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Conformist Maryland

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Posts posted by Conformist Maryland

  1. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1320533933' post='2839831']
    This thread will change the world.

    At least it's something different, Christ. Complain about Planet Bob dying and then ridicule anyone trying to spice things up...I don't get it.

  2. [quote name='Vasuda' timestamp='1320112592' post='2836110']
    This is a sad moment for me. I don't think anyone who kept tabs on the IAA didn't see it heading down this road, but even knowing about this several weeks ago, I was still not prepared for the announcement. IAA had been a stalwart friend and ally of mine for over three years. I even spent a brief time in the alliance, and grew close to a lot of the newer members as well. On this day we mourn the loss of one of CN's greatest alliances.

    I can take some comfort in the fact that many great IAA veterans are still here, making a difference on Digiterra. I know they are all mourning with me, but there is still the hope that they can make their new homes more like the IAA that Chimaera had envisioned when he founded the alliance so many years ago. To those members remaining in GATO, I wish you well. I can think of no better home for those loyal members who seek to remain together. The world will never forget your valiant defense of GATO in the war against One Vision and their massive coalition. Rest well, IAA veterans. You have earned it.

    Not to take away from this great post, but Darth Andrew founded IAA.

    Regardless, she will be missed.

  3. [quote name='RandomInterrupt' timestamp='1319667617' post='2832649']
    This is only for the 360 then? I *might* take part in a PC version.

    If enough people show interest for a PC or a PS3 tourney, I could try and organize something for those platforms as well.

  4. [center][IMG]http://i44.tinypic.com/2m2dn2p.jpg[/IMG][/center]

    Good evening ladies/gentlemen/ass pickers,

    With the recent release of the video game, [i]Battlefield 3[/i], odds are is that a good chunk of Planet Bob are shooting things up in EA's new FPS. The good people (person) of 44 Angels Blink are (is) looking to help alliances take advantage of the hype the game creates by creating the first ever 'CyberNations Battlefield 3 Tournament'.

    The Battlefield 3 Tournament will consist of 12 alliances/teams (However, if enough teams register I will be willing to bump the number up to 16 teams), with 4 members representing each alliance/team. The game modes that will be used in this tournament will be Squad Rush and Squad Deathmatch. The first game will always be Sqaud Rush, however the winner of said game will get to choose the next map while the loser chooses the match type(Rush/Team Deathmatch).

    If you are interested in joining but you're the only one in your alliance that would like to play, don't fret! We can arrange inter-alliance teams if need be.

    If you already have a team set-up, please reply to this thread with The following:

    Team Member 1:
    Team Member 2:
    Team Member 3:
    Team Member 4:
    Does your entire team have Xbox Live?:
    Does your team agree to pay The 200 tech entry fee?:
    How would you grade your team? (A, B, C, D, or F?):

    The reason I ask for your letter-grade is so I can seed the teams as best as I can.


    The fee for joining up is 200 tech per team. There will be a prize for the top 3 teams. The 1st place team will receive 1400 tech, 2nd place will take home 600 tech, and 3rd place will bring in 400 tech. there are only 12 team-slots available and it will be first-come, first serve.


    [i]-Slot Available
    -Slot Available
    -Slot Available
    -Slot Available
    -Slot Available
    -Slot Available
    -Slot Available
    -Slot Available

  5. [quote name='Artigo' timestamp='1318050862' post='2820535']
    I will destroy you if I get the chance

    My airwaves are flowing and my guns are loaded.

    [quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1318050946' post='2820536']
    That's a sweet flag, though.

    Thank you, sir.

  6. [quote name='Facade' timestamp='1317995443' post='2819660']
    Why the $%&@ am I in your charter? This is how you plan on paying us back our tech?


    Oh kev...

    You'll get your tech ;)

    [quote=Cheyenne]This is probably your worst alliance yet[/quote]

    This is as much of an alliance as the Michael Scott Paper Company was. With that said, I don't know if you can really call this an 'alliance'. At least not an alliance that follows the norm of alliancehood.

    Also, I find it funny how you (among others) bash previous alliances. The members of said alliances often tell me that those were the most fun times they've had on Planet Bob. I think that's more of an indicator of how "good" an alliance is, not so much your political clout or duration of existence. More or less, it just mean's I'm an ass of a leader that puts his own self-interests above others in my alliance - Not that the alliances that I've created are bad.

    (The University is probably the only time where I actually served as a leader, and not as a self-righteous chode muncher)

    G'day sir.

  7. [center][IMG]http://i55.tinypic.com/25unzm8.png[/IMG]
    [b][font="Century Gothic"][size="5"]44 Angels Blink[/size][/font][/center][/b]


    [center][quote][size="4"][b][u]The Law[/u][/b][/size]
    [i]The Foundation of '44 Angels Blink'[/i]

    [b]1st Law[/b]
    There are only 4 Laws in the '44 Angels Blink' society.

    [b]2nd Law[/b]
    Conformist Maryland shall forever make all decisions on internal and foreign policies in the '44 Angels Blink' society.

    [b]3rd Law[/b]
    The '44 Angels Blink' society is required to 'Stagger', unless of course it feels the need to 'Rahl'. As such, 100 tech must find its way to the nations of Antarctic Federation and Mathaias.

    [b]4th Law[/b]
    The '44 Angels Blink' society is not intended to be a poly-nation alliance. However, membership applications will be accepted by means of either #ava on ColdFront, or Personal Message on the OWF forums. In the off-chance event that the '44 Angels Blink' society becomes a multi-member alliance, members are required to:

    -Quote Pingu within 8 hours of the original post (with an appropriate response).
    -Sport a profile theme that Conformist Maryland finds fitting.
    -Message Conformist Maryland on the OWF forums of your favorite song. DISCLAIMER: Your favorite song must in some way be associated with Tom DeLonge, Mark Hoppus, or Travis Barker.
    -Ask permission before writing in a different colored text on the OWF forums.
    -Avoid making dumbass remarks. An occasional dumbass remark can be forgiven by submitting an appeal to the great Conformist Maryland.
    -No PCP, please. Drugs are bad.
    -Agree to refrain from using the memes 'no u', 'for the win', and 'weeaboo' in the OWF and in #ava.
    -Keep the smoke outside.

    [i]Conformist Maryland[/i]
    [font="Lucida Console"]Box Car Racer of '44 Angels Blink'[/font]

    The AA '44 Angels Blink' will be protected by The People's Community until further notice.

    At the moment, forums are unnecessary. If you haven't figured out our public channel by the time you read this sentence, that's your own damn fault.

    $%&@ you all.

  8. Legion is dumb as !@#$. Post-Swampy, they chased away their only competent member (Lord Fingolfin) and refuse to do anything but stick their own heads up their ass and complain about how there is an unpleasant odor.

    Edit: And this is coming from a Legion founder.

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