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Mirin Kamar

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Posts posted by Mirin Kamar

  1. Join The Legion Today

    I invite you to join The Legion - A roman themed alliance founded at the birth of Cyber Nations in January 2006. We offer:

    12M free start-up money and 6M more if you sign up for a trade circle (economic bonuses) and tech deals (profit). We offer growth programs worth more than 100M.

    Protection from raiders and opportunity to take part in organized wars. We don't allow members to wage war alone. When we fight, we fight as an alliance.

    We have guides for everything and you will get your own mentor. Your questions will always be answered by experienced members.

    Hang out in our forum or Discord channel. Take part in specific topics (games, music, sports, etc.) or the running of the alliance.

    To join:
    1. Set your alliance affiliation to The Legion
    2. Register in our forum: http://www.avelegio.net/forums/register.php
    3. Submit application: http://www.avelegio.net/forums/misc.php?do=form&fid=15


    We are a very active Alliance and would love to have any one new or old who would like to find a new place to rest their feet. 


    Join The Legion Today

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