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Posts posted by Haseo

  1. hello i just wanted to ask a question about my little brother

    he watns to play but i wont let him and i keep telling him about the rules for account and how only ones allowed per internet connection
    then he asked if it would be against the rules for him to play at our libray that he can just walk to?
    and i dont have an anwser for him cause i dont know if hes allowed to play at the libray since it does have a diffrent internet connection then ours

    so would he be allowed to play there?i ask because i dont want to be banned for multiple accounts if he makes one at the libray

  2. hello im not joing seeing as im alreading in a alliance but i just wanted to say im a fan of the show

    and also that ironicle this thread is almost the same as another i found on a yugioh card maker forum same title and there were lots of pictures on there too
    i once had a freind whos name was SOS harui i bet hed join if i could fine him but he was banned for trying to hack into yugioh card maker a few years ago

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