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leader of men

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Posts posted by leader of men

  1. Maybe the original statement was not as clear as it needed to be, but this announcement (as to my interpretation) is directed at small, new alliances and new nations. Established alliances would still be dealt with traditionally, at least is my guess.

    That is 100% correct.

  2. This is in no way a statement of hostility. We at the ODK strive to exhaust every diplomatic channel possible before we move to aggression. As of late with the unwarranted attacks on us we are simple making a statement. A statement that should not need be made. We will protect ourselves. That is all.

    These attacks are coming from rouges, people who want to go out with a bang, and small new alliances. Unfortunately in these cases diplomatic channels are virtually impossible due to the lack of government or government affiliation. Somethings in the opening could have been worded better, but in principle we stand by our intended message.

  3. I want to go on record as saying I have read all 9 pages of this topic. I also want to go on record as saying I don't think black is in any trouble.

    I hope with your small size (12 nations, only 3 of which are black) and there being so many black alliance, you don't spread yourselves too thin. In trying to "save the black alliance", hopefully you don't lose yourselves.

  4. (Team changes set all your senate election votes to zero and removes all team trading bonuses)

    So say I am green and I want to change to black. Does this just get rid of all of my green trading bonuses or does it get rid of all bonuses I would get on black in the future?

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