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Posts posted by Kundaria

  1. On the 12th of Febuary 2008, Khotan announced it's independance from the abyss off CyberNations. Lead by Max Martin of Kundaria the alliance has formed an alliance from the begining.

    The Independant States of Khotan

    Khotan, Nations that Live Free, But Bound Under One Flag!

    To join go to the Khotan Forums

    The Independent States of Khotan


    We, The Independent States of Khotan come together to form an allegiance of nations that will stand up and be noticed throughout the world whilst keeping their nations identity, rights and freedom intact. To the Khotan members each nation deserves to be free and never to be run by a foreign power or dictator. Our full name is “The Independent States of Khotan†and the shortened/common name is “Khotanâ€.


    a. Membership is open to anyone, any religion, beliefs or strength. We accept weak and strong. In order to be eligible for membership you must not be involved in any wars with any members of an alliance. We encourage you to change to the black team if you have not already done so but you can still become a member if you are of any other colour.

    b. Applications of membership to Khotan will be handled with by the Minister of Internal Affairs or Governor.

    c. Expulsion of members will result when someone purposely tarnishes the alliance to the extent that it has negative effects on the alliances reputation or tries to change our belief of individual freedom towards every nation.


    a. Governor

    There will be one governor who leads the alliance and makes sure everything is in order and that that path that the alliance is taking is not straying from the basic principals’ of the charter.

    b. Khotan Government Board of Control

    The KGBC (Khotan Government Board of Control) will consist of five head members responsible for organising the branches of government. Elections for the 5 positions will take place every two months. The elected members of the KGBC will decide who gets the government positions. A maximum of 2 members of the KGBC can hold government positions at any one time.

    i. Minister or War

    The minister of war oversees all plans for attack and defence of the alliance. The Minister of War must check all attacks on and by the alliance, organise and command attacks and prepare the alliance for attacks in peace time.

    ii. Minister of Foreign Affairs

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs is responsible for representing the alliance and making official statements from the government, as well as overseeing and managing diplomatic relations and also negotiates peace in wartime.

    iii. Minister of Internal Affairs

    The Minister of Internal Affairs approved or denies new membership applications, as well as educating and recruiting new members.

    iv. Minister of Finance

    The Minister of Finance is responsible for Organizing Aid and Growth programs within the alliance and the distribution of aid. The Minister of Finance will also report on the amount of money that the alliance has hold of.


    a. Elections will take place for the positions of the KGBC and will happen ever second month. Elections will last over 3 days.

    b. If in the event of constant complaints for a certain member from the Governor down to the government members and election will take place to either “keep in power†or “dislodge from powerâ€. To dislodge a member the vote has to be at least 60% in favour.


    a. Alliance v Alliance

    If a foreign alliance member attacks any Khotan member that nation shall be ZIed (Zero Infra) unless if a peace offer is submitted by the foreign alliance attacker, it shall be accepted as soon as possible with negotiations commencing with the alliance of the attacker.

    b. Alliance V Rouge

    If a rouge nation (a non-affiliated nation) attacks a Khotan member then the rouge shall be ZIed indefinitely.

    c. Tech Raids

    Tech raids are not encouraged to be commenced alone. Only raiding parties shall tech raid and only under the right circumstances.


    If a nation is eligible to purchase nuclear weapons they are encouraged to do so but are not encouraged to use them at will, instead they shall stockpile the weapons ready for appropriate use.


    Any member may request for an amendment of the charter but will first have to be approved to go to vote by the Governor and the Khotan Board of Control. If gone to vote the amendment must gain a 75% majority to pass.


    As this is just a basic outline of our alliances goals and laws we must remember the main goal of the alliance “to let nations live free, yet be bound under one flagâ€. The charter will never be “complete†as such; instead we can improve it and make it more conclusive and detailed.

  2. Coalition of Dark Nations



    I. Introduction

    This document is created to protect and outline member’s rights. If one of our member nations is attacked all nation shall treat it as an attack against the whole alliance. If that occurs they will assist the members involved to defend the alliance with whatever force is necessary.

    II. Admission & Expulsion

    Any nation may join the coalition if they are not currently fighting with one of our members, allies or friendly principalities of CDN. To officially become a member of the alliance they must sign up with their nation name and post in the sign up forum/thread.

    Expulsion may be granted to a nation if the nation commits an act of terrorism, sabotage, and/or disrespect to other nation/alliances even if they are enemies or disrespect of the principals of the charter. In addition to expulsion, if a nation uses our alliance name in their AA to corrupt our alliance or any other form of destruction, they shall be ZIed (Zero Infrastructure).

    III. Political Structure

    The Supreme Chancellor (SC) is the leading power in the alliance. The Grand Chancellor shall not be an evil dictator and must listen to the needs of the members for the good of the alliance.

    The Grand Chancellor (GC) is second in command and will help look over & govern the alliance.

    The Chancellor (CH) is the next level of leadership. He or she will help the Supreme Chancellor & Grand Chancellor with decision making and help govern the alliance.


    The Governor General (GOVGEN) will look over the internal affairs, public relations (PR) and general alliance maintenance.


    The Foreign Affairs Minister (FAM) job is to finalise treaties, pacts and to be an ambassador in other alliances forums.


    The Internal Affairs Minister (IAM) will be the main person that conducts internal happenings of the alliance. He or she will look over the administration of the alliance.


    The Defence Minister (DM) will be the person that will look to defend the members in times of war. He will advise the attacks on nations, including those that have been ZIed. During peace time he will organise and make sure member nations have sufficient armed personnel.


    The Finance Minister (FM) will determine where aid goes and will conduct the starter aid program. The FM will be required to report on the amount of money in the Reserve Bank.

    IV. Elections

    Elections will take place for the GOVGEN every three months. There is no limit in how many terms one GOVGEN is allowed.

    Immediately after the elections take place the GOVGEN will choose his or hers ministers.

    V. Financial Aid

    The Reserve Bank (RB) of the CDN will be headed by the FM. Nations will be given a select amount of money that they are not allowed to spend and can only be used for aid when directed by the FM.

    VI. Military Action

    If war is declared on a member nation, the attacked nation must immediately inform the Defence Minister (DM) or post on the forums in the correct category.

    VII. Referendum

    A referendum will take place when there is increasing concern over a certain structure of the alliance.

    To gain a referendum a government member must write up a report on what it is we should change and explain in full detail what is to be done. The report must consist of at least 450 words and should be set out in the correct format. The word count doesn’t include headings, titles, quotes or copied material from another source. Once done they shall send it to the Supreme Chancellor. Once done the Supreme Chancellor will review the request and if approved will go to a vote to all members of the alliance, a 55% majority must pass it in order to take affect.

    A referendum may take place on a number of topics concerning the alliance, such as the charter, flag, added or reduced government positions, ZI just to name a few.

    If an absurd referendum is confronted by the Supreme Chancellor it will be thrown into the bin without any explanation.

  3. Flag1.jpg

    The Revolutionary Coalition

    The Revolutionary Coalition Forums


    The Revolutionary Coalition (TRC)

    Article 1: Membership Application

    Section 1: All members are required to register to the forums and complete the application form.

    Section 2: One of our admins will view the completed application form and if approved, validate the account.

    Article 2: Membership Rights and Laws

    Section 1: All members shall have the right of free speech.

    Section 2: No members at anytime should be racist, discriminative, abusive etc. towards any other member of the alliance, members of other alliances and players of cybernations.

    Section 3: All members will be encouraged to take part in forum activities such as voting etc. Members shall be in an order of preference, the more they post the higher priority they get in taking part in wars, tech raiding etc.

    Article 3: War

    Section 1: Our members shall not attack other nations that are in an alliance.

    Section 2: Member nations can only attack other nations with an Alliance Affiliation of “Noneâ€.

    Section 3: If a member want to attack a nation that has an Alliance Affiliation as “None†they must contact the top two government members and ask for permission to do so. This is just to protect nations from being annihilated.

    Section 4: In regards to using the “spy†feature you shall only use it if we need to target a nation without having to go to war.

    Article 4: Foreign Aid

    Section 1: Foreign aid may be transferred freely between members of TRC.

    Section 2: Members must never give foreign aid to nations outside of TRC.

    Section 3: To give foreign aid to members outside of the alliance you must first contact the top two government members for permission.

    Article 5: The Government

    Section 1: The government will be the governing body of TRC.

    Section 2: The government will consist of the King, President, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Internal Affairs, Minister of Immigration, Minister of War.

    Section 3: King

    - The King is the highest ruler of TRC, he will make the final decisions and give orders.

    Section 4: President

    - The president’s role is to offer a different point of view to the King and also helping in the decision making for the good of the alliance.

    Section 5: Minister of Foreign Affairs

    - The Minister of Foreign Affairs has the job to discuss with other alliances about treaties, alliances and pacts. During the time of war he or she will have the job of peace negotiations.

    Section 6: Minister of Internal Affairs

    - The Minister of Internal Affairs runs the inside of the alliance and will make sure everything is running smoothly.

    Section 7: Minister of Immigration

    - The Minister of Immigration organises the recruitment of new members. He or she organises approved members to become recruitment officers and to get them to help out with recruitment.

    Section 8: Minister of War

    - The Minister of War will organise tech raids on nations and during time of war against other alliances will organise targets for our members to attack.

    Article 6: Expulsion

    Section 1: If you break any laws or regulations you will go to court and a punishment will be decided.

    Section 2: Low

    - This punishment is the lowest punishment there is. The nation will have to give up a sum of $5,000-$25,000 to one of our financial advisors.

    Section3: Low Medium

    - The nation that is being punished will have to give $25,000-$100,000 to one of our financial advisors and will be banned from the forums for a period of 3-5 days.

    Section 4: High Medium

    - The nation that is being punished will have to give $100,000-$500,000 to one of our financial advisor and will be banned for a period of 6-15 days.

    Section 5: High

    - This is the highest punishment; the punished nation will have to give one of our financial advisors $500,000-$3,000,000 and will be banned for life and will be put on our list of Alliance enemies list.

    This charter will always be up for editing and I think it will never be fully finished, but it can be improved with the help of our members.

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