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Forrests Critters

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Posts posted by Forrests Critters

  1. Good Forrest Critters
    $200,000,000 + (Nation Strength * 2,000)
    Best case scenario  is this costs you about $300,0000,000. That is a whole lot of money for very little extra damage particularily if you drop tech. Why???? That a boatload of planes, tanks , nukes and cms not to mention a navy.
     To each his own I guess but honestly I would not do it either. I aggree with Cuba on this one. Good question strange reasoning.
    Dame Hime Themis

    You are correct. My reasoning does run counter to general CN logic.
  2. True, but at the lower levels damage is still relative, just on a smaller scale. Some guys will have 4K tech and hardly any infra, while some will have a couple hundred tech and 4K infra. Being able to allocate allows me to maximize damage depending on each scenario. To me it comes down to the ability to cause more damage to my opponent than he causes me. Owning an EMP would help this.

  3. Because I prefer to fight at around 20K. The only reason I am as large as I am now is to build my WC up and to buy some new wonders (EMP, IMS). Why be an average 60K nation when I can be an exceptional 20K nation? It is more fun for me to play small. (Plus, tech and infra are addictive. The more you have, the more you want. Just say no....)

  4. In addition to the tech requirement to purchase, in order to use the EMP wonder do I have to maintain 5000 tech?

    "EMP Weaponization - $200,000,000 + (Nation Strength * 2,000) - Provides attackers with 5,000 or more technology the option to launch a targeted EMP nuclear attack. Nuclear weapons can target higher infrastructure, higher land, or higher technology damage based on player choice when launching nukes. When you choose to target infrastructure, land, or technology you are trading more damage to your target for less damage for the other two. For instance, if you choose to target infrastructure you will do more base damage to infrastructure but less damage to land and technology. Requires 5,000 technology and a Weapons Research Complex to purchase."

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