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Posts posted by Duggie

  1. warflag1.jpg

    Enmity Alliance Sign Up Thread

    Forum Link:


    IRC Channel: irc.coldfront.net #Enmity

    We are a multi-colored Alliance (Mostly Blue). We are a small 15 person alliance looking for new members. We have a great Aid/Tech/Donation Market.

    Article I. Preamble

    The Enmity alliance, hereby declares membership as an alliance to the Cyberverse. All nations of Enmity Alliance are sovereign nations. This document is created to uphold peace and protection of our members.

    Aticle II. Rules

    1) All members of Enmity Alliance will show respect to other members of the alliance and general respect to members of other alliances.

    2) All members of Enmity Alliance will not attack a fellow member or attack another alliance without permission of a minister or leader first.

    3) All members of Enmity Alliance will listen to orders of high ranked officials (Ministers, Leader, War Officials in war time).

    -If any of these laws are broken Ministers and or Leader will punish as seen fit.

    Article III. War

    1) The leader of the alliance is the only person that can make the decision with the backing of the Ministers to go to war.

    2) If a nation of EA is attacked by a nation of another alliance he will report it to a Minister of the Leader and we will resolve it diplomaticly.

    3) If Enmity Alliance goes to war ALL nations are required to come to the aid of there alliance.

    Article IV. Government

    1) There will be a head leader of the alliance known as the Prime Minister

    2) There will be a council of 5 Ministers.

    3) Treaties, New laws, Chart ammendments.. etc... must be voted upon by the Council and the Prime Minister for it to pass it must have a majority Council vote.

    4) Prime Minister will be voted for every month

    Article V. Ministers

    1) Ministers will be elected every month.

    2) The nominations will begin the 23rd and go on to the 25th.

    3) Debates will take place from the 25th and go on till the 28th.

    4) Voting will take place from the 28th to the 1st of next month.

    5) Prime Minister retains the right to appoint and depoint any minister as he chooses.


    Schills, Prime Minister of Enmity Alliance

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