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Posts posted by tblindparrot

  1. [quote name='Karolina' timestamp='1299524137' post='2655615']
    OOC: This isn't the place to debate their history, though it's not quite as simple as you make it. Once again, I will state that, [b]as an ex-Nordreich member[/b], I can tell you that they are not racist/white-supremacists/nazi's. Being a former member, I think I have more knowledge of them than you.

    Also, you are being an idiot at the moment. Stop making idiotic posts, and my labelling of you as an idiot shall cease.
    I spied on Nordreich for a long long time.

  2. [quote name='Lamuella' timestamp='1299524244' post='2655618']
    no, it had structural integrity issues from the beginning, plus major personality clashes between the people in charge. It could never have lasted long, too much depended on people of strong will and ambition agreeing with each other.

    EDIT: the lasting contribution of the Initiative wasn't that it showed it was possible to [i]win[/i] the game, but that it showed it was possible to [i]dominate[/i] the game. It was the first time power in CN went from being multipolar/bipolar to unipolar. Ultimately, you could view the year and a half of CN that came after the unjust war as being some of the architects of the Initiative trying to build as a longterm prospect what the Initiative created in the short term. Whether they learned the [i]right[/i] lessons or not, I can't say.
    Fair enough but at the very least we can all admit, at least on the winning side, it was very very fun.

    Also Lamuella I don't know if you saw but I wanted to say hi. I'm Ssipsonia/Francisco Franco from LW, miss those days way to much

  3. [quote name='Karolina' timestamp='1299523776' post='2655609']
    OOC: No, they aren't. Stop being an idiot. I was a member and I'm a Slav, and it never ever came up as an issue. They're made up of a variety of people from different backgrounds and countries.

    OOC: As I stated before, they were at one point and most likely still are. Don't call me an idiot.

  4. [quote name='KingEsus' timestamp='1299523616' post='2655602']
    Well ok.

    But the game clearly wasn't 'won', as the Initiative fell, and it didn't even take that long. Less than a year.

    I got the date wrong it was 2006.
    It didn't fall. We got bored of it and tore it down for fun. If you were here right after Great War III you know that it was comprehensively won.

  5. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1299523401' post='2655596']
    [Start Sarcasm here][OOC]Yes I better watch out or they will send the storm troopers round to my house to attack me and beat me to death. [OOC][End sarcasm here]

    My nations populations better watch out. I will raise defcon just so they know the importance of what you say. Yes that's right, this is sarcasm as well.
    I'm just trying to help you no need to be so defensive.

  6. [quote name='KingEsus' timestamp='1299523305' post='2655593']
    What prompted this?

    The treaty was announced on the 15th December 2007, so this isn't even an anniversary.
    I came back today and remembered that the WUT was the one time in the many years of this game where CyberNations has been comprehensively 'won' by very, very few players.

  7. [quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1299523141' post='2655589']
    You seem to know a lot anout events in the past for a ruler that only came to the international channels today, regardless if anyone thinks Nordreich in its current incarnation is a white supremacist alliance is incredibly dense.
    I re-created my nation after a long time of not playing.

    As well, no. I am correct. I have been here a long time before you and I remember that they have done this same song and dance of disbanding, reforming, and acting all nice before. I even used them back when I was in the WUT to do my bidding - but remember, they're still racists.

  8. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1299522936' post='2655585']
    [start sarcasm here] No, I never knew, that's because I'm incapable of opening my eyes and reading various sources. That changes my opinion of them greatly now. God I HATE YOU NORDREICH [end sarcasm here]
    Good use of the hilarious sarcasm tags :P

    I mean I would just watch out. They're known to be violent, evil racists. So like, keep an eye open. They've done the 'not Nazis' dance before and every time the true colors come out

  9. [quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1299523003' post='2655586']
    Nope, incorrect. It was a bad bloc based on fear and intimidation, full of conflicting personalities doomed to tear each other apart. The only people who still look fondly on those days are people from \m/; desperate to be able to feel successful at one point in their miserable existence.
    Nah, we won the game then got bored. I was no in \m/ because they were one of our puppets who attacked whoever we told them to. Classic stuff

  10. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1299522660' post='2655582']
    Actually I have found chatting to their guys quite nice. Especially Rattonbox. I'm not white so going by your definition they would hate me. They are superior to you though, but that wouldn't be hard to beat.
    Hm somehow I really doubt this also yeah, they were at one point, literally a racist and white supremacist alliance, if you didn't know

  11. The World Unity Treaty was, without a single doubt in most players minds, the greatest treaty ever to grace this game. Those of us old timers involved in it had broken the game and more or less won it without a shadow of a doubt. We ruled the world with an iron fist the likes of which would never be seen again in this game. Farewell to four years ago, or however long it was now, but we did it.

    We won CyberNations.

    If you were a WUT Member, please give your remarks here, in this thread

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