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Posts posted by VLADITRON

  1. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1353730752' post='3056701']
    Last year I was on your EZI list. Can you rescind that?

    The VODKA PZI list has been updated. It now includes every citizen of Planet Bob. Soon VLADITRON shall rise to rain death from above, and Bob will fall before his might. So it has been written.

  2. My Children... you have forsaken me. Yesterday, November the 19th, is the most celebrated day on Planet Bob, and yet there was no celebration or fanfare in my name. How quickly you have all forgotten VODKA day... and the VODKA way. Since the original war set forth by the [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=94824"]Declaration of VODKA[/url], the people of Bob have been safe from the MHA menace. Their destruction was ensured with the Second Annual [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=106728&hl=vladitronics&st=0"]VODKA Day[/url], which was celebrated with much fervor by the people of Bob.

    However, this planet remains ungrateful... and thus you have unleashed my wrath. Even now, the power of VODKA grows, and soon it will crush the citizens of Bob like so many pixel-hugging ants. You feel safe in the world I have bequeathed to you, but soon eternal darkness will descend as I rain vengeful hellfire upon its earth and stain its oceans with the blood of the unpious.

    [center]VLADITRON will rise again soon and spill the blood of the blasphemers.[/center]

    [center]Happy VODKA Day!!![/center]

  3. [center][img]http://cnvodka.com/images/Banner4.png[/img][/center]

    Exactly two months ago, I returned to this world and won your hearts. The Mostly Harmless Alliance cowered in fear as I decimated nation after nation, eventually destroying over 100,000 MHA NS single-handedly. Yet again, the people of Bob were inspired by my warrior spirit and launched the second Global War in my name in under one year. The Mostly Harmless Alliance has been toppled, and you have all embraced your role as warriors under the VODKA umbrella. My mission has been accomplished, and it is now time to return home.

    He's going...home.

    View with audio on cnvodka.com or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VQToFdyfsw[/center]

  4. [quote name='Lenny N Karl' timestamp='1323352000' post='2869119']
    not sure what all this drama is about. not going to bother reading all the back pages. My one question is....

    Why isn't MHA in this war yet?

    not looking to stir up trouble, just curious for the straight up answer.

    They are too busy attempting to organize a counterattack against the forces of VODKA. It is a difficult task, as the two defensive war slots referenced earlier have now been open for 11 days, despite my continued pummeling of their MoFA.

  5. [quote name='summerisway2hot' timestamp='1323103910' post='2863741']
    The two wars on him ran up yesterday, give it a sec there...

    Those were wars declared by VODKA, my good sir. You can expect those slots to be filled this evening. Meanwhile, I have 2 defensive war slots that have been open for 8 days, and I am aching for them to be filled. :ehm:

  6. [quote name='summerisway2hot' timestamp='1323051651' post='2862903']
    Perhaps I was unclear. Most is greater than 50% (or so my math teacher told me). As far as I know, 41/520 < 50%, or 7.88% < 50% (If my math is wrong, someone please correct me). I find your war with the alliance entertaining, as I find all wars (though they are more entertaining when I am in them). Best of luck, and please correct me if my math is off. :awesome:

    Edit: forgot a parenthesis (is that the singular form?)

    Ah, so it is unreasonable of me to expect an effective counter unless I am in the range of > 50% of MHA Nations... thank you for clarifying. I understand it may feel that you need 261 or more of your members to be within 75-133% of my NS to fill 3 of VODKA's defensive slots, though I encourage you to persevere. I have found that MHA members actually show signs of activity if you destroy enough of their infra, though this activity usually consists of spamming peace offers and purchasing 20 cruise missiles for defense.

  7. [quote name='summerisway2hot' timestamp='1323014990' post='2862289']
    Your nation also has yet to be within range of most of MHA's nations... just saying. :awesome: once you get to 30ishk NS, then i encourage you to talk smack.

    An interesting assessment, given the 41 MHA nations currently in range of my noble Empire.

    Protip: A crossed swords emblem means you are within range of a nation. Also, you can send more than one cruise missile per day, and unescorted bombing runs with 20 bombers are generally ill-advised. Please pass this information along to your "alliance" mates.

  8. Again, the Mostly Harmless Alliance proves its irrelevance by releasing a sophomoric newsletter while the rest of the planet engages in the excitement of Global War. Your time may be better spent organizing a counterattack against the unrelenting forces of VODKA - it has been 16 days since my initial attack and my nation has still yet to be sent into anarchy.

    However, the interview was inspired.

  9. It has been one week since the initial VODKA blitz took place, and the Mostly Harmless Alliance has sustained heavy blows. VLADITRON has emerged victorious from the 5 on 1 battle at North Central Vladitronics, even after the assistance of a 6th IRON nation. Though the VODKA Empire has taken its share of damages, its nations have yet to be sent into anarchy.

    The official MHA Curbstomp Report can be found on VODKA's official website (www.cnvodka.com) under Public Documents, which details raw and net damages to the MHA, as well as individual net damages for each MHA nation. In total, VODKA dealt [b]16,308.050 NS[/b] in net damages. VODKA destroyed 3,211.29 units of MHA infrastructure and 345.56 units of MHA technology in this first round of battles. VODKA itself has sustained less than 3,500 NS in raw damages.

    The war rages on, and there is no end in sight for the battle-weary Mostly Harmless Alliance. The VODKA Empire sincerely hopes to find more seasoned warriors in the next round of battles, though mention must be given to Wolfbrother of New Aotearoa, who may be the only MHA warrior in history to send less than 10 bombers at a time.

    My children, you need no longer live the empty rigmarole of what life on Bob had become. Let the warrior spirit fill your hearts... we shall soon be rid of the MHA blight and all it represents.

  10. The great nations of the Mostly Harmless Alliance continue their vicious onslaught against the benevolent forces of VODKA. The great kker22 of Darkram has been well trained during his 1,016 day tenure in the MHA. He knows the proper protocol when attacking an enemy 6 on 1:


  11. [center][img]http://cnvodka.com/images/Banner5.png[/img][/center]

    VODKA has recently declared sovereignty over all of Planet Bob, and we are currently recruiting members to join our active militia. By joining the war, you will immediately receive $3 million and 2,000 soldiers in war aid, as well as full VODKA membership. You will experience the thrill of battle firsthand, a rite of passage that usually takes months for a new player to achieve in another alliance. VODKA's complete military guides and seasoned warriors will teach you all you need to know about warfare and battle tactics, while providing you the funding to become a true military superpower.

    Through a sea of spam messages, you have likely already learned that most alliances wish only to collect taxes and argue on these forums. This is not the will of VODKA. The nations of VODKA are currently engaged in an exciting war with the Mostly Harmless Alliance, and you may join in the battle today. The only requirement to receive war aid and full membership is to declare war on and attack one member of this cowardly alliance.

    Other alliances will force you to jump through hoops, but VODKA will never require you to sell your technology, register for forums, or take tests. Attack any MHA nation for $3million, 2,000 soldiers, and full membership - period. If you are unsure of how to do this, a quick guide has been created for new players, which can be found [url=http://cnvodka.com/forums/index.php?topic=319.0]HERE[/url]. The official VODKA website also includes a selection of extensive war, military, and nation building guides that will propel you to excellence on the battlefield.

    Please visit www.cnvodka.com or #VODKA on Coldfront for more information. Embrace your warrior spirit and join the VODKA militia today!

  12. [quote name='sap3179' timestamp='1321939932' post='2848600']
    Its very good how you say it - suppressio veri suggestio falsi. True, you have made losses against the alliance you have attacked, and its because you held the first strike against them; against nations which were not prepared for the battle- without warchests or preparations. For example, one of the nations you struck against had no military improvements at all, lest any wonders. You on the other hand, prepared for this, from the day of your existence. Most of your improvements are military, and the only wonder you have is a pentagon. Are we to be left wondering where it comes from? now of course, it would be a whole another story. Aid would come pouring in, and advices would be given to the players how to to handle this war. Notably, one of our members, Davian Thule, aka Marmeus Calgar have asked you for a duel. You are destroying newbies, and taking their money, so it won't take too much time to reach his level I hope? if you (eventually) reach that stage, I believe, you would not be craven enough to teach the impetuous boy a good lesson, right?

    Now for your second point, It was said, there is never a just war that that is better than an unjust peace. CN is far from real world, rather far from it. We do live for wars, in peace we prepare for it. But even so, it was a great general who said, without victuals, an army is nothing more than canon fodder. You prepared for the battle for months, fighting against someone who has no experience, nor money for the battle. I don't think this war is as much fun for those who has been at the receiving end. What you call victory is something I spit upon.If so brave why don't take someone your own size? Again, your sense of righteousness is twisted to see your own ends. You stole our war and military guides, written by one of the best players in the game and was brazen enough to suggest you made grammatic corrections to it. Thief, I say to you, because that is what you are, nothing more, and nothing less, trying to garb yourself in an cloak of rectitude and virtue.

    In the end, everyone that plays this game, plays how they please. You have done the same. However, you can not dictate how others play, neither can you humiliate entire alliances (I don't know what you were trying to prove with the last part, for in my dictionary it's called idiocy plain and simple). To be true, we know how it ends, you will lose all your infra in no time, and after that you will(hopefully) be kept in that stage permanently, unless you chose to leave the game and return with a new ruler name, as I suggested earlier.

    Ps: be kind enough to show me the grammatical mistakes, I tried rather hard to not make any, but then, you know better.

    Tutti di persone... non vogliamo pace. Viviamo per guerra. [i]TU[/i] vive per guerra. Bob è costruito per guerra, ma abbiamo paura. Che casino! Salverò le vostre anime.

    Good sir, you have a passion in your heart that is increasingly rare on Bob. I encourage you to channel your convictions into a cleansing fury - experience the thrill of warfare on Bob before your passion is swept away into a sea of back-collecting and post count building.

    As for a duel - the great alliance-state of IRON has already dispatched one of its brave, well-prepared warriors to the VODKA battlefields in Danvey of Brunota. However, as I mentioned previously, I suspect his assault on the holy lands of North Central Vladitronics is indicative of IRON's tacit approval, as Danvey has injected many millions of dollars into the VODKA war effort through a slew of failed ground attacks. I thank IRON for its continued aid and support in VODKA's battle against the Mostly Harmless Alliance.

  13. [quote name='sap3179' timestamp='1321892152' post='2848145']
    What u fail to mention is a loss of more than a thousand ns, 15% of your current nation strength.

    I have also neglected to mention the net loss of over 4,000 MHA NS, and raw losses of over 6,500 MHA NS (including tech and military losses that have since been repurchased) that have resulted from the 1 on 5 battle that is currently ongoing.

    However, your small-minded comment is representative of the old ways of thinking. VODKA welcomes the cleansing destruction of its NS through warfare, so long as its nations may continue to experience the thrill of battle. War on Bob has inherent value - it is the end itself, not a means to the hollow complacency brought by NS alone. Without war, NS has no value or meaning - so long as VODKA can bring warfare to Bob, we are victorious.

  14. The streets of Bob run red with the blood of the Mostly Harmless Alliance.  After only 48 hours, the VODKA Empire has delivered many mighty blows to the comically ineffective MHA warriors that dare oppose it.  An extremely effective blitz was countered meekly with failed ground attacks and a handful of cruise missiles.  The "warchests" of these blasphemous nations have been plundered ad nauseum, and the VODKA Empire has actually seen a net gain in funds since the attacks began.  Details of the warchests of select MHA Nations can be found [url=http://cnvodka.com/forums/index.php?topic=313.0]HERE[/url].  Of particular merit is [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=291653]kker22 of Darkram[/url], a 5k NS nation who, during his 1,013 day tenure in the Mostly Harmless Alliance, has managed to stockpile a staggering warchest of $9,056.

    I would also like to thank the alliance-state IRON for the war aid they are providing to the VODKA empire.  They have nobly sacrificed [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=469958]Danvey of Brunota[/url], who has been visiting VODKA battlefields to abandon $1,000,000+ twice per day.  IRON managed to act swiftly and sacrifice this leader to VODKA just 29 short hours after VODKA's original blitz, well before the MHA war machine could find a third active member to attack North Central Vladitronics.

    As always, VODKA awaits those warriors brave enough to follow their hearts and use the NS they have hoarded to change the face of Bob and bring down the MHA blight.  No longer can a culture of inactivity and incompetence be tacitly rewarded by a dispassionate society that fails to demand excellence.  Abandon your fears and LIVE as we were intended!

  15. [quote name='LordDarknessOfLight' timestamp='1321684188' post='2846777']
    Lol I was thinking the same thing... What did MHA do to you again? :huh:

    Though the unrelenting pacifism and incompetence of Bob's largest "alliance" is reason enough for its demise, MHA has a long history of blasphemy towards the VODKA empire. In the first VODKA Wars that began exactly one year ago today, NPO and GPA members happily submitted to the will of VODKA. MHA members, however, rejected the will of Vlad and attempted to bring down the VODKA empire. These nations stockpiled their 50 cruise missiles each, switched to DEFCON 3, and unleashed the most successful MHA military operation in history, destroying nearly 2,000 NS of VODKA property.

    Incompetent as they may be, the Mostly Harmless Alliance represents all that VODKA stands against. If you are interested in learning more about the first VODKA Wars, I suggest you read [url="http://cnvodka.com/forums/index.php?topic=10.0"]The History of VODKA[/url]. This is an excellent resource for any subservient citizen who wishes to learn more about the rise, fall, and rebirth of the great King Vladimir VIII and the VODKA Empire, and it has pretty pictures.

    [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1321686149' post='2846803']
    All these "look at me I'm a cool rogue" threads are getting annoying. :(

    You have been added to the official VODKA PZI list for blasphemy.

  16. [center][img]http://cnvodka.com/images/dancer1.gif[/img][img]http://cnvodka.com/flagfinal.png[/img][img]http://cnvodka.com/images/dancer2.gif[/img][/center]

    Good morning, Planet Bob!  Today we celebrate the one year anniversary of the most important event in our planet's history - the [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=94824&st=0&p=2517136&#entry2517136]founding of VODKA[/url]!  My children, you may finally rest easily, as I, King Vlad, have returned in cyborg form!  I have risen from the dead to free Bob of its shackles of stagnation and breathe life into your empty souls.  As of this posting, I, VLADITRON, have resumed my role as Ruler of Bob!

    [center][img]http://cnvodka.com/images/VLADITRON UPRISING.png[/img]
    [i]VODKA has returned: Surrender your souls[/i][/center]

    The Vladimetric Organization of Dedicated Killer Assassins (VODKA) hereby re-declares its existence and reclaims sovereignty over all of Planet Bob.  All existing alliances shall henceforth be designated as the alliance-states of VODKA.  These alliance-states are free to self-govern themselves so long as they do not break VODKA law and are compliant with official VODKA imperatives.  Such an imperative has already been issued and can be viewed here: [url=http://cnvodka.com/forums/index.php?topic=312.0]VODKA Imperative No. 1[/url].  Those who wish to join VODKA proper may apply to do so on our [url=http://cnvodka.com]official webpage[/url].

    [center][b][size=12pt]Hyperspatial Express Route to Hell: Declaration of War[/size][/b][/center]

    For prior blasphemies and attacks on the fabled nation of Vladtopia, VODKA hereby re-declares war on the Mostly Harmless Alliance.  This depraved orgy of peacemongers shall finally be wiped clean from Bob's bloodthirsty soil, as all current members of MHA have been added to the official [url=http://cnvodka.com/forums/index.php?topic=19.0]VODKA PZI List[/url].  MHA members should note that the plans for their demise have been available in the VODKA [url=http://cnvodka.com/forums/index.php?topic=4.0]Planning Office[/url] for the last six months.

    Visit us at [url=http://www.cnvodka.com]www.cnvodka.com[/url] or at #VODKA on Coldfront to help us celebrate this momentous occasion.  Happy VODKA Day!!

    [b]BOW BEFORE VLAD!![/b][/center]

  17. I will be buying tech at a rate of 50tech/$3mil. Deals will be TECH FIRST to insure my purchase. I am very active and you'll receive $3mil AT UPDATE exactly 10 days from when you send tech. 4 slots open immediately, and another opens on the 15th. First to send tech gets the deal, which I will be happy to make as long term as you'd like.

    Nation: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=459943

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