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Posts posted by sigmund

  1. Dear loyal members of LUA and our friends.

    We would like to let you know that we are truly proud of you for sticking with LUA and taking on all the heat that we can get! We would like to thank each and every one of you for your commitment, honor and belief towards the Government of LUA and it's decisions.

    Many alliances disband and vanish trough the air, they loose everything they have worked for and hoped for. This is not the case wit LUA.

    LUA is not disbanding, LUA is progressing to further journeys and far more interesting games then CN. We are officially proven that the CN politics is more childish then we knew. I hope that CN politics has shown us how honorable and loyal we are.

    Our forums will still be running and we shall go trough a journey together! Thank you all for everything you have done and we are truly sorry for the inconvenience that we have caused you!

    Signed: LUA Government armenia.gif

  2. Yes I will nuke you :popcorn: and the reason is your in-game message:

    To: sigmund From: Working_Class_Ruler 5/29/2008 11:19:06 AM Subject: RE: Greetings

    You attack a nation half your size and believe LUA should be given leniency? Ha.

    You will get nothing. I will ensure your entire alliance is Perma ZI, nuked, and exposed for the scum that you are.

    Nothing will save you or your reputation.





  3. I really don't see how NoV -actively recruiting ingame- was given more lenient terms than LUA -not actively recruiting ingame.

    These terms brand LUA as white supremacists. And this all based on accusations of a very instabile personality involved in WS-stuff himself (Hayastan)

    I have been a diplomat at LUA for a long time now, and everytime I pointed out something remotely extremist from one of their members (and I can read a lot as I speak Armenian), it was fixed instantaneously and apologies were made before I could even blink my eyes.

    Now they have chosen to honor a treaty and are getting sucked in. They are not white supremacists or racists. This is unfair.

    Thanks Mwanatabu for your gracious input :blush:

  4. lol Sigmund:

    What's the matter, mate, truth hurt? Plus, you could've at least tried to Anarchy me, considering you are attacking a nation half your size. But you'll probably just nuke me like all the other gutless cowards in your alliance.

    Yes I will nuke you :popcorn: and the reason is your in-game message:

    To: sigmund From: Working_Class_Ruler 5/29/2008 11:19:06 AM Subject: RE: Greetings

    You attack a nation half your size and believe LUA should be given leniency? Ha.

    You will get nothing. I will ensure your entire alliance is Perma ZI, nuked, and exposed for the scum that you are.

    Nothing will save you or your reputation.




  5. Come on guys, gimme something to work with here.

    Work with this:

    I have issued the command — and I'll have anybody who utters but one word of criticism executed by a firing squad — that our war aim does not consist in reaching certain lines, but in the physical destruction of the enemy. Accordingly, I have placed my death-head formations in readiness — for the present only in the East — with orders to them to send to death mercilessly and without compassion, men, women, and children of Polish derivation and language. Only thus shall we gain the living space (Lebensraum) which we need. Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?

    Adolf Hitler

    The text above is the English version of the German document handed to Louis P. Lochner in Berlin. It first appeared in Lochner's What About Germany? (New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1942), pp. 1-4. The Nuremberg Tribunal later identified the document as L-3 or Exhibit USA-28. Two other versions of the same document appear in Appendices II and III. For the German original cf. Akten zur Deutschen Auswartigen Politik 1918-1945, Serie D, Band VII, (Baden-Baden, 1956), pp. 171-172.

  6. Greetings to all.

    With this message I would like for everyone to sit down and think for a minute. Place yourself into our shoes. It is not as hard as it seems like.

    Everything I say and write is on behalf of LUA and it's government.

    1) For those who agree with the given terms - YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A FASCIST YOURSELF. Explanation - it has been said many times and we have shown everyone in here that we have entered this war only for one reason - that is loyalty. Our decision to enter the war was due to the treaty that was signed between LUA and Legio X... How hard can it be to understand this one simple concept?

    2) Do you think being powerfull gives you the right to dictate what others should do? I would rather die then sit down in here and hear how some 15 year old kids make stupid comments and terms.

    3) You guys have not proven and in fact we are not nazzis or whatever you claim us to be, keep your claims in your filthy mouth. Can one of you really sit down and read the meaning of FASCIST?

    For those who can't use a dictionary -

    1. often Fascism

    1. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

    2. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.

    2. Oppressive, dictatorial control.

    Now you guys sit down in here and use fascism against those who you think are fascists?

    moving on...

    4) Here is where you put yourself into our shoes, think of an alliance that is greated then yours occusing you of being fascists, which I don't doubt that sooner or later will happen, due to the methonds you use.

    For those who have not been following the whole war, I suggest you start from the beginning, read everything that has been said and done, then come back in here and make the comments that you are. I shall only love to stick around to see all of you in the position of being occused of something that you are not.

    If there is anyone that has brains in their heads then you shouldn't sit back and be quite about this, come forth without a fear.

    You guys constatnly sit down and talk about honor and respect, after seeing your actions towards LUA and it's members you should take your honor and pride, whipe it with a toilet paper and flush it down the toilet, after all the one you have is a crappy one.

    We will fight on for our beleifs, honor and pride, LUA Alliance and it's memebers are not fascists, if you insist that they are, then you are nothing but what you claim us to be.

    5) PEACE??? what peace are you talking about, the one that someone bumps you on your head then turns around and says hey you are now injured, become my slave and there shall be peace, and if you don't then I shall continue hitting you untill you die?

    You guys should really start using your brains not your computers. If you really want to become someone in this life, then you should be using more sence and logic in every matter, whether it's a game or not.

    Now - I wish all of you better life and more understanding of human life, not everything is measured by power and computers.

    You guys think you are politically smart? not even close to being smart...

    I hereby call out all the Alliances on Planet Bob to review the terms given to LUA, review the reasons why we have joined the war, and the judge us accordingly, for what we do is nothing but the right thing to do.

    Have a great day!

    Dear Ashot - Abandon common sense all you who enter CN politics :wacko:

  7. The following comments are made in my personal capacity and are not to be taken as the official position of Avalon.

    I don't have a dog in this fight and I don't appreciate any of the trolling done by certain members of the losing side, but I am saddened as to how hard these terms are on LUA (the "surrender and never rejoin LUA part"). They acted with honor in abiding by their treaties and joined a battle they could not win (grudingly, mind you, but they did the honorable thing in the end). I can respect that at least.

    Thanks Subotai :blush:

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