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Posts posted by nomdeplume

  1. Dionysus and Louis XVI; yeah, we get it. You wanted to dismantle DRN, but got pissed when Gino beat you to the punch. Sadly, I cannot play the violin, otherwise I would serenade you with a sad song. LAW has an inexperienced government, because everyone above them left some time ago. Given that DRN's former gov (you included) spent more time plotting against each other than actually leading, this can only be an improvement, no?

    I don't think HB is necessary the best choice of protector, but I'm sure you'll be able to get back on your feet, LAW.

    EDIT: Obligatory link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fC3Cthm0HFU

    Thanks, Rev


    May I point out that I have served as a top leader in every AA I have been in since the founding of my current nation. While my reputation may not be sterling, it is certainly good enough that I have no trouble achieving and maintaining a leadership role.


    Resume available upon request via PM or query.


    Lyev and Lahavoc may be inexperienced in the game, but both have shown the qualities that I find appealing in leaders.


    That said, this thread is about a DoE and a protectorate, not about the quality of our leadership, nor the drama that arose from DRN and those who sought to destroy it. I ask that we return to the topic and discuss it rather than the history of an AA that was destroyed by it's founder rather than be allowed to be destroyed by outside influences.


    Thank you

  2. Congratulations on existing LAW. Wish you all the best.They forgot the bit about stop and search and frisking. Also no mention of confiscation of weapons. Neither is chewing tobacco mentioned.


    Blue wall of silence...


    Reports are on my desk. The perp walk will take place at a time TBA. We believe in open and honest PR, but we cannot jeopardize our investigation.

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