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Posts posted by AlDei

  1. [quote name='Generalissimo' timestamp='1309217371' post='2742990']
    Olayuk Aglukark, the Bering region’s most prominent (practicing) Islamic scholar, concerning the unrevealed insurgents.

    “Advocating our great faith through arms is extremely counter-productive in places where the non-believers out number the faithful more than a thousand to one.
    On my Aleutian island, outside the prophet who walks beside all faithful, I alone hold the faith. It can be lonely at times, but the word sustains me.

    Supporting outright warfare, whatever the grievances of our brothers elsewhere, is simply not an option for many Moslem communities.”

    As Dr. Nakir Zaik offered more & more of his time to personally replying to statements from all over the world, he became further convinced that what the Yaza-Hajin was doing for the world was more than necessary- it was urgent.

    [i]"It must too have been lonely for Mohammad, peace be upon him, while he received Allah's word. What I am trying to say is that it is not your place to tell a Muslim what he should or should not do when for Islam you do, not. Regardless, it is not through arms that militant YH advocate Islam, but with them they do defend the truth. In the end, it should also be remembered that we Muslims are at war as was Mohammad, peace be apon him, & as such we are all warriors."[/i]

    [quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1309218017' post='2742995']
    [b]Private Within The Orange House[/b]

    Robert looked at the reply to David's post and started laughing. David was drinking his afternoon cup of coffee, "What's so funny Robert?" The Round Room had that Orange tint that it always had as the sun always went down. The lights in the Round Room always turned off automatically at 19:00 so that David could enjoy the sunset. Robert handed David the sheet of paper with the translation of the response. David sat down in his leather chair and let out a few chuckles, "I guess a man on Mars can tell a man in Antarctica why they are wrong in what they believe - they obviously know so much about one another."

    [b]Public Reply[/b]

    David began to write his reply,

    "My name is David Anthony O'Reilly. I believe in God The Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His Only Son, our Lord, Who conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of The Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried.
    He descended into hell, and on the third day He rose again from the dead.
    He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. From there he shall come to judge the living and the dead.
    I believe in The Holy Spirit, The Holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.

    Mary is the Mother of Jesus. She was, is, and always will be a virgin because no man took that from her, by her choice. Saints were not preselected. They are still being brought into the church today depending on certain obstacles the reputation of their lives will have to overcome.

    I do not worship Mary, in case you were wondering. I pray to Her, the Saints, Jesus Chirst, and The Almighty himself. I even pray to my past father and mother for guidance in hard times.
    I don't know what you believe, but frankly it does not matter to me. In my country you have the right to believe what you want, and it will always be that way. I don't worship anyone but The Almighty God himself. This is my last public statement on this, so say what you must.
    God Bless."

    David Anthony O'Reilly
    [b]The President of The United States of The Islands [/b]

    [i]"Prayer is a form of worship, many would argue. I invite you to sit & discuss this further, perhaps there is somewhere within your United States that we may meet? Also, I am a Moslem if you where not aware."[/i]
    Dr. Nakir Zaik

  2. [quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1309206277' post='2742884']
    "Being the leader of a nation of 100,000 Roman Catholics I must say I do not oblige to you talking about our church that way. As our church exists today, we are one of peace and harmony.'


    Tourism and Immigration officials put this organization on the, "No Entry" list. Not for tourism or immigration.

    Dr. Nakir Zaik, currently the only man identified with any affiliation with the Yaza-Hajin, revealed himself for the first time, providing a less ambiguous voice behind the mysterious network. His thick accent would be immediately recognizable to anyone who has ever followed his public talks & orations on Islam.

    [i]"First I would like to make it clear, I do not think this point has bee made obvious. This network, the Yaza-Hajin, peace be upon Allah's devoted, is as a conglomerate if you will- an loosely tied organization of vast & varying facets within Islam, perhaps the most outspoken of which are affiliated with the militant wing of what is called, The Greatest Cause. Let me begin on this topic of Catholicism. Why say Catholicism is a perversion? As with everything, we should begin with its history.

    Catholicism was born out of a most unholy union between Christianity & pagan religions still rampant in Rome at the time. For example, the pagan goddess Astarte- 'the Queen of Heaven'. Clearly this is pagan, certainly this is not Christian correct? Then, why do Catholics put such a large emphasis no her today under another name- the Virgin Mary, again looking back to the 'mix' of pagan & Christian beliefs. Yet you are Christians are you not? Actually no, no I am sorry I am convinced that you are not. But this is not entirely your own fault. You have been deceived, in fact with only this small example we must say millions of Roman Catholics have bee deceived. As a political maneuver, a motion for control; the power that be in Rome needed desperately to unite the people under them not in any righteous cause, no, simply control. Christianity appeared in the midst of a city of paganism & despite Christians unwillingness to bow to false pagan gods the practices were still fervent in Rome. To make a long story short (it is not a good story to tell either way) Christianity was adopted along with pagan gods who where no longer called gods, instead they where branded 'Saints'. This is but a small bite of the history, but sufficient I do hope to spark your own studies into your faith. From this point forward we fall upon a dark history befallen over Europe & much of the 'old world' unto the new world, a history written itself in large part by the Roman Catholic power structures situated in the Vatican or 'Divine Serpent' in Latin."[/i]

  3. [quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1309199320' post='2742814']
    "I, a Catholic Christian, believes Jesus was not a messenger, but was the Savoir himself in flesh and blood, standing before all of us until he was crucified on a cross to save us all and open the gates of the Kingdom of God for all of us. However you haven't done anything bad so I don't see a reason to declare a war on you like others seem to have been doing. So long as you don't go out and start slaughtering Jews and Christians I do not see why people seem to be so against you."

    David Anthony O'Reilly
    [b]The President of The United States of The Islands[/b]

    [i]"We see the Catholic Church as a perversion of Christianity. We wonder if you really know the history of your religion? Also, we refuse the slaughter of any peaceful non-combatants, Islam is to be brought to all the world, not forced upon it. What we do carry on through force is the defece of our faith & the war with the infidel world. We do promise the collapse of the infidel hegemony that currently rules over the geopolitical landscape."[/i]

    OOC: Lavo, this is the Yaza-Hajin

  4. [i]"The Christ Jesus, peace be upon him, was cited in Gospel of Matthew 10:34 to have stated, 'I come not to bring peace, but to bring a sword.' As Messenger of Allah, Jesus understood that the Truth is not all inclusive but is indeed a very exclusive thing. This is why not all may receive it, this is why most remain silent, this is why a select few have always remained to protect & spread it. Indeed, we are warriors of the Most Devoted, faithful in the blessed Cause, soldiers of the Yaza-Hajin. We give voice to the truth & Islam. We carry this truth to all places of the earth as commanded of us by Allah, most Gracious most Merciful. We arm & train because the enemies of Allah are heavily armed & well trained. We are by no means originators in this plight, our actions are not different from that of the alleged 'civilized' world. Muslims who succumb to the alluring peace & silence- spiritually lame in that this truth is one that demands action- are certainly not Muslims at all & to allege such would be entirely false. You have done nothing for Islam aside adding nominal-Muslims into our ranks. Perhaps your Imams would be willing to sit & speak with a true followers of the faith?

    La ilaha illa Allah"[/i]

  5. [color="#008000"][center][i]Whoever recommends and helps a good cause becomes a partner therein, and whoever recommends and helps an evil cause shares in its burden.

    Holy Quran - Chapter 4, Verse 85[/i][/center][/color]

    Reminiscent of the multi-national networks first emergence onto the global stage, masked insurgents appear before a camera directed by an unknown independent journalist to share their new declaration to the global public.

    A light flickers several times before illuminating the 3 uniformed combatants who stand in full view of the shot. Beautifully adorned RPB launchers set leaning side by side along the wall decorate the backdrop of the scene. Hung on the wall is a black flag with white Arabic writing upon it reading:
    [center][i]"I bare witness, there is no God save Him, the living, the eternal."[/i][/center]

    [center]The men adjust themselves & when they are given the "OK" to begin, the center-most militant speaks;[/center]


    [i]"It has come again to the forefront in the service to the Most Gracious, Most Merciful Allah & His true followers; the community of Islam, that we emerge from the silence yet again to assert His truth upon the world. What else may one part with, not - but share with all in its entirety? Why, nothing less than the truth of Allah. This has been the purpose of Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, & ours to continue by Allah's supreme grace. Our prophet, the Spirit of Truth as prophesied by the Christians in their own holy Bible when it was stated, He 'will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their (The Israelites) brothers; I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him.' He provided us with the groundwork & final truth- we swore to take this Truth to all the world; that Cause has never ceased. We will carry it on & indeed Islam will triumph, for surely Allah is with the righteous & indeed it is we whom He commands.

    God is great."[/i]

    The insurgent to the right of the speaker reveals a small Quran & begins to recite to the viewers while the third man leans to retrieve a shining golden rifle, brandishing the weapon to viewers. Pointing the rifle upward, the insurgant fired rapidly, [i]"Behold, the infuriated voice of Islam- suffered & silent no longer. Allahu'akbar Allahu'akbar Allahu'akbar Allahu'akbar"[/i]

  6. [center][IMG]http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll137/Zapaw/muslim3.jpg[/IMG][/center]
    It has been months since official word regarding the Yaza Hajin & their efforts has been given. The voice of an Islamic revival that had been stifled many times is heard again. And now, a word from the Most Devoted:

    Beginning with the rise of True Islamic states through a movement that launched a wounded Islam back to the forefront of global power & their systematic destruction by the imperialist led world.
    The conflict, witnessed by millions through the eyes of western propaganda networks, was depicted through the imperialist’s politically biased & filtered views. The systematic irradiation of fundamental & independent Islamic governments by a coalition far superior in technological, political, & economic power, however what was little known was that from the outside the war was engineered, controlled, & manipulated by an elite group. A group which had inflated the illusion of Islamic extremists at the command of a terrorist empire on the verge of greater continental & global expansion as the world shifts into an age of reawakening to the true religion. Of an extremist movement that had gained control of swaths of the African continent nearly overnight, challenging Western hegemony & imperialist desires. Orchestrated unrest within the continent swung the door open to these powers who used radicalism & civil and regional war as a stepping stone towards the curb stomp of a rising Islam. They operate their nations in accordance with imperialist rules & seek from it worldly rewards disregarding the truth that is the laws of Allah- they are those who invite upon themselves His wrath. These forces have set up the system to destroy Islam, either directly through economic cohesion & indirectly using ideological warfare. They have divided & conquered, instilling diseased such as nationalism & racism into the heart of the masses- they’re biggest fear being Muslim unity & revival of the message brought by the last prophet to mankind & everything they do is geared to prevent this. They have manipulated Muslims, setting up & promoting divides where a façade of good relations with “peaceful” Muslim nations & communities are praised as bombs fall upon those “radical” Muslims who speak & act in truth stemmed from the revival of Allah’s message & His Will-a direct challenge to this horrific corruptions of the Western-led world . Created they’re own international order, compelling all to comply by their policies or be shut out. Without puppet, or nominal, imperial-backed Muslim communities to speak against Allah’s truly devoted, nothing would prevent the sweeping rise of the purist Islamic movements from coming to power peacefully. The African wars where a clear part in this agenda & they served many purposes:

    To promote Imperialist unity
    To justify excessive use of force
    To permanently dehumanize the Muslim purist as a terrorist, insurgent, & violent extremist
    To solidify divides amongst the Muslim nations
    To act as a testing ground for an entire arsenal of military weapons & cocktails of anti-Muslim news & propaganda
    But most of all it served to perpetrate a strong military-ready atmosphere against any Islamic uprising at any time, anywhere on the Globe

    [center]Imperialism has forced a strong hand upon the very path of Islam itself & lay a firm grip on Muslim holy lands. But although they plan, Allah also plans. And Allah is the best of planners. The final victory will be with Islam & His Yaza Hajin. The sword of Allah has been drawn, yet an open hand awaits as well, still offered to His children whom are given a choice among the two.
    God is Great.[/center][/color]

  7. [i] We are having a bit of trouble understanding the current chain of events that are currently on-going surrounding Zaboor. We are your allies & as allies we urge you to reconsider your approach in international politics & your dialogue therein, even so, the nations of the world are reminded that an act of aggression against Zaboor will mean war with our Union. Lets be civil. Also, we call for an emergency summit between our allies & nations in any way included in these events, especially Novak.

    Princess Majida al-fayoumi,
    Islamic Kingdom of Tunisia[/i]

  8. [font="Courier New"][color="#006400"]Les Oliviers Hotel, Sfax, Tunisia[/color][/font]

    A representative of each member of the Union of the Crescent bloc is requested to participate in discussion, vote & all alliance action reserved for the Majlis al-Shura hosted this year by Tunisia.


    [color="#FF8C00"][b]Article I - Allah’s Word & His Will[/b][/color]:
    In the spirit of Islam, may we hold true that we pledge never to violate this faith amongst us. The active pursuit of the union of all Muslims & establishment of a peaceful domain of Allah‘s word & will on Earth is upheld by a common creed; that of a universal religious community, Islam. We recognize there is no god, but God & it is ultimately He who leads this alliance. In the interests of peace, & the union of Islam globally, the Union of the Crescent.

    [color="#FF8C00"][b]Article II – Sovereignty[/b][/color]:
    The undersigned agree to avoid any violation of the sovereignty of another signatory-state, as well as any act of aggressive war, including economic sanctions, or espionage.

    [color="#FF8C00"][b]Article III – Intelligence[/b][/color]:
    Intelligence one of signatory is to be the intelligence of all the Crescent Union, should it be deemed relevant or vital to its security, prosperity, &/or goal.
    Article IV – Military[/b][/color]:
    Section 1: Should a signatory of Crescent Union fall under threat, it is expected of all signatories to engage in neutralization of such as decided by the alliance jointly. Should a signatory come under any type of aggressive attack, all signatory-states are obligated to fully defend our ally.
    Section 2: Wars of offense must be brought before the Union first, after which time aid in the war will be optional to each signatory-state.
    Section 3: It is beyond the jurisdiction of this alliance to intervene uninvited into the internal matters of another signatory. Should a signatory request aid, allies are expected to provide what is deemed necessary for such.
    Section 4: This treaty may not constraint a clause of supremacy unless so proposed & ratified by the signatory-states by a supermajority (51%).
    Section 5: Union of the Crescent maintains the right to support and/or protect communities of Islam worldwide. It is the obligation of all Muslim states to assist in the protection of our brothers & sisters, not excluding means of combat for aggressive &/or oppressive forces.

    [color="#FF8C00"][b]Article V – Economy & Technology[/b][/color]:
    Section 1: This alliance will promote & protect free trade between signatory-states against damaging sanctions, embargoes, & other economic prohibitions.
    Section 2: All currencies of the alliance are to be recognized, respected, & accepted within the borders of each signatory.
    Section 3: Civilian & military technology is agreed to be shared amongst the allies for the maintenance of proper defense & promote prosperous advancement of Union of the Crescent.

    [color="#FF8C00"][b]Article VI – The Majlis al-Shura[/b][/color]:
    Section 1: The Majlis al-Shura will be the ruling organ of Union of the Crescent, headquartered in the capitals of each signatory-state. Nations will exchange hosting of the Majlis al-Shura annually.
    Section 2: A permanent representative of each signatory-state is required to participate in the Majlis al-Shura.
    Section 3: The Majlis al-Shura shall rule on all internal & external matters pertaining to the Crescent Union & maintenance of such.
    Section 5: 72 hour window is allowed for voting during each issue of discussion beginning at its proposition. Issues are to be proposed by a member of the Crescent Union & may only pass with a supermajority ruling by the Majlis al-Shura. After this time, all votes will be considered abstain.

    [color="#FF8C00"][b]Article VII – Crescent Applicants[/b][/color]:
    Section 1: Any nation of Islam, that is a nation of a Muslim government &/or majority, may join the Crescent Union. The change or loss of either of these requirements will revoke the qualification & membership of the subject nation.
    Section 2: Applications are to be approved the Majlis al-Shura, which must vote unanimously in favor of it.

    [color="#FF8C00"][b]Article VIII – Expulsions[/b][/color]:
    Section 1: Any representative of the Majlis al-Shura may propose an issue to expel any signatory-state from the Crescent Union.
    Section 2: Expulsions must come in the event that the state pending expulsion has been proven in violation of this treaty, after which all other signatories must vote in favor of the expulsion. Signatories pending expulsion are denied vote during the time they are pending such.

    [color="#FF8C00"][b]Article IX – Cancellation[/b][/color]:
    Section 1: Any signatory of the Crescent Union is allowed to withdraw their signature from the alliance.
    Section 2: A 72 hours notice must be given before withdraw from this alliance, during which time all articles of this alliance remain in effect.

    [color="#FF8C00"][b]Article X – Ratification[/b][/color]:
    We, the faithful servants of Allah hereby recognize all articles of this treaty as binding law, even as nations rise & fall, allies come & go the spirit of this alliance will endure the ages, first coming to effect on the 11th of March 2011.

    Signed for the Islamic Kingdom of Tunisia,
    Princess Majida Al-Fayyoumi

    Signed for the Caliphate of Africa,
    Abidemi Fall

    Sovereign of Zaboor: Samiya Laila
    Vice-Sovereign of Zaboor: Abd-al-Aziz Amal

    Sovereign of Defense: Boutros Shahzad
    Sovereign of Peace: Ridwan Sa'd
    Sovereign of The Inside: Ahmad Fayiz
    Sovereign of The Money: Miraj Tamid
    Sovereign of The Voice: Mahmoud Baqi

  9. [quote][center][img]http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/thumb_561/1291337778PgosC5.jpg[/img][/center]

    [color="#FF8C00"][b]Article I - Allah’s Word & His Will[/b][/color]:
    In the spirit of Islam, may we hold true that we pledge never to violate this faith amongst us. The active pursuit of the union of all Muslims & establishment of a peaceful domain of Allah‘s word & will on Earth is upheld by a common creed; that of a universal religious community, Islam. We recognize there is no god, but God & it is ultimately He who leads this alliance. In the interests of peace, & the union of Islam globally, the Union of the Crescent.

    [color="#FF8C00"][b]Article II – Sovereignty[/b][/color]:
    The undersigned agree to avoid any violation of the sovereignty of another signatory-state, as well as any act of aggressive war, including economic sanctions, or espionage.

    [color="#FF8C00"][b]Article III – Intelligence[/b][/color]:
    Intelligence one of signatory is to be the intelligence of all the Crescent Union, should it be deemed relevant or vital to its security, prosperity, &/or goal.
    Article IV – Military[/b][/color]:
    Section 1: Should a signatory of Crescent Union fall under threat, it is expected of all signatories to engage in neutralization of such as decided by the alliance jointly. Should a signatory come under any type of aggressive attack, all signatory-states are obligated to fully defend our ally.
    Section 2: Wars of offense must be brought before the Union first, after which time aid in the war will be optional to each signatory-state.
    Section 3: It is beyond the jurisdiction of this alliance to intervene uninvited into the internal matters of another signatory. Should a signatory request aid, allies are expected to provide what is deemed necessary for such.
    Section 4: This treaty may not constraint a clause of supremacy unless so proposed & ratified by the signatory-states by a supermajority (51%).
    Section 5: Union of the Crescent maintains the right to support and/or protect communities of Islam worldwide. It is the obligation of all Muslim states to assist in the protection of our brothers & sisters, not excluding means of combat for aggressive &/or oppressive forces.

    [color="#FF8C00"][b]Article V – Economy & Technology[/b][/color]:
    Section 1: This alliance will promote & protect free trade between signatory-states against damaging sanctions, embargoes, & other economic prohibitions.
    Section 2: All currencies of the alliance are to be recognized, respected, & accepted within the borders of each signatory.
    Section 3: Civilian & military technology is agreed to be shared amongst the allies for the maintenance of proper defense & promote prosperous advancement of Union of the Crescent.

    [color="#FF8C00"][b]Article VI – The Majlis al-Shura[/b][/color]:
    Section 1: The Majlis al-Shura will be the ruling organ of Union of the Crescent, headquartered in the capitals of each signatory-state. Nations will exchange hosting of the Majlis al-Shura annually.
    Section 2: A permanent representative of each signatory-state is required to participate in the Majlis al-Shura.
    Section 3: The Majlis al-Shura shall rule on all internal & external matters pertaining to the Crescent Union & maintenance of such.
    Section 5: 72 hour window is allowed for voting during each issue of discussion beginning at its proposition. Issues are to be proposed by a member of the Crescent Union & may only pass with a supermajority ruling by the Majlis al-Shura. After this time, all votes will be considered abstain.

    [color="#FF8C00"][b]Article VII – Crescent Applicants[/b][/color]:
    Section 1: Any nation of Islam, that is a nation of a Muslim government &/or majority, may join the Crescent Union. The change or loss of either of these requirements will revoke the qualification & membership of the subject nation.
    Section 2: Applications are to be approved the Majlis al-Shura, which must vote unanimously in favor of it.

    [color="#FF8C00"][b]Article VIII – Expulsions[/b][/color]:
    Section 1: Any representative of the Majlis al-Shura may propose an issue to expel any signatory-state from the Crescent Union.
    Section 2: Expulsions must come in the event that the state pending expulsion has been proven in violation of this treaty, after which all other signatories must vote in favor of the expulsion. Signatories pending expulsion are denied vote during the time they are pending such.

    [color="#FF8C00"][b]Article IX – Cancellation[/b][/color]:
    Section 1: Any signatory of the Crescent Union is allowed to withdraw their signature from the alliance.
    Section 2: A 72 hours notice must be given before withdraw from this alliance, during which time all articles of this alliance remain in effect.

    [color="#FF8C00"][b]Article X – Ratification[/b][/color]:
    We, the faithful servants of Allah hereby recognize all articles of this treaty as binding law, even as nations rise & fall, allies come & go the spirit of this alliance will endure the ages, first coming to effect on the 11th of March 2011.

    Signed for the Islamic Kingdom of Tunisia,
    Princess Majida Al-Fayyoumi

    Signed for the Caliphate of Africa,
    Abidemi Fall

    Sovereign of Zaboor: Samiya Laila
    Vice-Sovereign of Zaboor: Abd-al-Aziz Amal

    Sovereign of Defense: Boutros Shahzad
    Sovereign of Peace: Ridwan Sa'd
    Sovereign of The Inside: Ahmad Fayiz
    Sovereign of The Money: Miraj Tamid
    Sovereign of The Voice: Mahmoud Baqi

  10. [left] Tunisia protests what is being called, the [i]Siege of Zaboor[/i] & request it be lifted, that this young nation fully receive sovereignty. Any blockade over a people's air & sea travel is criminal & we will not stand for it. Lift the blockade.[/left]

  11. [i] I will happily attend your wedding, sister! I hope that we may become very close friends; I will find a substitute for myself from the Conference of Islam to make it to your ceremonies- I would not miss this for the world!

    By Allah's grace,
    Majida Al-Fayyoumi[/i]

  12. [left] Majida was delighted to see the friendly faces of people she truly regarded as her brothers & sisters from many parts of the Muslim world. She had felt confined to the convernous palace, despite its beauty, it lacked the human element. Servants where always on hand, yes, but they spoke little outside of protocol & empty flattery. For Majida, spending time with new people, especially Muslims like her; Now that was her passion. Recently, she had begun afternoon walks through the towns, & outdoor marketplace of Sidi Bou Zid, having companions purchase food & products from the small stands on her behalf out of courtesy.

    Happy at the sight of the representatives in attendance, she offered a bright smile to the mingling group,

    [i]"Masha'Allah! Masha'Allah! I'd like to start off by welcoming everyone to the conference. Shia or Sunni we are all Muslims in the faith; brothers & sisters of Allah & He shines on this day. While we may have reached out to each other at various times by somewhat indirect means, what we have not yet achieved is a comprehensive cooperation as nations of Islam to serve the faith & its faithful, together.

    Here, we see Shia Muslims represented of the Greater Timuridian Empire as well as Maghreb. Also, Sunni Muslims of Tunisia & the Caliphate of Africa present as an example, it appears so that all of us here have cooperative motives & no feuds of denomination have ever split, nor sown discord amongst us.

    I foresee that we may cooperate in such honorable endeavors as International Muslim Scholarship Fund; we must applaud Zaboor for this, & I think the fund is certainly something this conference could look into backing. Or even a fund that would grant those less fortunate Muslims, the necessary means to participate in the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. A means of jointly aiding our brothers & sisters in brightening their spiritual & educational paths, while at the same time fulfilling one of the Five Pillars of Islam, Zakat. The charity; an act of giving from our surplus to those in need.

    What do you all have to say? Oh! And please, please have a seat. Our servants have been requested to attend to each of you as needed."[/i][/left]

  13. [quote name='Lord Philip' timestamp='1299715679' post='2658089']
    I'm not coming because I can't find any high explosive, a woman to beat nor books to burn... maybe next time.

    We wouldn't expect the asylum release you to attend either way.

    OOC: from this point on only those is attendance or requesting to attend may participate in the thread please

  14. [quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299713876' post='2658060']
    Perhaps Islam is under the false interpretation that it is under attack by the Nations of Earth. Islam is an ideal, a religious entity. Not a sovereign Nation, it does not need defending for those who believe in Allah will be rewarded in Heaven. Is that not the base principle?
    If Islam was a person, a living prophet, writing the pages of the Holy Qu'ran as he preached the teachings of Allah, then perhaps Islam would need to be defended.

    A solid entity can be attacked and destroyed, but an ideal cannot. Once an ideal takes seed in the mind of a person, that seed will grow, and you cannot destroy an idea, a belief.

    It is for this reason that the Muslim Council of Great Britain shall not be in attendance.
    Imam Sir Daud Abdullah

    It is reminded while an ideal cannot be destroyed, the mind that harbors it may. Some of these minds have established communities & nations, both of which can certainly be destroyed & have been in central Africa. Ours is the defense of the material that maintains the spirit so that Gods imprint on our realm, that is the soul, is not absent from life. We witness the loss of many souls & should they all be gone, there will exist God & then there will exist man, rather than child & father hand in hand.

    Islam therefore encompasses the masses of its communities because of their faith. This is particular especially to Islam versus Christianity or Judaism for example, because Islam is more of a Religious ideology, because of its political orientations that commands of its devoted to act politically as well as part of their practice. This is not a choice, & if you choose to follow only selections of Islam that suit you, then you are a nominal Muslim.


    Princess Majida appeared in a beautiful Arabic gown to welcome visitors to the palace. [i]"Masha'Allah! Welcome to the conference! Come in, please."[/i] Palace guards, who where providing security for the meeting, accompanied the arrivals while servants warmly greeted & promised any assistance to guests on their command.

  15. [center][color="#000000"][color="#FFA500"][font="Arial Narrow"][i][size="3"][b]World Conference of Islam[/b][/size][/i][/font][/color]
    [size="2"][font="Arial Narrow"][i][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAvlimEYEpQ"]And those who strive in Our Cause, We will certainly guide them to our Paths, For verily Allah is with those who do right (Qur’an 29:69)[/url][/i][/font][/size]

    The Islamic Kingdom of Tunisia issues this call to Allah's faithful;

    [i]As-salamu 'alaykum brothers & sisters,

    We bid all Muslim nations to attend this conference. It is time the community of Islam come together in open dialogue & momentous action that is to establish a more united faith to take rise again to a mankind, fallen from his way. In recent days we have seen & heard, Christians reduced to acts of terror, Catholics failing in their efforts to reassert their dominance, even many Muslims have beginning to militarize, to name just a few of the consequences sparked by the nominally faithful. Let us show our brothers that there is a better way.

    Let us gather the Faithful to conference for unity, tolerance, & above all, Peace. For it is burdened upon the faithful, those who bare witness to the light of truth that Allah has provided, to share this light with they who wander, even lavish in the darkness. Recognize that the faithful are again growing in number as the Truth returns to man, its name; Islam. It was promised that truth would prevail even as the day grows dark & the night deepens to a black. Here we are, bearers of the Truth & yet hardly any relations between us. That is to change. Nations, brothers, & sisters of Islam, come & discover your mission in the Faith; we are Allah's Right Hand.

    In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful.
    Princess Majida Al-Fayyoumi,
    Islamic Kingdom Tunisia

  16. Thousands of Yaza Hajin operatives now call Tunisia home, operating in civilian attire, scouts, militants, all aspects of the network could be found here.

    It was rumored that the organization was being unofficially supported by the Tunisian government but this has yet to be confirmed.
    Various Tunisian journalists have made inquiries into the matter, but have failed to uncover a paper trail connecting the two. This [i]"tether"[/i] that conspiracy theorists whisper of, could, according to them, mean the lifeline of the Yaza Hajin whom have carried the sword of Islam across oceans & continents forging an empire of militant Islamism that has recently gone back to its roots, that is in underground operation.

    The network boasts that no operative has ever been captured alive by a foreign government, nor any evidence of infiltration into the network prevailed. The success or failure of each mission is directly accredited to the planning & execution of such & coordinators have constantly been weeded out, leaving nothing less than the most clever, strategical elite of the[i] Most Devoted[/i].

  17. [quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1299562557' post='2656355']
    OOC: So if this is some mutual plan of yours, then this will stand. Be warned - you will face all IC reprecussions and the like, regardless of any OOC understanding the two of you may or may not have.

    OOC: Obviously the collapse of Spain was likely not in Ezequiel's plans, but the war was an agreement between the both of us. If, somehow I have overstepped the boundaries of RP, then I will happily edit. I prefer a good RP to map conquest.

  18. As far north as Gijon & as far south as Huelva, throughout the streets of Madrid 11,000 combatants declare victory over the oppressive Spanish forces; the land of Espana declared a joint protectorate to the League of Africa to oversee while the dismantling of one evil regime may lay the seeds to the rise of a righteous one, where Muslim may be equal rather than target to Catholics & peace settles over the torn landscape. State sponsored religion within the former Espana is declared at an end, while a call for humanitarian aid is requested of the noble world nations.

    A time of unity from the bondage of the former rule of religious supremacy has been born as Catholic & Muslim may continue now in unity rather than war, for the first time in Spain.


    Tunisia has declared protection over Espana (former)
    Aid shipments are being prepared & shipped to the region for use in rebuilding & civilian necessities


    OOC: Ezequiel's failure to respond to the war

  19. [quote]To: Zaboor
    [center]Conference of Spear & Sheild, Islamic/African Conference, hosted by Tunisia[/center]

    We cordially invite you to attend this conference of the highest figures of Islam in the world today. It would be ashame to leave absent your young, peaceful Islamic nation & so we ask that you be present in the current discussions.

    Princess Majida Al-Fayyoumi[/quote]

    OOC: come on in Rotevele

    [i]"The tragedy in the Ottoman Republic is depressing. We should take the opportunity now, not to falter before tragedy, but to unite around it so to speak. We should establish a joint effort that should act in situations such as the mass death & desperation in the Ottoman republic. We should give aid & help rebuild the necessary infustructure to put these people back to work & back to life. This conflict has inderectly been the cause of genocide for thousands of Ottomans are dying needlessly despite the wars end, will we do nothing? Countless of our brothers & sisters lie bloody under the scorching sun. Are we not children of Allah?"[/i]

  20. [i]Estemed Senate of New Latium,

    We reach you with news that is certain to be of interest to your young republic. The regions of Tunis, Ariana, & Ben Arous have become harbors of rebellious citizens of Tunisia. Between aggressive clashes with Tunisian officials & other means of defiance, including refusal to pay taxes, the rebel community has voted in favor of European administration, namely Latin. It is with a heavy heart that we might consider the idea of revoking the citizenship of these people & region, but we feel as they do, that this is the best means to preserving peace. We open ourselves to a friendship with Latium & relations with Europe. Ours is a nation of Islam & one that this community has long challenged interfering with the will of our majority, surely you, with your foundations laid in the creed of rule of the people should understand that these rebels present a threat to this foundation as the situation stands.

    Princess Majida Al-Fayyoumi[/i]

  21. The conference had dissolved miserably. Almost nothing had been accomplished & the Latins left the meeting confused & clearly appalled at Tunisia. New Latium was hardly a power to be feared for the time being & might still be used to the advantage of Tunisia. The absence of the non-Muslim population would secure the implementation of Shari'a Law within the nation without opposition & was a duty directly given to Sahib to carry out. His quiet relationship with the Princess bade him no relief in his one & only task.

    The Latins may have ended the meeting prematurely, but dialogue had begun & indirectly been invited to continue by the Latins. Sahib toyed with the thought that perhaps the new, feeble nation could administer over the small regions where Tunisian European community settled, in tern, hopefully, opening Europe to Islamic influence under that guise that Islam was in fact opening to Europe.

    Either way, the Latins where aware of the unfolding events & would likely voice their complaints to a largely anti-Muslim world. The nation did not threaten Tunisia, & so was considered the only "safe" European candidate to be friendly with. Sahib contacted his advisers in Tunis. [i]"Collect some data on the emigrant hopefuls. I'm going to need you to organize a poll. Tell me how many of them do support self-administration. I need to see some numbers immediatly."[/i]

  22. Sahib glanced at his fellow Tunisian officials & sighed deeply, [i]"I'm going to have to ask that you please calm yourselves. Once you have a bit more of an understanding of the issue at hand, I guarantee you will sympathize with our dilemma."[/i]

    One of the officials handed Sahib a copy of a local newspaper, [i]"Look here, these protesters are amongst a swath of the non-Muslim population of Tunisia, who by one way or another simply could not emigrate out of the country. The community as a whole is now refusing to pay their taxes, occupying lands & homes to which they are not legal owners OR residents. The massive influx of hopeful emigrants has stalled transportation from the nation & for this reason, tensions have begun to flare. These emigrants are almost entirely of European decent. Many Ital...err..Latins are amongst them. Surely your..glorious Roman nation would rather not see these brothers & sisters of yours slip away to distant lands & secure their obedience to foreign rulers! This cooperation would do good for the both of us, surely."[/i]

    Protests has spread to the perimeter of the luxury hotel when word of the first European nation to visit the region since the establishment of Tunisia where present. Tunisian police had arrived to challenge the mob, forcing them back & non-lethally dispersing the majority.

  23. The Tunisian officials where a bit shocked at the display of force, but they had been made aware that some sort of Latin security detail should be expected. A tall dark man, not Tunisian, rose to greet the Latin representatives, his piecing green eyes naturally gave an uncomfortable feeling as if they themselves could penetrate into one's soul. [i]"Welcome to Tunisia, formally Carthage, yes. We have high hopes for good relations with New Latium. The prospects of unity in the Mediterranean, with the apparent success of the Mediterranean Parliament & now with this open dialogue between your European state with our North African nation are certainly high, can you not agree?"[/i]

    His attention turned for a moment to the window where they caught eye of some sort of movement in the distance. Clearly, these where people on the street. The sight of the crowd, likely a protest of some sort, planted an idea in Sahib's mind.
    "What we wished to discuss, aside from trade & diplomacy, was a solution to a certain...problem Tunisia faces. The northernmost regions have been plagued by growing unrest. You see, various immigrants seek to leave the land, by the thousands. Well, migration at this scope within such a short time frame has left thousands stranded in a small region near the north shore of the nation. We wonder if New Latium, might be willing to take on these European immigrants?"[/i]

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