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Posts posted by Lexenstar

  1. [quote name='TheThirdMark' timestamp='1294336185' post='2565977']
    In short, you step out of this treaty cause of a perons OOC lifestyle?

    According to Admins this could get your entire Alliance warned/banned.

    If I remember correctly it is up to the alliances themselves to run inter-alliance treaties, deals, and agendas. Therefore no warning or banning would be permitted I would assume. Seeings no rules where broken within CN itself.

  2. A favored motto with such inquiry is that "hate begot hate" meaning that in some form or fashion allowing hate creates hate. As stated several times it is the right of a sovereign alliance to deal with internal affairs itself and if such means placing rules that forbid their membership to partake in any known racist groups then that is the right of the alliance. However I also see the points made that if you remove the right of a member to freely do what he or she wishes out side the CN and Alliance and use such actions to dictate the actions in CN and the Alliance you are treading a very very thin line. A tight rope with no real end.

    The question here that should be asked is, do the ends justify the means?

  3. I have...needless to say been out of the loop of CN Politics for a very long time...longer then I care to state for making myself feel old...not something I choose to remind myself of :)

    But I can say this much, regardless of any feuds that may have happened the idea and concept that TGE disgraced themselves openly by promoting action unbecoming of an Alliance is self evident and should be noted for what it is, a world class screw up that has tarnished their continuing tarnishing name.

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