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Blaze of Macedon

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Posts posted by Blaze of Macedon

  1. ok and there goes the last wild card.. :S

    we're missing two more then. Gambit- can you help out and find some1 to fill in these?

    EDIT: just ckecked the missing resources out... darn... iron, lumber, alu and marble... i'll start pm-ing then...

  2. This is the plan(in bold the bonus chain):

    Coal = Blaze of Macedon

    Silver = Blaze of Macedon




    Water = Gambit


    Wheat = Nagaichi

    Wine = Nagaichi

    Uranium = Gambit

    Sugar = Kentlah

    Gold = Kentlah


    Steel, Construction, Beer


    I know it's tough to have it all the best way so i'd be ready to make some reasonable compromises along the way to have a secure and longlasting trade circle.

    Post if interested.

  3. Any ammount of tech, any deal you have in mind- just pm me ingame.

    Atm i have 2 slots open and on the 14th i have one more opening so a total of 3. I'm sure we can work out a way to do a nice tech deal :popcorn::awesome:

  4. Ok so i'm looking for both an April and Mai donation.

    If you sell me both(one for April one for Mai) i'm offering 21mill each and if you sell me just for one month(whichever it may be) then 15mill.

    Nation link in sigg. Pm offers ingame.

  5. True.

    I was suppose to attack after Ross and AYB and it siad the guy was anarchied- so no ground attack option for me. An hour later the guys buys a ton of new troops(and AYB, not 100% sure but i think when i was to attack him he had less then 1,7k troops and 0 tanks) and land attacks me... o_O

    Now i check him out and he even has 8k tanks...

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