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Posts posted by Squiggers

  1. you recieved better than white peace for a war of aggression you were soundly trounced in? sorry if i think that is a little soft. And like i said earlier there will be no log dumps here. Also sorry if im a devout archonist ( o/ archonism as the good potato preaches) and i actually buy into the ideas of honor and respect and im not using the 'karma' revolution as a political trampoline for my alliance, maybe karma truely is the pepsi to hegenomy's coca cola; we shall see.

    Give up already. You've ceased to become amusing. Coz you be Trollin;. :awesome: Can I ask why there will be no log dumps?

  2. That's funny, cause according to the stats you were making a GGAesque nose dive. Please take a plane trip back to reality. Just because you got off with very lenient terms, does not mean you didn't lose the fight.

    Meh, we fought well, and did what we were aiming to do.

    lol @ the spartan, ya cuz we didnt have the majority of war slots nor do the majority of damge due to use having 10 wrc's and having each of our nuclear nations have a tool opponent whose only war was a single aggressive one against dt. And internal affairs? Maybe your not informed enough , either way im not going to post a log dump to prove other wise.

    You talked up all your 'counter attacks' during the war, and now your trying to hog all the credit? please brother get real.

    @MK sorry we gave karma a bad name again, again dt was not responsible for these terms

    Aww diddums. Sorry, but get over it. The hostilities are over. It was signed by one of your leadership, therefore, DT was responsible, in part, for these terms. Thats how it works, believe it or not.

    Guess what? Some of TOOL, including myself, had 4 wars to take care of by the end of this. Simple enough, you co-ordinate your attacks with your allies - I know that the Spartans I was against sure as hell were... ;) (Good show guys, I got quite a pasting, but it was thoroughly enjoyable doing so.)

    I, like Bama, am finding it faintly amusing to see quite so many Karma members screaming bloody murder at these terms. Amusing, to say the least.

  3. This will almost surely come to pass. However, no alliance in the history of CN has wielded the power across the spectrum that NPO has. No matter who takes up the mantle, whether it's a single alliance or a new bloc, they won't have the same political and military pull that Pacifica has always had. If and when this does happen, it will not be as long lived as people think. It takes an obscene amount of effort and dedication to stay on top, as Pacifica and Polaris, as well as many of these Vox guys (being ex-Order themselves) can attest to.

    Mm, I agree entirely with that. No other alliance that I can think of has wielded such power, over its own sphere, and not to mention across the rest of the Planet. I agree, Pacifica has one hell of a legacy, that if, or should I say when, someone replaces them, they won't have anywhere near the shear power that NPO has wielded.

    All the same, the war is far from finished, so they may yet prevail.

  4. People need to get out of the mindset that there has to be one alliance lording over the rest of us or we're going to be right back here in two years.

    Sorry, don't think I explained myself fully.

    I don't think there HAS, or NEEDS to be one alliance being the big bad, as it were. But, there will be, I don't doubt, or a bloc will at any rate.

  5. We couldn't give a damn if we lose the sanction. We weren't that bothered about achieving it, or holding it, in the first place.

    Quite frankly, I look forward to having a good fight, and if we go down, we'll rise again. We have the allies, the manpower, and honestly, the shear enjoyment. Its rare that we go to war, and if you think we're poor fighters, you best think again. The beast is stirring.

  6. War. What is it good for?

    A lot actually.


    I'm surprised that nobody has yet said that famous quote...

    "If you desire peace, prepare for war".

    Works for me.

    Plus, it's always entertaining bashing someone's skull in, for being a complete and utter numpty. ^_^

  7. Ah, this is class.

    From what i'm seeing, is one or two cases of Trolling which have perlonged people wanting to rip their hair out at the idiocy displayed by someone saying you shouldn't nuke raiders.

    Xiao - you did good my man. :D

  8. Woh. Woh.

    Let's not say anything we might regret later on.


    Laggy, buggy.... And rather unbalanced. Plus, a blatant propaganda machine (if it's the free pc game that i'm thinking off. If not, my bad... :P)

  9. I have been asked to stop the attack after another alliance who claims he is a part of their alliance. As such, I have ceased hostilities and declared peace.

    I hate politics.


    What alliance is it?

  10. Finished my paperwork for the Guard last month, shipping to Basic this summer. Doing ROTC now as well. My Executive Officer, Sayeret is a soldier in the Israeli Defense Force. One of my Squad Leaders, Wilhelm, is ex-Special Forces over in Britain. We've got a couple others over in the Armed Coalition actually. No Marines though, I don't believe. What's your MOS mate?

    Anyone who says they happen to be ex-SF, especially British... I'm somewhat disinclined to believe.

    Plus, i think theres quite a few members of NPO serving/ex-serving as well.

    In TOOL, i'm unsure. Maybe one or two, but i'm unaware if so.

  11. ...

    Why would Soda need anyone to fight his wars? He's already proved that he can hold off 20 nations for 2 months.

    And if you believe that saying "Sodapoplis" is a valid CB, and "THEYREFORE, HES MUST BE INVOLVED!!!111!!", then quite frankly, please get back into your box.

    You're irritating me with this seemingly ceaseless stupidity. Get a grip.

  12. Hmm, to be fair, i was working on an FPS based on one of the CN GW's a while back..

    Unfortunately, never got enough people for it, and i'm still looking for people for it. Finding animaters/modellers and scripters is HARD.

    Still, i'd still be willing to work on it... i just need a bigger team. -sigh-

    Now, is it technically advertising if i put down the forums that i'm using for the enterprising?

    If not, Phoenix Game Studios

    If so, bummer. :unsure:

  13. Indeed, the transition has already begun. People no longer defend committed injustices, but instead make excuses for why they do not fight them or why they are powerless to stop them. A great many people are lying in wait and the breaking point will come eventually.

    And we'll still be here.

    A fair point, and I applaud you on your stoicism. For one, i don't think that Vox is regarded as quite as much of a joke anymore. Perhaps, more foolhardy than anything else.

    ... I hate literalism. Had you read the OP, you might see that this thread is more about the ideological and political war, not the military campaign - a war in which you numbers and statistics matter not.

    Margrave argues that anti-NPO sentiments will slowly increase in back channels, and as that support grows antagonistic in-game attacks on Pacifica will increase. From what I've seen, no one on the Vox side is naive enough to think their war can be won in a day, or a week, or a month. They're in this for the long haul, or as Margrave terms it, the long war. That sort of commitment deserves some form of respect, whether you agree with their politics and tactics or not.


    The comment which i quoted could easily have been misconstrued - the soundbite "We have won the war" is generally taken to mean both via force of arms, and via ideology (occasionally). The later on its own, is rather rare - such as in this case. It could be taken to be someone who is self-deluding themselves, or someone who is sure of it. In this case... I'm plumping for the latter.

    Yes, i do have respect for it for it, due to the pure zeal of it.

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