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Ali bin Turban

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Posts posted by Ali bin Turban


    Watching someone turtle is not interesting, its boring.  Watching a war "fought" by people staying in peace mode and not fighting isn't interesting, but boring.

    Wars are not fought for amusement or to show people's bravery. They're means to achieve specific goals. You remind me of an old general that refuses to use camouflage or hide in trenches because in his opinion real men wear red uniforms and stand straight in a tight formations when fighting...or maybe you're just clumsily baiting.


    I guess you gathered that intel when Zxcsd raided your alliance, correct? He raided IRON, looted a lot of your land and then walk away without almost no repercussions (he only received a few nukes IIRC). And why he was allowed to walk away? Because Bones threatened to attack your alliance if you don't allow Zxcsd to walk away. So it is second time IRON bowed to Bones' demands.

    This issue was actually discussed with Cuba and TBRaiders, but if you want to build Bones legend I'll give you a hand. People say Karma happened thanks to Bones who threatened to attack everyone who'd not drop their treaty with NPO.

  3. [quote name="Ali bin Turban" post="3417844" timestamp="1445529544"]Last bills payment in 2014, so this report is 1,5 years old. However his infra history shows a lot of jumps through that period, which can mean that he wasn't able to grow his warchest to much.
    Now onto the subject it would be interesting to see in those 3 days what SPATR's plans are. Because BONES surely has some plan on what to do, when SPATR's top tier loses targets to engage while the remaining 80% of his alliance keeps on burning, hasn't he? After all I'm sure that before posting his threats, he took a look at his alliance page and noticed not everyone there is at 600k NS.[/quote Most of our guy's don't care about this game anymore,once the infrastructure is gone they just take out smaller nations Tech suppliers. we carefully have planned what to do a long time ago.
    Kill the Tech suppliers.

    Killing tech suppliers is indeed easy task. That's why we're not having this conversation about peacing with Minc, because they're currently having best time of their lives...obviously killing tech suppliers.

  4. Shots fired?

    Last bills payment in 2014, so this report is 1,5 years old. However his infra history shows a lot of jumps through that period, which can mean that he wasn't able to grow his warchest to much.


    Now onto the subject it would be interesting to see in those 3 days what SPATR's plans are. Because BONES surely has some plan on what to do, when SPATR's top tier loses targets to engage while the remaining 80% of his alliance keeps on burning, hasn't he? After all I'm sure that before posting his threats, he took a look at his alliance page and noticed not everyone there is at 600k NS.

  5. Dude, I can buy more keyboards.

    The proof is clear in the logs I presented that GPA was gonna get hit but oyababy screwed that up and they went after WTF instead, it also shows the intention to hit OBR! It doesn't get any clear than that. But yea I still have more logs I won't be releasing and you can all agonize in curiosity to know who is next on the target list after GPA and IRON

    My apologies, I thought you want to accomplish something here but it seems you're just venting. I'm afraid I'm not going to agonize over some random guy's gossip, but well, good luck to you.

  6. While it was a bit amusing at the beginning now it's getting stale. I'm not sure if you're here for real...but you definitely should reread your posts. 


    "I got proof that your ally will betray you, but I wont show it to you. Not until you attack him" - does it sound like something one would treat seriously or rather like a new Monty Python sketch?


    Unless you really have something to present, don't waste your keyboard.

  7. I fought three nuclear nations right at the start of the war without nukes and you don't see me whining. I simply transitioned to a smaller NS level. I find it so ironic that the same people cheering on DBDC'S down declaring are whining about Polar's low tier excellence.

    If your new people are wussies who can't take a few nukes without quitting, thats a failure of leadership. For the slaves of chaos there can be no mercy.

    Mr Tywin, it's just a warstat topic, not some propaganda shit slinging competition. It would be much better if you gave yourself just a few minutes for thinking your posts over before you send any of them.

    Just for the record, there are many low tier veteran nations on both sides. Secondly such change should not be introduced at this point(no war affecting changes should be introduced during global war), but rather to be taken into consideration when peace is reached. 

  8. Having a certain amount of infra and/or tech to maintain wonders would probably be most fair. Have them deactivate or be destroyed after the minimum amount is gone.

    Just increasing requirements for buing and firing nukes from 1000 infra and 75 tech to 2000 infra and 1000 tech would solve most of the issues for the fresh nations getting massacred by the veterans.

  9. I do have to admit Doom Squad stats are quite impressive. Heavily wondered nations in the lower tier is a pain for anyone. We'll see how steady that one stays when your friends get done wrecking the rest of our larger nations lol.

    That's a good example of why numbers means nothing without a context.


    Also we need offensive/defensive wars ratio as they're totally different and lack of such distinction will further skew the numbers we see.

  10. Dear zoskia you seem to be in a bad mood, so let me tell you the fairy tale, that will hopefully cheer you up.


    Once upon a time there was a big forest inhabited by a bunch of knights and bandits (well, actually they were all bandits but most of them wouldn't admit that). They were living in a harmony, kindly slaughtering each other from time to time. It has lasted for a long time, until a big bad bird came into the forest. It was truly a monstrosity...though not nearly as big as it's today, more like a size of a small cottage.

    So...a bunch of brave knights banded together and embarked on a quest to slay the evil creature. Alas, it has failed, as they didn't manage to gather enough followers. Out of fear they also didn't wanted to commit fully on their own. Quite understandable, as even victorious they would be weakened from the wounds and thus became a pray for the rest of the forest bandits. That was the time when mighty Polaris warrior was resting in their fortified hideouts, not giving a poop.

    It was also a time when the world was amazed with the teeth and claws of the bad bird. And the wise-men were gathering at the sacred place to consult the forest oracle about the sorcery that was causing bird's bites to tear the very fabric of the universe. But the oracle remained silent. Also mighty Polaris warrior was resting in their fortified hideouts, still not giving a poop.


    And then something amazing happened: the bird has spoken. It turned out it was ferocious, true, but not evil. It made some friends and found it's place in the forest and was peacefully growing, praying on lost mushroom collectors, little red riding hoods and livestock pasturing peasants. And it was all good...until it bit Polaris warrior's ass. And the warrior gave out a mighty roar as his surprise was immense. And they have run like hell to see the oracle and ask about the twisted, evil magic of bird's bite that was tearing the very fabric of the universe. But the oracle remained silent. They've shouted through the forest, but the forest remained silent. And the bird? Bird was living happily ever after.


    THE END.


    So zoskia, cheer up, don't be mad and be thankful to your leaders. They've helped to shape the world as we see it today...

  11. Lies his nation was at a state of war when i attacked him! Liar! So i guess the little swords next to yoru nation when i attacked and declared war was just a game bug then?

    Swords indicates that he's in your range to attack him. Nothing more. Check his warscreens, check his casualties. He's never fought a war. So it seems it's you who's engaged peaceful nation.

  12. In the hope that your statement is sincere, I will remind you that you examined in your consideration the comments coming from a Spartan who's not been in charge of things since ages (Louis) and of a STA member, who's not even remotely tied to XX (D34th).

    You're right and I should probably use 'some' instead of 'plenty'. Those two cited statements just stood out of the rest.

  13. I've got nothing against SF/XX, but I must admit plenty of you, in this conversation, seem to be blind. There's no semi-neutral thing, there's no "CN kindergarten tough guy strategy". You don't live in vacuum, you do have treaties, you do take part in wars. There are alliances you don't like and others that have grudges against you too. It's not about beating on the weakest, it's about settling a score when the enemy is weakened.


    Secondly whether you like it or not you have your weight that can be thrown around to shift the balance of power. Do you really expect dominant powers to ignore you just because you're not a threat to them on your own? It's a very basic logic here: there's sphere A and B fighting for dominance and sphere C sitting on the side. Assuming both A and B being more or less balanced it's obvious that C's involvement will be a major factor to the outcome of the fight. It's most logical that before engaging in battle both sides (A and B) will try to secure that flank, either by acquiring C as allies or if that's impossible repeatedly rolling them into insignificance (especially when there's bad blood between them).


    If you really don't want to be bothered or take part in world's politics, go GPA's way. Clear all grudges and declare full neutrality (no "semi-neutral" bull$&#). You've right to play as you want, but don't act surprised when someone is shooting back after you've shoot at him.

  14. After reading the logs provided by JimKongII I can't help but to ask a question. How are Gramlins taking high moral ground when Ramirus himself states that:
    1. He cares only when his friends are being attacked.
    2. He don't care about people (alliances) he don't like / don't know / have no bounds with.

    Where is morality here? That's just a typical, awfull human metality: to care about friends and not to give s$#% about strangers. What's more it seems Ramirus wouldn't care about such a stranger being murdered by his friends at his doorsteps (put it in CN meaning). Even criminals (apart from the most degenerated ones) do have such a "morality".

    Clearly Ramirus got some plan he thought he could force upon IRON. Then after some time he admits that he no longer has the power to enforce his terms. That causes anger and resentment towards all the "kids" that dont grasp his concept of righteousness. It'll be hard for him to accept the fact that he's failed, as he clearly thinks he's better than most of CN people.

    And, well, being so old and having such vast experience he should really know better, that the history of human conflicts is all about so called "bribes" (land, money, etc.).

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