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Ogedei Khan

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Posts posted by Ogedei Khan

  1. Disclaimer: I'm totally uninvolved in politics/diplomacy. The below "ratings" are my own personal highly biased opinions based on things I've seen and heard.

    [b]Mostly Harmless Alliance[/b] 7
    [b]Green Protection Agency[/b] 5
    [b]Fark[/b] 6
    [b]Independent Republic Of Orange Nations[/b] 10
    [b]Sparta[/b] 6
    [b]World Task Force[/b] 5
    [b]Orange Defense Network[/b] 2
    [b]The Order Of The Paradox 9[/b] :wub:
    [b]Umbrella[/b] 8 Umbrella [i]means[/i] tech right?
    [b]New Pacific Order[/b] 9 still one of my favorite alliances
    [b]Global Alliance And Treaty Organization[/b] 5
    [b]Viridian Entente[/b] 6
    [b]The Democratic Order[/b] 5
    [b]New Polar Order[/b] 1 I eagerly await the day when we get to roll you.
    [b]FOK[/b] 3
    [b]R&R[/b] 7
    [b]Mushroom Kingdom[/b] 3
    [b]Nordreich[/b] 5
    [b]LoSS[/b] 5
    [b]Nusantara Elite Warriors[/b] 1 LOL
    [b]The Legion[/b] 2 bleh
    [b]Valhalla[/b] 9
    [b]Multicolored Cross-X Alliance[/b] 5
    [b]Nueva Vida[/b] 5
    [b]The Foreign Division[/b] 5
    [b]Federation Of Armed Nations[/b] 5
    [b]NATO[/b] 5[b]
    Global Order of Darkness[/b] 2
    [b]The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons[/b] 8
    [b]Legacy[/b] 5
    [b]The Templar Knights[/b] 5
    [b]The Order Of Light[/b] 9
    [b]Asgaard[/b] 5
    [b]iFOK[/b] 5
    [b]Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations[/b] 1 LOL
    [b]Athens[/b] 4 they don't annoy me as much as they used to.
    [b]World Federation[/b] 5
    [b]Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism[/b] 3
    [b]Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics[/b] 5
    [b]Global Democratic Alliance[/b] 5
    [b]Argent[/b] 7
    [b]Guru Order[/b] 5
    [b]Christian Coalition Of Countries[/b] 5
    [b]Ragnarok[/b] 3
    [b]The Phoenix Federation[/b] 7
    [b]Random Insanity Alliance[/b] 8

    that was a lot of 5's...

  2. [quote name='nippy' timestamp='1300909597' post='2673926']
    How exactly would PMing an individual with which you are at war with this kind of false information be something 'you can understand'? How would that make any sense whatsoever? The person would already be familiar with your user name and already know you're not a member of their alliance.

    I didn't mean someone you are actually fighting- that obviously won't work :excl: . I meant I'd expect one or two people in an alliance trying to deceive their opponents ([b]people in an alliance[/b] they are at war with) into doing something stupid. But sending fake-official PM's to all or a large portion of an alliance is just distasteful imo.

  3. [quote name='shahenshah' timestamp='1300881196' post='2673750']
    You can expect this kind of stuff in war. Lord knows we were spammed with Vogon poetry.
    You can't compare Vogon poetry (most of it was hilarious BTW :awesome: ) to deliberately misleading messages. People who'll get fooled by these kind of things will be newbies and inactives. I just think this is too much of a low-blow.

  4. [quote name='Systemfailure' timestamp='1299637227' post='2657345']
    humble in victory and gracious in defeat

    And what do I see here? Some Rokker talking about humility in victory? Perhaps PC should be "humble" and force you to maintain max navy for 3 months:lol1:. Anyway enjoy being one with the dust- you look good in your proper place.

  5. [quote name='brickyard' timestamp='1299683432' post='2657751']
    Easily said while hugging infra

    It is quite difficult to type [i]anything[/i] when you are hugging something :ehm: Take your IC baawwing somewhere else, this is not the place.

  6. [quote]Remember all the whining CSN did after we surrendered in No Vision? No you don't, because we didn't whine - not in public anyway. We took our licks like men and we rebuilt in silence. Plot your revenge and rage against us all you want, but at least do it in privacy. You simply look ridiculous talking like this while the ink on the surrender terms is still wet.[/quote]

    Yeah you got off too easily.

    Also, LOLCSN

  7. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1295933470' post='2598782']
    You were gunning for us and we were gunning for you. Don't lie and pretend that you weren't. We just said to hell with the impasse of this war. You were either going to enter or deserved this for [b]cowardice[/b].
    Whether NPO entered or didn't was none of your business, and you are not the CN police to go around deciding what people "deserve". Cut out your insane moralistic bawwing- it's sickening.

    Also, burn.

  8. [quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1293351069' post='2554263']
    Are you certain that was the case? I was under the impression that the reason IRON did not go in on SF or any NSO attackers was for strategic considerations.
    It was due to strategic considerations. We had plenty of discussions between the membership and the Council regarding the pre-emptive hit and the R&R treaty was never brought up as a reason. Now, I'm just an ordinary member but not hitting Fark to avoid offending R&R and instead taking a huge risk like pre-empting C&G (and taking TOP along with us) seems utterly ridiculous, especially since R&R was already at war with our allies in NSO. I can't imagine any of our leaders being that stupid. From what I have heard, we didn't hit Fark because they were very well connected and we'd end up fighting both SF and C&G. Also, ( I am not completely sure about this) MHA supposedly promised to stay neutral if Fark was not directly hit, though they later pissed on their word and jumped on us anyway.

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