come to you for permission to use phone taps to trace suspected criminals. In Response "This is a great idea," says police officer Hope Chicago. "We can never have too much evidence in a case, and this will be of enormous help to us at reducing crime and seeing that those who deserve punishment get justice! If we could just get those silly privacy laws repealed and some funding we could find out stuff the government wants to know too."

    Due to the ongoing wars in neighboring countries, a recent rash of illegal immigrants have been caught at the borders of United Union Of Oceania, prompting many citizens to call for tighter immigration laws. In Response Aaron Dodinas of the United Union Of Oceania Civil Liberties Union says "We must welcome these refugees from any nation into our open arms, they are fleeing one oppressive dictatorial regime in the only way they know, we must not let them think they're jumping from the frying pan into the fire!"

  3. [center]Massive amounts of government income are being spend on local icons to rise hopes and spirits for the future and help grow national pride in each region for the The Oceania Union

    The Oceania Union has spent hundreds of dollars on an new national culture and art complex
    The Oceania Union has ran close of going into debt and has slowed down all spending to avid going into debt.

    The increasingly militant Animal Liberation Front struck again last night, freeing dozens of chickens bound for delicious snack packs. in response Economist Gregory Hendrikson has an alternative. "You don't need to take away the people's right to choose. You just need to build the costs of animal suffering into the price. A tax on meat-eating, in proportion to the amount of cruelty involved, would do the trick. Plus think of the benefit for the national coffers! Of course, poor people wouldn't be able to afford meat, but that's just more incentive for them to get jobs."

    A monstrous debate between pro-life and pro-choice groups has erupted after a high-profile case of a pregnant woman aborting her foetus because she 'didn't feel like it' hit the tabloids. in response "I most vehemently disagree," says Miranda Love, a pro-life activist. "I'm all for women's rights in general, but what about the child? Does it have no rights either? Abortion is totally immoral and I insist that it be outlawed except in cases of rape, or when the mother's life is in danger."

    A newspaper article revealed that patients are waiting months for the most urgent operations. Hospitals have blamed it on a lack of qualified doctors and nurses. in response
    "The problem is that there just aren't enough incentives to enter the medical profession," says Doctor Calvin Wong. "We need to advertise government grants for medical students, give more funding to educational centres of medicine. If you don't act quickly then United Union Of Oceania will have a full-blown healthcare crisis!"

    After a recent article in 'Salutations!' magazine highlighted a growing trend in arranged marriages throughout United Union Of Oceania, several civil rights protesters have camped outside your parliament demanding changes to the law. in response This can't go on!" exclaims Zeke Spirit, a long time campaigner for the rights of single young women. "Right now there's nothing to stop my parents marrying me off to anyone they please! Surely it ought to be the sole decision of the individual as to who they spend the rest of their life with? You can't just force two people together and expect it to work! Arranged marriages must be banned!"

    Citizens all over United Union Of Oceania have been petitioning for firmer action on public graffiti. And In Responce "It's a disgrace!" declares Beth Jones, middle class and proud of it. "I can't even go downtown without seeing these hideous eyesores debasing the streets! We need to arrest the scumbags at the root of this, lock them up, and teach them a jolly good lesson! More policemen on the beat should do the ticket, even if it does require a slight augmentation in taxes!"

    After watching the movie 'The Fast and the Belligerent', boyracers from all over United Union Of Oceania have been petitioning for the abolition of speed limits. And In Responce "I think the current speed limits are fine, but we need better enforcement," says Elizabeth O'Bannon, the most feared traffic warden in United Union Of Oceania. "If we required GPS tracking devices in all vehicles, we'd ticket every single speeder, no problem. In addition, we could monitor the movements of criminals and other suspicious individuals, and vastly reduce the risk of crime, terrorism, and other subversive activity. Some say that's an invasion of privacy, but if you've done nothing wrong what's there to fear?"

    A group several thousands strong hailing from a remote, isolated corner of United Union Of Oceania is staging a massive demonstration on the front steps of your capitol. They demand that their local dialect be recognized as an official language. And In Responce Jack Longfellow, your Minister of Culture, has nothing but disdain for the demonstrators. "The language of United Union Of Oceania is as important to our national identity as our history is. A truly erudite individual uses perfect grammar and refuses to speak as those ruffians do." Your Finance Minister is quick to chime in as well, "If business is required to print every road sign, instruction manual, and fast-food wrapper in two languages, it would increase everybody's overhead. That means higher prices for the person in the street."

    After delayed DNA evidence put a notorious rapist behind bars the police have demanded that it be mandatory for those accused of a crime to surrender blood and tissue samples to aid the elimination process. And In Responce "I'm surprised this hasn't been brought up sooner," says Chief Constable Thomas Mombota. "If we have DNA samples of all the accused it will make solving crimes like rape and murder that much faster! Sure, some people will think it's a tad invasive, but in my experience if you're worried by something like giving up a few drops of the red stuff then you've probably got something to hide."

  4. [center][size="5"]News Flash[/size][/center]

    A coalition of tribalists, health experts, and civil rights proponents have recently suggested legalizing cannibalism for consumers of willing would-be meals. And in response "You're all absolutely out of your minds!" exclaims Lars du Pont, head of United Union Of Oceania's largest health-food manufacturer. "It's immoral, it's unhealthy, and it's disgusting. Not only are these so-called 'dietary rights' activists leading us down a dark path of sin, but right into a marketplace with yet another product that's almost as bad as beef!"

    Citizens, politicians, and businessmen have been campaigning for the government to keep a tighter rein on the media after several well-respected newspapers printed false articles with contents ranging from claims that the capital city had been stolen by a UFO to erroneous share prices which led to job-losses and a stock market decline. And in response "Over a thousand jobs lost!" clamours Melbourne Longfellow, angry protester and ex-employee of Dreddmax Incorporated. "And why? Because the press isn't concerned about the truth anymore; all it wants is higher sales! We must forbid these rags from lying to the people and dish out heavy fines to those who try! This so-called 'free press' has a dark side, you know. We learnt that ever since we discovered it wasn't cottage cheese they were mining up north!

    More and more, citizens are drinking before getting behind the wheel. A group of concerned citzens wants something done. And in response Jazz Utopia, head of United Union Of Oceania's chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous, says that drunk drivers need help. "Alcoholism is a nasty thing, a disease. The government has to help these poor souls to avoid the temptations of liquor, and wine, and beer, and hard cider, and brandy, and?" His eyes get a glazed far off look, "Where was I? Oh right, we have to help these people, not imprison them."

    A top fertility clinic has recently announced a new service allowing parents to create so-called 'designer babies'. And in response "This technology shows promise," muses Miranda Johnson, minister of health. "But we can't trust the private sector with the future of our nation's children. We must place it under strict government regulation, so that we only screen out embryos with serious genetic conditions and freeze the embryos for when a cure is found for that genetic conditions "

  5. [center][size="5"]News Flash [/size][/center]

    "It's simply not good enough!" wails the Minister of Defence. "It's not about the money - it's the manpower. Not enough people by far are signing up! All we seem to be getting nowadays are drunks and people who volunteered for a dare. The current conscription laws need to be either more strictly enforced or drastically rewritten. What I propose is a universal draft: everyone capable of pulling a trigger should become a part of the Army, Navy or Air Force. Only in this way can we ensure the dominance of United Union Of Oceania in the region."

    "I can't believe I'm hearing this," exclaims noted civil rights advocate. "Those who are behind this espouse a system that grants inordinate amounts of institutional power to the rich and ensures that no one will be able to climb the social ladder. Everyone in society must be granted an equal opportunity to succeed or fail. Say 'no' to a nobility!"

    [center]A New School Has been announce to be the top school in all of Oceania called [url=http://www.swan.wa.edu.au/]Swan Christian School[/url] located in Western Australia in the Oceania state. Swan Christian School will stay privatized

    And now the Oceania Union is spending $80,000 to build and extend an existing christian school now called the United National Christian School (The U.N.C.S)


    A group of prominent business identities has proposed privatizing United Union Of Oceania's beaches."Whoa, whoa, we're privatizing beaches now?" says local campaigner Violet Chicago. "These are public spaces! All United Union Of Oceania's citizens have a right to enjoy them, not just the well-off. Yes, we should improve the quality of our beaches, but handing them over to the money-grabbers is not the right way to do it. The right way to do it is to boost government spending by increasing taxes."

    Thousands of business men and women have taken to the streets in protest of their working conditions and pay. "It's not fair that we can't have a union," says Beth Mombota, VP of Sales at SlothCorp. "Just because we make six figures doesn't mean we don't deserve overtime too! It's high time that the lower classes come to appreciate our hard efforts." Finally, Right Reverend Jazz Chicago proclaims, "The downtrodden are suffering at the hands of the MAN, and these wealthy upper shelf vice presidents are asking to make the rich richer and the poor poorer! The only reason the common worker needs a union is to be able to fight against the oppression of these slave drivers! It's ludicrous that these greedy scrooges are asking for even MORE money! Send them packing and raise taxes on the wealthy to bring more equality to our nation!"

    A small religious group is lobbying the government to allow them to take multiple wives. "This is nothing more than sexual deviants using religion as a pretext for perversion!" says Reverend Sue-Ann Hendrikson. "Marriage is one man, one woman, and death do we part. What's so hard to get? Anything else is a perversion, and must be banned."

  6. [center][size="5"]News Flash [/size][/center]

    "It's simply not good enough!" wails the Minister of Defence. "It's not about the money - it's the manpower. Not enough people by far are signing up! All we seem to be getting nowadays are drunks and people who volunteered for a dare. The current conscription laws need to be either more strictly enforced or drastically rewritten. What I propose is a universal draft: everyone capable of pulling a trigger should become a part of the Army, Navy or Air Force. Only in this way can we ensure the dominance of United Union Of Oceania in the region."

    "I can't believe I'm hearing this," exclaims noted civil rights advocate. "Those who are behind this espouse a system that grants inordinate amounts of institutional power to the rich and ensures that no one will be able to climb the social ladder. Everyone in society must be granted an equal opportunity to succeed or fail. Say 'no' to a nobility!"

    [center]A New School Has been announce to be the top school in all of Oceania called [url=http://www.swan.wa.edu.au/]Swan Christian School[/url] located in Western Australia in the Oceania state. Swan Christian School will stay privatized

    And now the Oceania Union is spending $80,000 to build and extend an existing christian school now called the United National Christian School (The U.N.C.S)


    A group of prominent business identities has proposed privatizing United Union Of Oceania's beaches."Whoa, whoa, we're privatizing beaches now?" says local campaigner Violet Chicago. "These are public spaces! All United Union Of Oceania's citizens have a right to enjoy them, not just the well-off. Yes, we should improve the quality of our beaches, but handing them over to the money-grabbers is not the right way to do it. The right way to do it is to boost government spending by increasing taxes."

    Thousands of business men and women have taken to the streets in protest of their working conditions and pay. "It's not fair that we can't have a union," says Beth Mombota, VP of Sales at SlothCorp. "Just because we make six figures doesn't mean we don't deserve overtime too! It's high time that the lower classes come to appreciate our hard efforts." Finally, Right Reverend Jazz Chicago proclaims, "The downtrodden are suffering at the hands of the MAN, and these wealthy upper shelf vice presidents are asking to make the rich richer and the poor poorer! The only reason the common worker needs a union is to be able to fight against the oppression of these slave drivers! It's ludicrous that these greedy scrooges are asking for even MORE money! Send them packing and raise taxes on the wealthy to bring more equality to our nation!"

    A small religious group is lobbying the government to allow them to take multiple wives. "This is nothing more than sexual deviants using religion as a pretext for perversion!" says Reverend Sue-Ann Hendrikson. "Marriage is one man, one woman, and death do we part. What's so hard to get? Anything else is a perversion, and must be banned."

  7. [size="5"][center]News Flash[/center][/size]

    After the goverments review of the long standing laws governing gypsies the The Oceania Union has responses with diping into the coffers and buy plots of land, all over the country, and turn them into nice safe areas where these folks can stay for as long as they want for a weekly rent before they decide to move on.

    After a long and hard the review by the The Oceania Union government it has ok'ed the drilling in deep sea rich with oil

    [center]After two weeks of the declaring of the union which united the civil war regain under the control of Australia The Oceania Union has restarted its search for mining resources as Australia is known for its massive amount of mining resources, last night Australia found an massive deposit of uranium, Iron, Gold and others mining of these resources will start on 9/17/2011. As far as the Oceania Union's mining companies know the largest of these deposits are uranium and marble.


    [color=Navy]New Finance Minister: Charles .A Griffin[/color]
    A New Finance Minister Has Been Appointment to combat the globe financial crisis even tho the Oceania state is financial stable, other states with in the Oceania Union is a little lest stable with massive worries of a coming financial crash of the Oceania states. other problems
    New Finance Minister Charles .A Griffin will be the rocketing bills and high cost of infrastructure


  8. [size="5"][center]News Flash[/center][/size]

    the manufacturing of the 'BFG-69' (AKA 'the Organ Grinder'), a new rifle planned to be used in the military which works by shredding people's internal organs. meany are out rage able this weapon with a collection of citizens, civil rights workers, and concerned mothers have signed a petition to stop the manufacturing of the 'BFG-69' but the government is going ahead with the plans

    ~image unknown~

    After several tragic bus accidents across The Oceania Union, bus drivers have started a strike until safety standards have been raised. in responses United Union Of Oceania has passed a bill that will increase funding for public transport systems

    After the goverments review of the long standing laws governing gypsies the The Oceania Union has responses with diping into the coffers and buy plots of land, all over the country, and turn them into nice safe areas where these folks can stay for as long as they want for a weekly rent before they decide to move on.

    After a long and hard the review by the The Oceania Union government it has ok'ed the drilling in deep sea rich with oil

    A loose coalition of political activists running the gamut of the political spectrum has started a petition to add 'None of the Above' as an option on every ballot, so that a voter can reject all candidates if he feels none of them represent a viable option. If 'None of the Above' wins the election, a new election with all-new candidates would have to be held. In response the The Oceania Union government welcomes this new idea welcomes an left-wing activist and former rock star Roxanne Dodinas in says "Sometimes when you're voting, all the options suck. Why then should people be forced to hold their nose and vote for the lesser of two, or even three or four evils? Adding 'None of the Above' to the ballot would ensure that the people have a choice at all times, even if that choice is to reject the choices they have been given!"

  9. [center]Union Strength of the Oceania Union has exploded to 1,066.276


    Technology levels have risen as well: from 6.0 to 10.0


    In the Last Two days 2 nation as dropped their trade deals from the Oceania Union causing great pain forcing the Oceania Union to join the Christian Coalition of Countries Trade Circle to help find trade partners that will benefit the Oceania Union greatly.


    Infrastructure levels have rising as government spend MASSIVE amounts of its surplus on Infrastructure, The new Infrastructure level is 301.09 [/center]


    But is to expected to reach levels much higher

    [center]The Oceania Union has open its first national Bank for all citizens of the Oceania Union

    [color=#ee4a2d][size="5"]The National Bank Of Australasia[/size][/color]

    [color=#ee4a2d][size="5"]Reserve Bank of Australasia[/size][/color]

  10. Response to the legislation the government had passed banning cigarette from the nations with in the union and an underground movement of cigarette smokers has sprung up.


    A new legislation has pass, This new legislation dictates that all military soldiers must wear the new official Slouch hat unless in combat


    The armed forces of Oceania Union are overly strong. This is making your population a bit uncomfortable.


    The Military has issued in a new weapon of the Union's military called Steyr AUG



    Today The Oceania Union celebrates its two week anniversary of the signing between the nation's of Oceania to create an Union, The Oceania Union


  11. The military of Oceania Union has announced a new policy which will post military solders at all border crossings and is arresting all drug traffickers.

    The Oceania Union has allowed its citizens to protest their government


    But uses a strong police force to monitor things and arrest lawbreakers.


  12. [center]A old National Currency has been adopted

    with the slow decline of the U.s dollar which can been seen from charts going back to 2001
    The Oceania Union switch to an new Euro dollar which is a U.s dollar backed by a new euro which is based on gold

    8 days later the Euro dollar was put on hold and the swop back not to an amarecan dollar but to a Austrian dollor was made


    [center]A New National laboratory of Tasmania has been created

    and with funding from the Government the Technology level in The Oceania Union has risen to 1.00 but needs more funds

    as you can see thire are very little equipment caused by the lack of funds to the National laboratory of Tasmania [/center]

    The government is struggling to find the funds to help the nalional laboratory of Tasmania do its research, if you would like to help out please Donation to the nalional laboratory of Tasmania please Donation to this [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=471827&Extended=1]link[/url]


    A new National Currency has been adopted

    the Australian Dollar backed not by gold but by silver the first Currency fully Independents from the U.s Dollar being able to traded between nations with out being converted by U.s Dollars.


  13. The Oceania Union Nation Strength is 331.857 very weak


    The Oceania Union Efficiency is 47.41 which is every low


    Yesterday The Oceania Union's stocks flat line with no growth what so ever, absolutely braking spirits in the Oceania stock markets


    The Oceania Union air force


    The Oceania Union Naval force


  14. The Oceania Union has finished its National Nuclear research & developmental power station
    which will be use for

    [u]-research of Nuclear power
    -development of Nuclear power
    -nuclear technology[/u]

    and will not be used for creating Nuclear weapons


    As of Yesterday The Oceania Union has started building its military Infrastructure, these images are of the military research & development complex which when Finnish it will be used for

    -research & development of new military technology
    -research & development of new strategy's

    location will remain unknown as well



  15. [size="3"][center]The [u]Military Soldiers[/u] of The Oceania Union in full kit [/size]

    although The Oceania Union has a very small Military at this point all Military Soldiers are highly trained and often referred as one of the special force's of the Military world.




    [size="5"]Infrastructure Update: Infrastructure levels are now 76.27

    Because of the Governments massive interests of investing more than 95% of all income on Infrastructure massive building sites like this can be found all around the city's of Oceania


  16. The Oceania Union is focus on building its self as a Military Superpower with a Nation Strength of 245.000 with in its first day of being an Nation.

    And a Number of Soldiers of 220 (238) within its first day

    Although with all this Build up the The Oceania Union is week although it has an average economy its struggling to keep the "average economy" title.

    The Oceania Union NEW National policy is to focus on Infrastructure until it reach a point of 100.00-150.00 then focus on Massive millitry build up this will take 2 weeks to finnish.

    [center][size="5"]Forms of Departments in the Oceania Union of 20 Aug 2011[/size]

    -The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry


    -The Attorney General's Department


    -The Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy


    -The Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency


    -The Department of Defence


    -The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations


    -The Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs


    -The Department of Finance and Deregulation Development


    -The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade


    -The Department of Health and Ageing


    -The Department of Human Services


    -The Department of Immigration and Citizenship


    -The Department of Infrastructure and Transport


    -The Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research


    -The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet


    -The Department of Regional Oceania, Regional Development and Local Government


    -The Department of Resources, Energy


    -The Department of Tourism


    -The Department of Departments


    -The Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities


    -The Department of the Treasury


    -The Department of Veterans' Affairs


    [center]Today the nation of Oceania Union has finished building it's Parliament House



    [center][size="5"]Political parties of the Oceania Union have been announced:[/size]

    Name - Ideology - Position - Votes

    National Labor Party - Social democracy - centre-left - 38.0%

    National Liberal Party - Liberal conservatism - centre-right - 51.7%

    Christian National Democratic - Social conservatism - right-wing - 3.7%

    National Democratic Socialist party -Social conservatism - right-wing - 0.0[/center]

  17. [b][u][color=#ee4a2d][size="7"]Geography & States[/size][/color][/u][/b]


    [u]Area[/u]: 10,975,600 km2 (4,237,700 sq mi)
    [u]Provinces[/u]: comprised of 20 states. and 6 territory
    [u]Terrain/Climate[/u]: Everything from snowing mountains to scorching deserts

    [color=#5a70b3][size="6"]States and territorys[/size][/color]

    [u][color=#ee4a2d][b][size="5"]States [/size][/b][/color][/u]




    [size="4"]New Guinea[/size]




    [size="4"]Maluku Islands[/size]

    [size="4"]Lesser Sunda Islands[/size]


    [size="4"]Western Australia[/size]



    [size="4"]Northern State[/size]


    [size="4"]South Australia[/size]

    [size="4"]New South Wales[/size]


    Australian Antarctic Territory
    Christmas Island
    Cocos (Keeling) Islands
    Coral Sea Islands
    Heard Island and McDonald Islands
    Jervis Bay Territory
    Norfolk Island

  18. On October the 29th 2101 The United Nations (at this point had very little if no power but alot of respect around the world) Recognize the The Oceania Union as an sovereign state, of the Oceania region.

    [center][color=#ee4a2d]A National Flag Has Been Hand Picked By The CEO minister (President) Of the newly Recognize sovereign state The Oceania Union. [/color]

    [center][color=#ee4a2d]A New National anthem has been announced
    Called Australian Iron or Iron for short
    Iron lyrics
    Deep in the ocean, dead and cast away
    Where innocence is burned, in flames
    A million mile from home, I'm walking ahead
    I'm frozen to the bones, I am...

    A soldier on my own, I don't know the way
    I'm riding up the heights of shame
    I'm waiting for the call, the hand on the chest
    I'm ready for the fight, and fate

    The sound of iron shots is stuck in my head,
    The thunder of the drums dictates
    The rhythm of the falls, the number of deaths
    The rising of the horns, ahead

    From the dawn of time to the end of days
    I will have to run, away
    I want to feel the pain and the bitter taste
    Of the blood on my lips, again

    This steady burst of snow is burning my hands,
    I'm frozen to the bones, I am
    A million mile from home, I'm walking away
    I can't remind your eyes, your face [/color][/center]

    [b][u]Chapter One: Origin [/u][/b]

    2030: With Globe worries about peak oil, China attempt's to consolidated its position on the global theatre as a global superpower, With the worlds Largest economy and an ridiculously large manufacture sector China flexing its military muscle and confront the U.s, in 2031 China move's a Naval fleet entering the disputed South China Sea, In response the UN calls for china's naval pull out with in 5 weeks,China launches 17 aircraft carriers, 4 weeks in the Vietnam People's Navy confronts china, china saw this as an aggression move and open fire on the Vietnam navel feet, At the same time Chinese solders march in Burma, Vietnam and Laos. India calls china to pull out of Burma, Vietnam and Laos and in response china mass solders in Burma and brings back compulsory military service, china push the u.s naval back over the pacific sea and was warned if china continues to push the U.s naval back to Hawaii the U.s would declare war. 2035 Iran descents to civil war and Iran attempt's to launch an nuclear missile to Israel, in response Israel launches hundreds of tomahawk missiles destroying nuclear plants and Infrastructure ect. china sends aid to the middle east nations as they unite and declare war on Israel, Islamic uprising cause Europe relationships tenses the situation with threats of getting involved in the conflict to protect Israel.2036 news of potable run out of oil China launch attacks on the U.s and other nation north Korea launch attacks on south Korea total war broke out expect of couple regions like Africa and Oceania were not involed in the wars. 2036 oil from Saudi Arabia runs dry global markets collapse, and in every region civil war brakes out.

    [b][u]Chapter two: The Beginning[/u][/b]

    2050 20 years of an global civil war, Australia a specially had suffered a lot, like meany developed nation Australia was hit hard and suffered massive casualties. 2050 marked the start of the end of the civil war in Australia, Small towns in Western Australia, South Australia and Tasmania began to stabilize big cities like Sydney, Melbourne and Perth were mostly disbanded. 2058 The Western Australian Government was reestablishment in Perth, news spread of an reestablishment of the The Western Australian Government and meany flock to Western Australian in response. 2063 local governments were reestablishment in South Australia, Tasmania and Queensland, talks began to reestablishment an national government 2064 Western Australian announced it will not rejoin an United Australia, 2077 with help from South Australia, Tasmania and Queensland New South Wales and Northern state (no longer an Territory) reestablishment an Government and formed an national government and began making plans to force Western Australian to rejoin, And in 2087 the united Australian states invaded western Australia, sadly half way though Western Australia meany force's got lost and went missing when they arrived in Perth they found an massive millinery force and a stable dictatorship which force 80% of all citizens to join the local army this was the start of the Australian Civil War which lasted 20 years resulting in the United Australian states to fall.

    [color=#ee4a2d][center]To Be Continue[/center][/color]

  19. [quote name='Justinian the Mighty' timestamp='1316149545' post='2801381']
    ooc: mmm delicious spam. The thread is barely 20 minutes old and already has almost 30 posts by the same person.

    haha its taken me 2 weeks since my nation is only 2 weeks old

    [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1316149794' post='2801388']
    OOC: wrong forum, however i like your enthusiasm, if you happen to come on IRC, i wouldn't mind having a conversation with you about what we do in this forum.

    yeah im new but im sure someone will come alone and move it where it belongs :P

  20. ***[color=#ee4a2d]News Flash[/color]:Military Budgets Up For Approval ***

    "It's simply not good enough!" wails the Minister of Defence. "It's not about the money - it's the manpower. Not enough people by far are signing up! All we seem to be getting nowadays are drunks and people who volunteered for a dare. The current conscription laws need to be either more strictly enforced or drastically rewritten. What I propose is a universal draft: everyone capable of pulling a trigger should become a part of the Army, Navy or Air Force. Only in this way can we ensure the dominance of United Union Of Oceania in the region."

    ***[color=#ee4a2d]News Flash[/color]: Should The Government Grant Estates And Titles Of Nobility?***

    "I can't believe I'm hearing this," exclaims noted civil rights advocate. "Those who are behind this espouse a system that grants inordinate amounts of institutional power to the rich and ensures that no one will be able to climb the social ladder. Everyone in society must be granted an equal opportunity to succeed or fail. Say 'no' to a nobility!"

  21. [center]***[color=#ee4a2d]News Flash[/color]:Mining will resume after years of civil war throughout Oceania ***

    [center]After two weeks of the declaring of the union which united the civil war regain under the control of Australia The Oceania Union has restarted its search for mining resources as Australia is known for its massive amount of mining resources, last night Australia found an massive deposit of uranium, Iron, Gold and others mining of these resources will start on 9/17/2011. As far as the Oceania Union's mining companies know the largest of these deposits are uranium and marble.


  22. [center]***[color=#ee4a2d]News Flash[/color]:A New Finance Minister Has Been Appointment ***

    [color=Navy]New Finance Minister: Charles .A Griffin[/color]
    A New Finance Minister Has Been Appointment to combat the globe financial crisis even tho the Oceania state is financial stable, other states with in the Oceania Union is a little lest stable with massive worries of a coming financial crash of the Oceania states. other problems
    New Finance Minister Charles .A Griffin will be the rocketing bills and high cost of infrastructure


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