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Posts posted by Kingfloater

  1. Hey I doubt anyone remembers me but I've decided to come back and not exactly just to play this extremely fun game, I've come back to gain experience and knowledge on being in government and running a stable alliance. If anyone wants to tutor me or give me an interem position or something I will reward you by joining your alliance and growing my nation for you. For anyone who cares my resume is below [spoiler] I played this game from 2009 to 2011 was a part of LoSS before making my own alliance CoRE we peaked at 28 members and signed treaties with FEAR and the NAC before falling apart. I've also played other games and lead alliances that were successful but i could never maintain that stability. [/spoiler]

  2. [quote name='Boogeyman657' timestamp='1326252878' post='2897196']
    You're the last person to talk about attacking nations.


    yes because defending nations and attacking for fun are the same thing get your facts straight or just stay silent -_-

  3. [quote name='King Xander the Only' timestamp='1325910222' post='2894511']
    I noticed this, too. Then again, I expect the same fate for all these little alliances regardless of how trashy their entrance, so I guess it doesn't really matter.
    People wonder why were losing so many nations smh

  4. Hey how's it going?I just wanted to tell you that you are more than welcome to join the Coalition of Red Empires.As a smaller alliance we give all our members attenion rather than give them starting aid and send them on their way as the bigger alliances do.We will make sure your nation continues to grow and can help you bring in 11mil a month from tech deals.If you want to join just sign up here http://cncore.freeforums.org/index.php I hope to see you there :)

  5. [Img]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff120/duncanking/Images/corebanner.png[/Img]

    Due to our former forums lack of an arcade we have decided to switch to a more welcoming forum that does have an arcade.


    So come by and set up an embassy or at least stop by our arcade :ehm:

    We have also modified our charter so it looks more spiffy :smug:
    [Quote][b]Coalition of Red Empires Charter [/b]

    [/b]“ We the Nations of the Coalition of Red Empires , in Order to form a more perfect Alliance, establish Treaties, insure domestic Tech Dealing, provide for the common defence, promote the general Tech Raid , and secure the Blessings of sovereignty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Charter for the Coalition of Red Empires. ”

    [b]Article I: Membership[/b]
    In order to be a member of the Coalition of Red Empires you should be a member of the Red team,Have no offensive wars when you apply,and not be on any alliance ZI or permanet ZI list.

    [b]Article II: Government[/b]

    [b]Section I: The Emperor[/b]
    Leader of the alliance holds 2/3 of the vote in government decisions.The Emperor has several jobs that consist of, making sure order is within the alliance, make sure all are doing their jobs, and has the right to do all of the Ministers’ jobs if needed.

    [b]Section II:Prime Minister [/b]
    Is second in command holds 1/3 of vote in goverment decisions. He will fill any position in their absence.He will serve as the voice of the people and will help keep order within the alliance.

    [b]Section III:Minister of Internal Affairs[/b]
    The Minister of Foreign Affairs will be in charge of keeping the forums clean and membership happy.He will set up lotteries,contest,and handle disputes within the Alliance.In addition to this he will be in charge of recruiting new members to the alliance and teaching them the ways of cybernations.They will also run the CoRE academy and other programs.

    [b]Section IV:Minister of Foreign Affairs[/b]
    Will be in charge of the Foreign Affairs of the alliance.They will serve as the Head Diplomat for the alliance and can appoint other diplomats.He will also be the spokesperson for the Alliance.

    [b]Section V:Minister of War [/b]
    Will be in charge of CoREs Military.He will be in charge of shaping the Military and keeping it in Top shape.

    [b]Section VI:Minister of Economics [/b]
    In charge of keeping the alliance in good shape Economy. Will set up Tech Deals,trade circles and handle Aid along with any Economic boosting Programs.

    [b]Section VII:Justice Council[/b]
    The Justice Council will serve as the Legislative and Judicial Branch of Core.There will be 5 members in the council they will all serve as an advisor to each ministry and the Emperor.

    [b]Article III: Treaties [/b]

    In order for CORE to pass a treaty, the Minister of Foreign Affairs must first propose it to the Emperor, all Ministers and Justice Council.After being discussed it will be voted Onassis simple majority will pass it.Ratification can only be passed after a majority vote.

    [b]Article IV:War[/b]

    [b]Section I:Tech Raiding
    [/b]The members of Core will not be allowed to raid any member of the Red sphere or any member in an alliance.

    [b]Section II:Alliance Wars[/b]
    We as an alliance will refrain from any unprovoked or unjust wars and will only enter a war to defend ourselves or honor our treaties .We will also attempt to solve all matters before declaring war. We expect all nations to be active at war.
    Article V: Amendments[/b]
    Anyone in the alliance can suggest an Amendment be made to charter.After discussing the amendment the Justice Council and Ministers will vote for 48 hours before passing it on to the Emperor and Prime Minister for final approval.

    [b]Article VI:Elections
    [b]Section I:Justice Council[/b]
    The Elections for the Justice Council will be held every 2 months.There will be a 72 hours for debates and Campaigning after the 72 hours the members will vote for another 48 hours.The members voted in will take office as soon as voting has ended.

    [b]Section II:Prime Minister[/b]
    Elections for the Prime Minister position will be held every 4 months.The Emperor will nominate a maxiumum of 5 members to the be the Prime Minister.There will be a 72 hours for debates and Campaigning after the 72 hours the members will vote for another 48 hours.The Prime Minister will take office as soon as voting has ended.

    [b]Section III:Ministers
    [/b]The ministers will be nominated by the members and appointed by the Emperor.This will happen every 2 months.

    [b]Article VII:Removal of members
    [b]Section I:Impeacment of Government Members
    [/b]In the Case of a Member of Government commits a wrong doing that endangers the Alliance or any of its members that Government member can be kicked from Forums and Alliance with only a 24 hour notice . If this member thinks that they were wrongly accused they can bring it to the Justice Council for a trial on Irc or Forums at the end of the trial a jury of regular members will vote. 2/3 of the Vote will overturn the expulsions and the Member will be reinstated

    [b]Section II:Member Expulsion[/b]
    Members who commit a wrong doing that endangers the alliance or its members can be kicked by the Justice council with a 2/3 vote without consulting the Emperor.If this member thinks that they were wrongly accused they can appeal it to the Justice Council for a trial on Irc or Forums at the end of the trial a jury of regular members will vote. 2/3 of the Vote will overturn the expulsions and the Member will be reinstated

    [b]Article VIII:Voting procedure
    [/b]Should an issue come up the Emperor and Prime Minister will vote on it If they agree the issue will be solved if they don't it will be passed down to the Justice Council and Ministers to vote on where a majoreity vote wins.
    All voting requirements are rounded up, so if 2/3 approval is required of the membership. The denominator is always represented as the number of members that actually vote, not necessarily the number of members eligible to vote. [/Quote]

    You may now resume to your more important announcements
    Also come chat with us at #core on coldfront

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