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Posts posted by JustIncredible

  1. [quote name='Thrash' timestamp='1302044197' post='2685023']
    Now we're back to who was the aggressor and for what reason was NPO attacked again.

    This thread is going in such a circle that I'm getting so dizzy that I want to come out of PM and layeth the smackdown on some.

    I'm sure DH would love that.

    [ooc]someone has been watching too much wrestling :P althought.. look at my name :ph34r: [/ooc]

  2. [quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1302024675' post='2684771']
    Oh, Schattenman. You know as well as the rest of us that you take whichever side will gain you the most attention and notoriety.

    Oh, [s]Schattenman[/s] Crymson. You know as well as the rest of us that you [s]take[/s] suck like a leech whichever side [s]will gain you the most attention and notoriety.[/s] is in power and will enable you to cling to your pixels.

  3. [quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1301984620' post='2684525']
    I assume everyone who is mad at DH is only mad because we didn't allow them to join the best bloc ever.

    Since I have no proof of this then it will go down on the books as fact. Maybe we should start DH Minor.. We can fill it with people we will train to move up to the pro team.

    Also someone needs to post the definition of 'negative proof'.
    NPO will get it's peace after it follows the given requests, no additional requests would be given. If you think otherwise then prove it, or stop spreading it as fact.

    Again, this is NPO. Not anyone but NPO, if your AA isn't listed as NPO then it doesn't extend to you.

    I hope that cleared it up for HoT before he comes in and says 'our' again, that silly nobody do nothing!

    You guys already have a DH minor, its called Pandoras Box.

    [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1302026706' post='2684805']
    Because frankly...it wouldn't be a fair fight. Sending those upper tier nations out to face opponents that so completely outclass them would be a massacre and would prove absolutely nothing. Why do think they were in PM to start with? :rolleyes:

    Also, as I posted elsewhere, it's not Pacifica's job to make up for the sloppy job you did on OPSEC--those nations should have been engaged and prevented from getting to PM in the first place and they weren't. Regardless, the military objective was to prevent Pacifica and its allies from providing meaningful support to Polaris and its allies. The objective was decisively achieved. What left? Payback for what exactly? Stuff that happened in 2007 or 2008? Really? What was the Karma War? <_<

    I'm with Hal here, as I stated earlier, I fought on the Karma side of the war, and I see NPO is not close to being the ebil NPO they were. I mean, $%&@, if Shattenmann can see its not the same NPO is was, then what the hell is your excuse?

    [quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1302037752' post='2684940']
    I still don't understand why there is arguing going on over why NPO was attacked. They're at war right now and DH holds the cards - that's what matters.

    Perfect response from a great brown noser right here.

    [quote name='Borsche' timestamp='1301999794' post='2684579']
    You tell us not to speak for the cyberverse, but then by saying 'we don't want your help' you arrogantly assume that you are the platform for this planet's opinion. Please refrain from speaking if you continue to be as arrogant and hypocritical as you are now.

    Wow.. You know I can't even argue the point I was making due to be appalled by someone from your side accusing another of being arrogant and hypocritical.

    [quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1302038349' post='2684947']
    The issue was the strategy being in play to avoid NPO allies moving out early on. you've said you'd have entered with a legitimate point of entry. Given the fact that one of your legitimate points of entry simply didn't go in despite having a treaty partner directly attacked meant something was up. We know another was looking to enter once they had decided on a particular route to take, so that along with the STA-TPF stuff forced the issue. Not really trying to say this as objective fact, rather giving it from our perspective.

    I would LOVE to hear the EXACT reason Umbrella declared war on NPO. Along with an EXACT reason why GOONS and MK did. You guys are tired of arguing the reason, but yet its changed so much since the DoW we just don't know which reason we're supposed to believe. I'm sure this will be replied to with some sort of arrogant remark from someone in DH about how I am not important enough to deserve an answer, or go read the last 180 pages worth of flip flopping reasons, so if thats how you plan to respond, just don't respond.

  4. [quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1301977864' post='2684474']
    How can we be superman? We are still alive and walking over NPO.

    NPO has no playbook, they are leaning on the mouth of the masses which includes people like yourself and HoT. Does that come across as a well thought out play to you? I bet it does since you are relatively stupid when it comes to a personal, non band-wagon style thought.

    Super Heroes do what is best for the world, they never ask. You can thank me later.

    I now await your rushed, repeated reply that will contain no less than 5 references to something someone else said and how much you enjoy applesauce.

    Love eternally,
    mrwuss jr III esq MD PHD DDA

    Welcome back to the thread wuss [img]http://forum.mininova.org/public/style_emoticons/default/troll.png[/img]

    and wait a minute... I fought on the Karma side of the war, supported MK and Karma for trying to "change" things for the better and now because I feel personally betrayed by those same people I'm bandwagoning? I've been around a lot longer than my nation or profile shows, but I believe being (or at least feeling) stabbed in the back by MK especially gives me plenty enough reason to dislike you and your cause.

  5. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301973418' post='2684441']
    We're doing it to save the planet from people like you.

    Because I don't support your actions of trying to be "superman" and "save" us, doesn't mean I agree with their strategies, BUT it damn sure doesn't give you any !@#$@#$ right to try and tell people how to run their alliance, fight their wars or speak for all of Planet Bob. Don't come in trying to act like some knight in shining armor, we don't want your help.

    [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301973418' post='2684441']
    As if FAN need any sort of reason or justification for taking out any kind of revenge on NPO they see fit. Anything FAN gives to NPO is too good for them. And I support them 100%.

    I agree with this, FAN has a valid reason to want to see NPO rolled. My point was they waited until it was convenient to do something about it. Being the opportunistic cowards they are.

    Also iirc, did FAN not use PM during their war with Pacifica to stay alive? The same peace mode strategy now that you want to "save us from"... hmm..

    It really seems as if NPO has taken FANS playbook, and DH has taken NPO's, and FAN has taken VE's (with being opportunistic and all)

  6. [quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1301971304' post='2684418']
    hm you dont seem to get me...FAN was mentioned in DH's initial DoW while not posting one themselves...this means they had to be integral with the planning of the offensive strike yet did not feel they needed to post a separate thread to announce their attacks....so basically again....who contacted who

    Does it really matter? Either way, no matter who contacted who, FAN were obviously just being opportunistic cowards that couldn't pay NPO back for what they did without jumping on DH's nuts.

  7. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301941887' post='2684087']
    This has been discussed and answered about sixty quadrillion times. I'm pretty sure it's even been answered to you. The answer, once again, is that the war would be over had they fought in the war. The peace mode strategy is not one that planet Bob can condone or allow to be used in future wars. Thus, we're putting a stop to it now.


    Now you're doing it for all of us huh? This is "For Planet Bobs sake".. Well as a member of Planet Bob, I don't want your help stopping this strategy, so you can quit now.

  8. [quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1301900886' post='2683888']
    I bet you are the life of the partyy when you get invited to one.

    I was just informed the answers I gave were reversed.

    Applesauce then wheel, appogies.

    While I may dislike DH, I thought they were more intelligent than what I've seen come out of your posts. You have proven me wrong.

    So, I'll leave you to your attempt at comedy. :wacko:

  9. [quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1301900135' post='2683883']

    How dare you threaten us because beeffurry used words to express that no one cares what you or the other fool think, want or consider.

    The answer to number one is wheel and the answer to number two is applesauce.

    Did I threaten anything just now, you moron? !@#$@#$ learn to read or stop posting.

  10. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301898888' post='2683873']
    I'm sure the people who cared gave up 169 pages ago, and I doubt you're important enough for them to come trip over themselves to answer your (previously answered) questions amidst this sea of stupidity.

    I would say I'm important enough to receive an answer. I'm a member of an alliance that actually listens to what their members want. So, my opinion of you [b]might[/b] make a big difference in my alliances actions in the future, you never know. We're also democratic, so I could end up leading this alliance, sooner or later.

    So, with less trying to belittle me and beating around the bush, I will assume "Because you can't stop us" and "Yes, because again, you can't stop us" are the answers.

    edit; missed a word

  11. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301898058' post='2683867']
    What I'm telling you is I'm not gov so what I say isn't really indicative of anything official one way or another. And you'll find that peace terms are actually quite common in war (of which this is one). If NPO isn't interested in meeting peace terms, then I guess we don't get to tell them what to do. Do you do this when reps are involved too? "Oh so now GOD tells people who to pay money to huh?" I'm hoping this doesn't spiral back into "everyone deserves white peace at all times in all situations."

    Can you please get someone who actually has a say in official matters to answer my question then and either relay back here or just have them drop by and answer?

    I would love to hear why DH has the right to infringe on another alliances sovereignty and decide what tactics can be used in war or face eternal war.

    While you're there, go ahead and get an answer for my next question..

    Will this policy just be for NPO? or can we expect the same "NO FAIR! You're not doing what we wanted" policy in all future conflicts involving DH?

  12. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301897110' post='2683855']
    You are wrong. I am retired. And the answer you seek was given several pages ago (tl;dr: it would've been over had they not hidden in peace mode; it's not a tactic we can condone or allow to be used going forward).

    So you're telling me that now since DH is in power they get to decide what tactics and/or strategies alliances can use in war?

  13. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301896757' post='2683852']
    DH has been at war for over 2 months and lost blah blah NS. It's already been established that this war was based on a correct assumption that NPO would enter the war. They brought this war on themselves; we and our allies were clever and pre-empted them and attacked for a variety of well-discussed reasons. Presenting controversial statements as fact sure is easy!

    I believe you are GOONS gov? Correct me if I am wrong.

    So I, again, ask even if NPO was attacked for planning to enter a war they had no say in due to chaining treaty obligations, why are they still at war when the front they would've entered on is over?

  14. [quote name='r00tn00b' timestamp='1301896068' post='2683840']
    We just want them to fight in a war that they brought upon themselves. We are only doing what is just and right.

    Shame on you NPO.. How dare you get rolled in Karma and pay the largest amount of reps in history and still grow to be larger than any DH alliance :((

  15. [quote name='Borsche' timestamp='1301869090' post='2683613']
    Oh, so MrWuss isn't allowed to have an opinion regarding the ability of people being able to cash cheques and how vocal the "peanut gallery" is?

    You are being paranoid.

    I don't see any paranoia, I only seen him pointing another hypocrite from your side.

    As far as MrWuss' threats... Please try to shut me up, or in TypoNinja's version of it "give me consequences" for speaking out against DH. I know that you wont, can't and aren't quite ready for the next power shift just yet, so until then I will continue to speak my mind, free of consequence until you're in a position to stop me.

  16. [quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1301817789' post='2683356']
    It won't be you that comes collecting; so stop writing checks your future self can't cash.

    [b]The peanut gallery sure has gotten vocal, maybe the next tirade DH goes on should include every non involved AA who has told us how this war should be directed or what will come of it.[/b]

    Here's a hint, unless you plan on doing something besides grandstanding on the forums then your opinion is worth as much as HoT's ( nothing ).

    PLEASE do. I would LOVE for DH to go an a tirade and start attacking more non-involved AA's. :lol1:

    I, at no point, said I would be the one doing anything at all, I would just stating the fact that you WILL get whats coming to you. But I guess we'll see. ;)


    [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1301818015' post='2683358']
    I thought DH was all about freedom of speech and no threats towards those who speak out against DH?

    or is this line from the OP just a total lie as well, "The end of silence for fear of persecution."

    Thanks, I forgot about that one.

  17. [quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1301816035' post='2683347']
    Forgive me as I am using my phone from the throne in my office to communicate. to paraphrase; you said you had an issue witha consistent opinion on GOONs due to the way we present ourselves on the forums. I simply stated that the way we present ourselves doesn't change. The new moniker we have been given "GOONS 2.0" seems like a silly attempt at trolling. Pepsi has changed recipes and they do not call it Pepsi 2.0.

    The first attempt at a GOONS based AA was lead by a different mindset, different people and with a slightly different goal. [u][b]There are two things they have in common; the pool of members and the name of the AA[/b][/u]. That is it.

    [u][b]To the other guy who quoted me and spouted something stupid in an attempt to take whT I posted out of context to make it fit his boring, slow and useless thought process;

    Cry more you whiney, tired, pointless mouth piece. No matter how you feel about it, twist it, argue about it or demand it be rectified NPO is our punching bag until they do what we want. That is how war works, no martter how you feel it should. To the winners go the spoils.[/b][/u]

    You aren't the winner, just simply spoiled.

    Please tell me you're talking about me here because you just AGAIN proved my point I was trying to make, that GOONS are either A.) holding double standards or B.) in fact the same GOONS they were back in the day.

    You can be the same pool of members, new government and the same name, and its "not the same alliance"... BUT on the other hand NPO can be the same name, new and old pool of members and some new and old government but yet they're still "the same alliance" of pre-Karma. Sounds kinda hypocritical.. but nothing like that would ever come from your side eh?

    Also again you're proving "Might makes right". NPO is not your punching bag, maybe for now, but you'll get whats coming to you soon enough.

    and I leave you with a quote from one of your own coalitions fearless leaders....

    [quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1240293085' post='1436061']
    You believe you can have your way without consequences in this world. That is not the case.[/quote]

    and YES I am going to keep throwing this quote around a lot. Why? Because it is obvious to everyone DH thinks now they're in power they can do as they wish without consequences. That is not the case. You will pay for what you have done.

  18. [quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1301809086' post='2683314']
    We haven't changed a bit in our presentation and attitude, we are who we are and that is what makes us GOONs. I am not sure how you could waver from one impression to another.

    Now if that was a member of NPO.. it would go along the lines of something similar to ...

    NPO: "We are who we are and thats what makes us Pacificans"
    DH: "You're evil and going to get rolled continuously until you change everything about yourself to our liking."

  19. [quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1301769549' post='2682977']
    [quote]We near the end. The end of forced disbandment. The end of terms that cripple alliances forever. The end of silence for fear of persecution. The end of the influence of those who would overthrow these goals in favor of their own return to power. The end of cowardice. The end of myth and fear. The end of this war.[/quote]

    Ohh.. I like that quote... I like this one too...

    [quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1240293085' post='1436061']
    [b]You believe you can have your way without consequences in this world. That is not the case.[/b]

    We are Karma incarnate, and we stand in solidarity here today to decree that this action shall not stand. You will pay for what you have done.

    On behalf of Karma,

    Wonder how they're gonna feel when Karma bites them in the ass.

    [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301784760' post='2683097']
    What we offered was they actually fight in a war they were fighting, in which they'd know how long and approximately how much damage they'd take (and have the chance to inflict damage in return). Reps would hurt rebuilding too. If you're opposed to all terms besides white peace then there's no point discussing terms with you in the first place.

    You mean you offered for them to fight a war you started, how you want, when you want, where you want, for the length you want or keep getting rolled until you decide otherwise. Might makes right... right?

  20. [u][b]BLACK TEAM ONLY[/b][/u]

    Oil/Rubber - [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=452095"]Empress Val[/url]
    Lead/Spices - [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=449265"]MrTehPenguin[/url]
    Gold/Lumber - [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=452552"]Masterpiece[/url]
    Gems/Marble - [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=452467"]GANKATRON[/url]

    [color="#FF0000"][b]We still need any combination of the following:[/b][/color]


  21. [quote name='Co God Ben' timestamp='1301530472' post='2680977']
    Classy is our middle name, good sir. Please come to #loss and we'll discuss it like gentlemen.

    I see what you did there... made me join and see just how classless you really were just so I would join huh?! This won't be forgotten :((

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