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Posts posted by Raeious

  1. What do you actually do as ruler of your nation or leader of your alliance?

    Where is your glory?

    The KARMA War is long over. Other wars before it are long over. Which names do you remember? Which alliances do you remember?

    It certainly isn't that o/Ruler or o/Alliance because it wasn't you or wasn't your alliance that "lead" the charge to victory but most certainly you were there and your alliance played a key role in the victory. You or Your alliance do not matter to the core group of alliances who you and your alliance give all this amazing power to. Years ago you gave it to the NPO and it's allies and allies of allies. You felt safe being attached to that power structure. KARMA comes around and you do the exact same thing and tie yourself and your alliance to it.

    Where is your glory?

    KARMA is a perfect example of how you and your alliance do not matter. When anyone thinks of the KARMA War the Viridian Entente, Mushroom Kingdom, and New Pacific Order are the alliances that get the credit for that war either as the victors or the losers. Archon by far gets much of the credit for coining the name KARMA and is thought of as the defacto leader of that coalition. Why?

    He said something in the DoomHouse Declaration of War on the New Pacific Order that you should all read more carefully:

    [b]Recently, the Order of the Paradox tried a first strike as a gambit against the Complaints and Grievances Union. The attack, a clinic in military skill and precision, was doomed only due to politics. While they showed infinitely more bravery than the New Pacific Order, in attacking a foe with military skill and a reasonable relative strength, they also taught a great lesson.[/b] - Archon

    It was not doomed only because of politics. It was doomed because of the overwhelming treaties that MK/C&G could pull to its side. Yes, that is the politics. Wars are not won by politics alone. Alliances can be great at politics but if they do not have the military might behind those treaties then those politics matter little.

    What Archon is really referring to is that back in BiPolar War and now in this DH v. NPO War, DH has the military superiority and aka [i]pawns[/i]/youralliance to win the war. You are DH's pawns and you don't even know it. Many of you are VE's and PB's aka [i]pawns[/i]/youralliance and don't even know it. Or you know it and disturbingly like being the !@#$%* in the relationship.

    What joy do you and your alliance get from seeing others go into wars while you follow? You get to do the almighty o/Ruler and o/Alliance and that means something to you? That is your great victory? You fight and your alliance puts forth a great effort just to see the likes of DH or PB or NPO years ago take all the glory.

    Where is your glory?

    Why do you all rush to have treaties with one side or the other? Afraid of being attacked? What treaties did FAN have all this time? Were they attacked? You all need to learn to trust that you can be safe without having so many incestuous treaties. By prying yourselves from the "elite" alliances on one side like MK or the other side like NPO you can create your own power sphere. Let these alliances kill each other and come to you and negotiate with your sphere about entering a war to push their interests. When they do you can dictate what you will fight for and what terms you will accept that they can impose on others and [i]YOU[/i] can even negotiate that it will be someone from your power sphere that announces the epic declaration of war or instruments of peace.

    That is how you and your alliance can be remembered. Start doing it. Or be forgotten like so many rulers and alliances that have roamed Bob.

    Below is the Pyramid with the all seeing eye. Your alliance is at the bottom creating the powerful political and military base for the all seeing eye at the top (NPO, MK, etc).

    Change this structure. End this Structure.


    The initial war is pointless. Peace it out.

    The real war is now between DoomHouse and the New Pacific Order. What will you fight for?

    Some of you have voiced your disappointment about DH's pre-emptive attack. Do something about it.
    You say you actually fought the KARMA War for the principles behind it? Then do something about it.

    To fight against DoomHouse you are not fighting for the New Pacific Order. And most importantly by achieving victory over DoomHouse doesn't mean you will be signing a treaty with the NPO or any of it's allies after the war. You and your alliance can fight for the true KARMA and establish yourselves as key players by defeating the horrible idea that is open and pre-emptive aggression.

    Where is your Glory?

    Your glory is in defeating and silencing those that think they can dictate how and when and where wars take place be it the NPO of yesterday or the DH and PB of today.
    Take your power away from them by not signing anymore treaties with them or even canceling the treaties you have with them. They are nothing without you. Realize it.

  2. [quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1295920936' post='2597595']
    Coalition by treaty perhaps. Coalition as in just attack whomever you want? No. That reaks of desperation. If the people running this war can not win it without just randomly attacking people then it is sad day for the leadership of Planet Bob. A treaty is a treaty. An ally is an ally. A coalition is something you come up with to trick poor Sparta into making fools of themselves. None the less VEs treaty with NV does not come with an exclusion for coalition warfare does it? So the treaty stands. NV has been attacked. VE will honor the treaty or ignore the treaty. They do not get a free pass for coalition warfare. If they ignore it we all know how that will play down the road. It is a sad day on Planet Bob when being expected to honor a treaty is considered naive. No wonder this place is almost dead.
    Greenland Republic has a treaty with Nueva Vida. There can be no coalition warfare if treaties are honored.

  3. Whether it's a coalition war or not Nueva Vida should activate 2 treaties before they activate AZTEC.

    Activate Greenland Republic and Viridian Entente to declare on Sparta. Yes, GR would have to declare on a bloc ally's ally. So? If you have the treaty, activate it. The VE treaty is still active at least for now and should be used. Sparta and friends are playing with the treaty web, everyone should. Either play the web or enjoy the insane months of reps.

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