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Posts posted by Cutlass

  1. [i]"Yes, I think this would emphasize nationalist fervor. We should maintain this type of atmosphere at this fragile time. It will hold Mexico together while it stabilizes. We should speak to the public regarding progress. I would be willing to address them, if you would arm me with details entailing what exactly we are accomplishing as of now."[/i]

  2. ooc: Sorry for my absence


    [i] "First matter at hand, in my opinion, would be simply to finalize the merge. The task is complex, but presents the most pressing issue as we have seen a slight spike in violence during the transition. We need to complete planning & innitiate the beginings of necessary infrastructural & construction operations such as a unified highway network etc. Also, we must take care to oversee the smooth union of both armies into a National Mexican Military.

    As our economies converge, we should swiftly adopt common law in regards to business & trade as well as regulations regarding such so that the path we lead Mexico upon is one of success, not more turmoil. I am also in favor of pursuing prosperous international trade agreements, establish Mexico as a respectable & trusted partner in the world- reputation is a virtue. I suggest that we should be present for landmark events, attend important summits of the world, and participate in respected international organizations."[/i]

  3. The news of unification is applauded throughout Aztlan- "Aztlan" no more in the glory of a reborn Mexico. Torres successfully led the young nation through the trials of establishment & survival to enter the next phase of the Cause. Torres calls for final unity as Mexico's last best chance for greatness arrives throwing his support behind Zzzptm Nezahualcoyotl. The move has already served tremendously in quelling much of the violence, though even as he ends his presidency, threats on Torres life have been made public. Enemies new & old have taken the liberty to once again target the former president as he returns to his life with the common people as he contemplates his new role in their story as Mexico's history is being written.

  4. Torres glanced around the room. [i]"I'd like to welcome all in attendance as part of this magnanimous achievement."[/i] & with two signatures Mexico would be unified. Torres wasted no time signing his name & shaking hands with the men & women who worked tirelessly & with solid cooperation to reach this day.


  5. Torres began stroking his mustache in his usual manner as deep though engulfed him. Being the head of state at so relatively young an age; would his hair turn gray, he wondered. That shouldn't matter, he shaves his head. He directed his thought back towards the matter at hand & followed them as they traveled, bringing him to Zzzpmt's statement. He was anxious for some real headway, something he could hold & feel, some substance as he clasped hopes to create a better nation, a better friendship, a better Mexico. [i]"Should we schedule another meeting or.."[/i] Torres flashed a cellphone from his pocket, [i]"Should we fly them in now?"[/i]

  6. (OOC: Factbook for Aztlan is currently under construction)



    Capital (& Largest City) - [u]Victoria[/u]

    Official languages - [u]Spanish & Nahuatl [/u]
    *60 Indigenous Amerindian languages are also recognized

    Demonym - [u]Aztec[/u]

    Independence from Holy American Empire
    - Declared December 12,2010
    - Recognized December 12, 2010

    Area - [u] 79,384 km2 (30,650.3 sq mi)[/u]

    Population (2010) - 5,013,721

    [center][b]GOVERNMENT OF AZTLAN[/b][/center]
    (The government of Aztlán is socialist republic in structure with democratic elections involving all 43 Municipalities)








  7. [center][img]http://www.spihomes.com/images/mx001.png[/img][/center]

    [center][font="Courier New"] Aztlan will support neither side in conflict but suggests both commit to a conference to allow for the self-determination of both sides to be respected. No one side should force its way upon the other, but both should be left to determine their own. For the sake of all people of the island- End the war.[/font][/center]

    Con Mucho Salud
    Isabel Martinez-Beltran, Secretario de Estado
    Distrito Autónomo de Aztlán

  8. [i]"This is acceptable, of course. You are fair & generous, this is more than I could have asked of you. You should know Aztlan in the early stages of a massive project, the center piece of which will see great land reform in favor of the native 'peasant' population, to whom I believe it belongs. Now, the opposition provides increasingly aggressive challenge as this plan commences but these elite are a minority, I only wish to see Democracy prevail over Capitalism completely & without exceptions. You see our economy is certainly changing rapidly, but 'success' along western business & globalist guidelines is not our goal- Material wealth is not the priority if life is lived freely, & with dignity."[/i]

    Torres revealed a typed message from his pocket, unfolding the paper he let Zzzptm read. It had an official look, neatly put together & hand signed with several names. The note was a fancy worded threat to President Torres protesting his land reforms & accompanying social changes. He was politely reminded to whom nearly all of the economy "belongs."

    [i]"Do not be fooled, this is not even the work of the Cartels. These names are prominent Mexican families, the 'elite' of Aztlan. Do you realize they send these things to elected officials; they speak to Presidents in this manner?? Right now, this elite, in collusion with immense foreign corporations control much of the natural wealth of Aztlan & this is what needs to come to an end. I am prepared to continue this revolution if it costs me my own life, but I ask of you my friend, if you do not see similar urgency; if you do not feel a similar pain?"[/i]

  9. Torres also caught eye of the sight & felt could have meant nothing less than a sign that they were on the right path- a sign from who? The gods? Torres's imagination was soaring. He rested his thoughts for a moment & gave close attention to Zzzptm's response, [i]"Yes exactly, after communication we must have physical links & ease of travel amongst our nations. What of currency? I do not see what sense it would make to have anything but a common currency & Aztlan would have no issue adopting that of Himynamistan.[/i]

  10. Torres's eyebrows rose in suprise. [i]"Serrio? Unilateral protection. Aztlan would be forever grateful for such a thing."[/i] He stroked his mustache as his eyes wandered in thought. He looked towards Zzzptm, a familiar fire sparked in his eye as he launched his mind towards the subject he felt manifested his calling & purpose in this world today, [i]"Mexico has been deprived of a destiny of greatness; how can it be that a nation so rich in resource, culture, & raw potential is not counted amongst the great empires of today's world?"[/i] Torres moved to the edge of his seat as he spoke; the subject excited his frustrations as well as his hopes, [i]"You & I as well as all of Mexico are remnants of an empire brought down before its time. Being burdened as well as blessed with the opportunity to create again a center of power, union, & greatness centered here in Mexico, no one may answer this last cry from centuries past if we do not answer it now. The key is before us - we owe it to Mexico."[/i]

    He let his words sink in for a moment before he continued again. He looked to the beautiful view & lifted his arms in praise, [i]"Imagine a reborn Aztec Empire, or perhaps better said; A Golden Era of Mexico- a Pax Azteca. I feel it my personal goal to do all I can to bring this forth. It is as if the voices of our ancestors are demanding it of me & I only hope you can hear them too, carnal. To me, an Aztec Empire of the modern age would see Mexico united; every inch of Mexican land wrested from foreign hands & interests. Our resources will no longer face squander to the powerful on the backs & blood of the weak. There is so much that needs to be done my brother, but put simply, I propose something of a 'United States of Mexico'."[/i]

  11. Presidente Torres was immediately awe-struck by the view. He had never been to Tampico & his only regret was that he had not come sooner. He entered the conference room in a somewhat peculiar outfit, making his entry by the click of his sharp & polished wingtip shoes below high-waist, wide-legged, tight-cuffed pegged trousers, his shirt buttoned to the top covered by a long coat in classic [i]pachuco[/i] Zoot Suit fashion. He removed his brim hat, pinned by a colorful Queztal feather contrasting his extravagant black suit as he shook hands with Zzzptm. [i]"It is such an honor to be in the presence of a man to whom all of Mexico owes its thanks, & will soon owe so much more when we accomplish for Mexico what I dream we can."[/i] His carefully managed mustache rose as he expressed a warm smile and the young man took his seat by his new [i]amigo[/i].

  12. [color="#2F4F4F"][size="2"][b]Tamaulipas Rally[/b][/size]

    A mass campaign has been launched by the federal government of the D.A.A. to reignite nationalist pride & stressing ties between the ancient Aztec empire and the modern state of Aztlan. This campaign has developed into a mass movement to reaffirm the people's cultural roots & claim to restoration of former greatness. Rallies, parading, and large fiestas were organized & occurred often, now a part of the life of every citizen whom are now encouraged & legally permitted off work for participation in these state & privately sponsored events with pay. The Tamaulipas Rally, as it would come to be known, has been the largest & most spectacular event to blow away all doubt that the nation is here to stay. It was an elaborate ceremony with the Plaza of the nation's capitol, Ciudad Victoria, adorned with Mexican banners nearly everywhere, the city's bright colorful theme included elaborate Meso-American inspired murals depicting the glory of the Aztec Empire & its marvelous rebirth with the establishment of Aztlan.


    As the nation speeds forward towards aspirations to assume its place as the “Latin” cultural center of the Americas, a boom in creativity, all forms of cultural art, & innovations based off of a common “Latino” heritage building upon age old traditions has made its onset into the autonomous district. Here and now more than ever before anywhere else, all aspects of the culture are embraced & are given appreciation- of the many accomplishments already created today, yet another has been added to the books, accepted as El Presidente put it,” Something birthed out of Mexican minds in an American fashion…too ignore it would be to leave a smudge on our rich culture.” And so was it that “lowriding” was made legal & embraced as an important Mexican sub-culture created on the streets just north of Mexico itself. Car hopping as well as hydraulics where also made legal at no higher a speed than 5mph. The law has since invited flocks of veteran & recreational lowriders who have established events & associations as yet another strong limb to the massive cultural body.

    While the law may seem largely insignificant, it is an important aspect of contribution as the nation is in the midst of a cultural explosion that is gradually leading the people into a modern day Aztec nation. This is the greatest device to igniting intense nationalism needed for overwhelming unity that is sought as detailed by the Constitution of Aztlan.

    Martial Law is officially recognized today, though has been effective unofficially since the reunification of the national military. It is a modified decree that preserves civil rights & freedoms & is rather open in that national & local events are allowed to continue on usually without any disruption while the State wages a promising & small scale drug war.[/color]

  13. [center] [color="#2F4F4F"][size="3"][font="Garamond"][b]AZTLAVISION [/b][/font][/size]
    Central News of the Autonomous District[/color]

    [color="#2F4F4F"] Aztlan has launched an impressive array of combat operations against several trafficking encampments & stings that led in the deaths of several suspected high ranking cartel members. This aggressive move has come as a shock to the public as the Federal Government of the D.A.A. [Distrito Autónomo de Aztlán] has acted in direct contrast to their announcement hinting at a strong distaste to conflict. The strategy caught the public off guard but most importantly, it clearly was not expected by the drug traffickers who have been dealt a serious blow by the attacks.

    Forward chains, distributed via "texting" & social networks threaten retaliation against the federal authorities & military officials by several Cartel heads. Though, many would assume the summit between the Presidente & his underworld guests might be called off, information has now been released detailing the summit to have been held just before & well into the time the operation commenced. Evidence of a conspiracy to smash the Cartels is strong, but there are few among the average citizenry who could complain with this [i]"heroic show of justice"[/i] as stated by a cabinet official who was apparently unaware of the operation's planning.

    The show of might was a display to the world, the drug lords, as well as the Mexican public who have been inspired by the demonstration of military unity & strength- a daring first move to empower faith in the new government has succeeded.[/color]

  14. [img]http://www.elvocerous.com/images/stories/NOTICIAS/LATINOAMERICA/mexico%20senado.jpg[/img]

    [font="Courier New"][b]A Government Before Christmas[/b]-[/font] [font="Times New Roman"]This was the slogan for the push of local representative governments whom had banned together to manifest the most promising push for stability & establishment of self-rule to end protectorate status, in ages. Eager for government & protection from growing drug violence spilling over from the drug war to the south, the people of Tamaulipas, Mexico managed to establish a first Congress to establish a nation under the traditional Mexican banner. The congress experienced unprecedented swiftness in progress & strength in popular support from a public desperate for protection & order. And so the decision was made unanimously, to [i]“establish a government of the Mexican people that is to lay the blueprint for the eventual restoration of the Aztec Empire”[/i], presumably in terms of prosperity.

    The push had grown to a wave, & at its crest rode a man, Richard Torres who made the most of success & masterfully played on opportunity. His passed was checkered, being a product of a struggling nation & hardened in the dangerous slums of north America. Despite his connections to a shady passed, his charisma won him enough attention to become the poster boy for a Free Mexico, a valiant & persevering people- he was seen as Mexico's "Strongman" & as the eyes of the world turned again to Central America, Mexico needed to put on its toughest face. Summed up in his statement, [i]"We're in the community of giants- show no fear."[/i] His popularity had begun with eager & frustrated youth of the nation; not long from then had it expanded to Mexican men & women across the region & it was decided that to maintain the fragile success as the new government matured & strengthened that a strong, popular figure should be at its head. The regional militias also overwhelmingly supported Torres & the creation of a unified military. It was clear to anyone who heard him speak that he was a product of the streets, & his vocabulary needed work, but what was not in question was his intelligence & clearly he was very well educated, albeit, self educated. When asked about the comments of several congressmen who attacked Torres as more qualified to run a street gang than a country he gave this now famous statement,
    [i]"There's always gonna be haters. These fools attack a part of my life that they see as a soft spot. They don't see that I don't quit when I'm hit. Yea I've been to prison & listen it was my time in asylum that brought me to contemplation that most people on the outside just don't do. Its led me to my own education & I also been in & of the streets. I read Machiavelli & I read block graffiti. I know how the system works up & down enough to know that they (specified congressmen) intend for themselves what I intend for my people & I wouldn't feel more comfortable anywhere else but here standing against that intent." [/i]In terms of lifestyle & essence, he was compared to 2pac, none the less he was the top candidate in the first elections.

    Torres was young, only 29, but the new Constitution would be written with this in mind as elections came & went as expected. A landslide victory for the popular young man. The Autonomous District of Aztlan, referred to simply as 'Aztlan' had been successfully established.

    As legislation passed to unite the military under the central government, new headway was made in regional law & order while security gradually settled in. Open combat with Cartels was seen as a disastrous undertaking for the new government, & Torres offered a shocking solution. He invited the [i]jefes[/i] or bosses, to come to a summit with Presidente Torres himself. Meanwhile, establishing relations with their southern neighbor, Himynamistan, became a top priority.

  15. OOC: I must have misunderstood when you stated "Well, I have the states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine for states. Pick any major city out of those states." I'll edit it when a spot is granted. Thanks.

  16. In the post war era, North America begins to calm with the onset of a new order & widespread hail to the victory of Pravus Ingruo. In lack of the luxury of security & stability that much of the former United States now enjoyed, protectorate regions faced a staggering economic depression & rampant political turmoil. Nowhere is this more prevalent than in protectorate North. The political uproar teeters dangerously close to civil strife centered in the major cities of the protectorate eastern seaboard. The rise of more & more radical politics overshadows nearly all daily life here while renegade troops of the former US army roam the countryside.

    In Detroit, Michigan...

    For 3 weeks the Revolutionary Faction for a Socialist America had attempted rather fruitlessly to assert their control as a functioning government for the state of Massachusetts. Their attempt to unite the state shed light on the disunity of the region as city after city competed to assert themselves at the head of the Union; a union, of course, which did not exist. Little headway at control was made before troops of the Remnant Core intervened; these were renegade soldiers of the former US army. This "army" considered itself fierce-fully patriotic to "The States" yet openly rejected the recent failed incarnations of the USA, & their forceful dismantling of a very "anti-American" system was expected. Radical political movements of all ideals sprung again into raging operation & an age of spectacular event & organization now swept in.

    Mr. Cutlass was without work, without relatives, & quite nearly without a home; he was the average Detroit resident in these shifting times. His normal days were passed competing for odd-jobs with his fellow Detroiters or chasing elusive peace of mind by thrusting himself into deep reading, studying history & developing a keen sense of the current situation as well as the pain & passion of his common folk.

    He stood amongst a moderate crowd, the only group aside from the renegade army that still used the old United States banner. Though rarely used anymore, the flags were not in short supply & were an easy symbol for the small group, calling themselves the American Nationalists, to make use of. Barriers to entry into the realm of mass rallies & political marches where forcefully upheld by the stronger parties, yet the small group was on the rise. Cutlass connected with their call for a new American nation, but their positions disappointingly leaned towards yet another incarnation of the USA. Before long Cutlass was adding to their public discussions & soon was invited to private meetings to discuss the difficult task of organizing a significant rally. It was with this opportunity that Cutlass unveiled ideas of his own that would spark a rift in the party.

    Cutlass & his supporters made their way from the meeting & set about the task of appealing to the Remnant Core, & tame the most capable armed force to the will of the new party, both parts of which now considered themselves the American Nationalists. On the critical note that allegiance to the homeland meant disloyalty to the United States of America & all its incarnations, the American Nationalists won over the ranks of the renegade soldiers-something no other party had ever achieved & with this new component of organized force, brought an unprecedented calm & sense of security unto the battling Boston streets. Within weeks the systematic failure of the original AmNa Party was complete & Cutlass’s new party began to expand with wide spread support. No more was support more explosive than following the famous 1st rally of the American Nationalist Party in Detroit held in the Olympia stadium.

    Thousands lined the seats of the stadium, many already affiliated with one of the larger parties where encouraged to attend as opposition party leaders hoped they might see what they believed would be the inevitable failure of the Nationalist's party, proven through the expected collapse of their first rally- they could not have been more wrong. Of all party heads, the realm of public oratory was was quickly dominated by the Nationalist's & their new charismatic leader.


    [i]"We are remnants of a most glorious civilization- fragmented by the corruption of system & soul of those whom asserted control over the past of the valiant American folk who were subsequently brought to war with themselves by injustice & falsities beyond the scope of all decent men. We are children young & old of the highest society to ever bless this planet & its inhabitants therein. You may burn our banners but you cannot touch our spirit! O say, who does not see that this is America!”[/i] [a wave of applause swept the stadium. Men & women stood in their seats in cheer as they where gripped by the speakers words & shaken by a reignited American will, not just to fight, but to triumph] [i] “We are the bearers of unparalleled destiny & we are destined for victory. When this destiny is realized by us, it will be clear to all people..& all the world will tremble thereby.”[/i] [again the crowd offers an energetic cheer as Nationalist Troops break their solid positions around the stadium to applaud Cutlass- a show of unity for their guest opponents] [i]“Our endeavor can only fail if we fail to endeavor. So I ask you now: who will join with America’s greatest flight to glory & who will take flight from it?[/i] [the audience erupted again, bringing many out of their seats] [i]"Until we alone are praised from the Statue of Liberty and from the mountains of Colorado to the Pacific sea!"[/i] [chanting continues as the energy of the rally begins to climax] [i]"Say then, let the light of America flash forth from our great plains, flash forth from the great lakes of the north & into every street every home every mind of our humble towns & farms to our great metropolises. Americans will shine again, I promise you that! And by the dawn’s early light the world will bear witness to that which we so proudly hail at the twilight’s last gleaming- this is indeed the next great era for the New World & we, its Champions!”[/i]

    From its finale the event would be immortalized in the history of the new movement as fiery oratory shook both firm supporters & ardent opponents from their seats in a roar of applause. Nearly overnight the American Nationalist Party had stolen the overwhelming sway of the masses, & though the struggle was not yet over, the road to final victory was becoming clear.

    OOC: DoE is not complete yet & will come as this story progresses

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