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Lord King High

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Posts posted by Lord King High

  1. [img]http://images2.layoutsparks.com/1/167967/biohazard-symbol-logo-danger.jpg[/img]

    So it has come to the attention of BioCorp that our friends at The Apparatus have a bunch of green slime all over their plantation. Our first office was on that plantation, and we still like to stop by and remember the good times we had. Well. It seems that the front window in our old office has been broken by a green fire!


    Me and Alex just had osko clean that office from floor to ceiling, while DarthRevan sat by with his ever friendly whip to make sure it got done in a timely fashion. For all our hard work to just go up in smoke, well it's just appalling! And frankly my dear, we give a damn.
    So From two true Country Boys who always carry a gun in their trucks, and the rest of The BioHazard Corporation, BioCorp activates article 2 of the Bio Cordially Hazardous Agreement and declares war on Nuclear Fire.

    Signed for The BioHazard Corporation
    Alex0827a-President and Big Scary Boss guy
    Ajax/Lord King High- Vice President of WhoopA$$
    President of UI- Director of War, Apocalypse Zombie
    Okso1337-Director of Human Resources, Residential Cleaning lady
    Merlinus-Director of Public Relations, The OLD WISE ONE
    Tikanthia-Director or Revenue, Funding teh red button pushing since summer 2012

  2. If you're looking for an alliance that seems to grow magically, with a very laid back( but still has some serious undertones here and there) atmosphere, then House Baratheon is a good fit for you. We have a lot of experienced rulers from many different backgrounds so the chances that you connect with at least one of us are very very high. Catch us at #HB if you ever need more info.
    Either way, all the best luck to you in finding an Alliance.
    LKH-Master of Arms.

  3. Kaiser, you are actually one of the few my thanks was directed at. If you have a problem with me, or MaD, that's fine. But I do not care about your opinion unless you speak them with me. And yes. I am going to call people out. If they don't like it, or it hurts their feelings, that's tough. If you want us to disband that bad, come to me and give me solid reasons why we should. NOT "you suck" "you're a micro" "we don't like you". If you think we should merge into an alliance, Come Tell Me Why. But be prepared, and have a full-proof presentation.

  4. To the ones who have said something either positive or at least useful. Thank you. To those of you that have not, and want us to disband, Find a way to make it happen or STFU. If you want us, come get us. #MaD http://s4.zetaboards.com/Murder_at_Dawn/index/
    There we are. We aren't hiding. And we aren't going anywhere. If we are doomed to the 9th levels of hell for being a part of a micro or trying to run one, so be it. We will see you there. I don't hate you for the alliance you are in, despite feelings I may have about a particular Alliance. Just because you are in a big or even sanctioned alliance does not give you the right to belittle or ridicule those who are trying to make this game worth something again. And if you are Government of a big alliance, You have no right to try to tear down micros, because you know how damned hard it is running an alliance. Especially with the player base dropping more and more everyday. If you are so insecure with your self that you have to constantly make fun of someone or tear them down stop by and personally see me in #MaD. If you can make me cry, or even laugh at a good insult, I'll give you perma @ops. Maybe even Sops if it's really good! But unless you have the balls to come chat with me, sit down, shut up, and carry on with your sad, miserable lives.

  5. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1311131374' post='2759607']
    Why are you posting this on the OWF then? It's an OdOaP between two micros, it's not like you're ever going to use the thing anyway.
    If we aren't going to use it, why do you care? your nation can sit back and infrafarm in peace.
    Also, I would not sign something I had no intentions of acting upon.
    Good day sir. You can show yourself out.

  6. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1311131117' post='2759601']
    I've done plenty important, thanks for asking... Though as a rebuttal to my request to make yourselves relevant, I must admit that was pretty !@#$%*.
    I do not quite feel that you understand our position on your opinions. I'll clear things up. WE. DO. NOT. GIVE. A. F&@#

  7. [quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1310873556' post='2757549']
    Does Amazon Nation have a single ally that isn't completely awful?

    UHmm...just NSO. Idk if they are a big deal or anything. they seem to be pretty solid. not to mention the other amazing allies like TSA and TYR. get some of your facts straight.

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