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Lady Cierra

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Posts posted by Lady Cierra

  1. all three have AWESOME submissions, but, i lament the lost art of typography. the typography in all three just, well, sucks, i'm sorry to say. each of those images could really benefit from the >POP< provided by really good text formatting.

    just my two cents. :ph34r:

  2. seriously, man, the more of us old timers who leave, the more the young buttheads get run of the game and ruin it even MORE. do planet bob a favor and STAY!!!! we need you! cry.gif

  3. uhn-uh. no. absolutely not. i refuse to let you do this. i've been through way more bad, sucky, make-you-want-to-go-postal-on-the-whole-cyberplanet !@#$ than you have, and you wouldn't let me get so down that i left. don't you dare pull this crap on me. i'll hunt you down, duct-tape you to your computer chair, and remove the "off" button from your machine. friends like you are the only frickin' reason i never quit this game, despite the number of times i said i would. if you leave, i'll curl up in a dark, rotting corner of planet bob and cry until Admin puts me out of my misery. and i mean it.

    edit: plus, if you leave CN, how am i supposed to get in touch with you next spring to see if we can meet up during AnimeBoston???!?!?!?!?

  4. Nation Name: The Seven Cities

    Nation Ruler: Lady Cierra

    Team Color: Purple

    Resources: Aluminum and Rubber

    Needed Resources: Cattle, Fish, Iron, Lumber, Pigs, Sugar, Water

    Purple trades only, please; all others will be ignored. The Seven Cities is a commited, long-term trading partner, and will only cancel a trade if absolutely necessary (i.e.: i lose a trade and have no choice but to rearrange my trade slots) and will give generous advance notice before doing so. Please submit an offer in-game.

  5. * Hans|UPN|away gets on his knees

    <LC[O_o][H]> awwwwww

    * LC[O_o][H] starts to cry

    * Hans|UPN|away produces a ring of white gold with a great big diamont

    <LC[O_o][H]> :o

    * LC[O_o][H] cries harder

    <Hans|UPN|away> Lady Cierra, It would mean the world to me, if you would take my hand in marriage.

    <LC[O_o][H]> oh, hans!!!!

    * LC[O_o][H] throws her arms around Hans|UPN|away's neck

    <LC[O_o][H]> of course i will!!!


  6. Fellow leaders of Planet Bob, I come to you today, in these troubled, uncertain times, with a song of rejoicing in my heart and a lightness in my step. It is my privilege to celebrate on this day the two-year anniversary of the signing of the Great Jim City Accords, and with them, the formation of the Confederation. We have traveled a long and difficult road, yet, despite our many obstacles, we few stand here still upon this land, sovereign, alive, and united. We have learned much from our journey, and where we have grown smaller in many regards, we have grown wiser and richer in others.

    Announcement the First:

    Our experiences amoung Planet Bob these two years have taught us much, and it is in response to these lessons that I now present to you the new ruling legislature of the Confederation of Allied Nations:

    [[i know many players have grown accustomed to bullet-pointed charters than can be read by a five year old in thirty seconds or less, and abhor walls-o'-text, but this one is actually a very good read. even i can't usually read jim's WoT's word for word, but i actually enjoyed this one. give it a chance. >.> you'll also miss the most important changes to CoAN if you don't ^_^ ]]

    The Seven Cities Convention

    A New Charter for the Confederation of Allied Nations


    We, the Founders of the Confederation of Allied Nations, in order to form a more perfect alliance, signed and sealed the Great Jim City Accords. However, the harsh realities of existence on Planet Bob have rendered the Great Jim City Accords untenable as form of government, as the Government of the many was reduced only to a faithful few who still remain true to its original ideals. It is clear to the Founders now that the Great Jim City Accords can no longer function as our Charter, and we therefore approve and establish this, the Seven Cities Convention, as our new charter. ...

    [Read the full Convention here.]

    Announcement the Second:

    The many changes we have faced as an alliance have brought us to a place where we must reassess not only the way we govern ourselves, but also the manner in which we interact with other alliances. In this light, we are suspending all currently held treaties, barring revision of all pacts and renegotiating/replacing pacts as needed. All alliances wishing to retain or upgrade their pact with us may contact us to discuss doing so. Agreements held with alliances from whom we do not hear in a timely manner will be discarded.


    Announcement the Third:

    New Forums!!! :awesome:

    I would like to extend my deepest personal gratitude to those friends of the Confederation's who have stood by us through thick and thin. Your support means more to me- to us- than you'll ever know, than we can ever express. My glass is frequently raised to you, my prayers are often for you, and my smiles are usually caused by you.

    To many more years amoung you.

    Lady Cierra

    Madame Presidente of the Seven Cities

    Paladin of Peace, Confederation of Allied Nations

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