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Posts posted by Balbo

  1. [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1298670879' post='2644959']
    Uh, Heath Ledger's death is tragic, but it's not because of the role of the Joker in the Dark Knight. It's because he was a drug addict in real life, not a particular role he played in a film.
    I was under the impression that while he may have had a drug problem, his descent into causing his own demise was amplified by his dedication to the Joker. If this is not the case, then forgive me - I don't mean to start a debate on the circumstances of Heath Ledger's death.

    I standby my original point, that the lack of separation between heavy roleplaying and real life can have negative consequences, but it really depends on the person.

  2. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1298646078' post='2644741']
    I disagree. I believe that IC asshammers are asshammers in real life, just more concentrated and without the social restrictions to limit their asshammery.
    On the same note, people who are attention whores IC tend to crave the same amount of attention OOC.

  3. [quote name='Sigrun Vapneir' timestamp='1298568662' post='2643917']
    Actually it is very healthy, psychologically, to be able to empathise with and portray those who are different from oneself.

    Just sayin... :awesome:
    I'm going to have to say that both you and Voytek are right here. RP in the terms that we're used to can be extremely healthy and fun, but it can also be very detrimental. Many actors in the real world have thrown themselves into their roles and produced great success, both on and off the stage (see Daniel Day Lewis in [i]Gangs of New York[/i]).

    At the same time, however, there's a risk that one takes when participating in roleplay, and that is getting too lost in one's own character, like Voytek was alluding to earlier in this thread. A perfect and unfortunate example is Heath Ledger's performance in [i]The Dark Knight[/i]. A wonderful job of character acting, but at an extreme cost - the actor's life.

    I'm not trying to imply that Maelstrom Vortex's IC posts are going to end up with his suicide, I'm merely saying there are two sides to the coin here.

  4. [quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1298625063' post='2644612']Whilst we sat back and peacefully constructed our society they plotted our destruction. How clearer a picture do you need? They fear us because they know we have reformed from our old ways. They fear us because we learned from the war known as the Karma Conflict. They fear us because we have perfected ourselves and they know the moment we have power the slavish hold they have locked over bob since Karma will be shattered.[/quote]
    Despite what you've been spoon-fed to believe, those who oppose Pacifican "Order" aren't saying that there should be chaos in the world, merely that personal freedom and individual free will should be protected. While you may have imposed your order in the past, the NPO's boot heels will never be able to march across Planet Bob again and eliminate free will, and that's what Doomhouse, Karma, and their allies are standing for.

  5. Coal -
    Oil - Balbo
    Marble -
    Rubber -
    Aluminum -
    Iron -
    Lumber -
    Lead -
    Pigs -
    Gold -
    Uranium -
    Wildcard - (Sugar) Balbo

    Reply here with your nation's link or message me in game if you're interested. We'll send trades after all of the slots are filled, I'm working on getting a harbor too.

    My nation: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=447691

  6. [quote name='Trikoupis' timestamp='1298623964' post='2644605']
    This is a fundamental rankist ideological lie, promising the masses some kind of victory. In reality, within the rankist system everyone loses but a handful of individuals at the top of the Food Chain. And this is no fun.
    I hate to break it to you, but there is no big lie, there is no system, the universe is indifferent. It's quite a view from up here.

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