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Posts posted by DanDesade

  1. there seems to be some misunderstanding in that this was a reaction to a single thread. that is not the case. as many will have already noted smurf was and perhaps still will be very active here on the bb's. after a number of his posts/threads we'd decided to speek to him about his intentions and the ramifications of what he wrote given that the posts/threads could be interpreted as an alliance wide state of mind. on every occasion he had indicated that he would bear in mind what we had said prior to any more activity here. however, while his intentions may have been pure, that which we had discussed must not have been aparent enough to resound in his arguments and observations. after some time, though he had been loyal on the field of battle, the disloyalty by not observing our disussions and the implied meaning, be those clearly expressed or sujestive, began to give us cause for concern. the thread in question was the final stroke delievered by himself and his removal from foreign affairs and consequent resignation from the alliance was the result.

    personally, aside from the OWF drama he created or added to for us, i had little reason to dislike him on an individual level. on the alliance level that like could not be translated into a continued part of our alliance.

  2. [quote name='Lord Boris' timestamp='1320069836' post='2835653']
    When you are the smaller group, it's much easier to do "disproportional damage". Turtle, declare and nuke upwards if necessary, and hit as many targets as you can. They can eat more nukes per day than the small group can.

    tbh, we're actually make that tactic a whole lot easier for them when you look at our war declarations over the past few days as compared to theirs. still, time will tell.

    [url="http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?searchstring=Declaring_Alliance%2CReceiving_Alliance&search=The Legion&anyallexact=exact"]war declarations[/url]

  3. [quote name='Jacapo Saladin' timestamp='1320045866' post='2835586']
    So you have managed to go from pre-war boasting that NSO could take out Legion by yourselves to mid to end war trying to belittle and shoulder blame to your coalition mates as an excuse to hide your less than satisfactory performance.


    it would seem that is his/their intention.

  4. • The Legion: 18.63 --> 18.48 (-0.15) / -25.9% cumulative

    • New Sith Order: 6.96 --> 6.83 (-0.13) / -41.2% cumulative
    • Imperial Assault Alliance: 5.92 --> 5.90 (-0.02) / -13.4% cumulative
    • Tetris: 2.07 --> 2.03 (-0.04) / -52.4% cumulative
    • Blue Turtle Alliance: 2.35 --> 1.87 (-0.48) / -33.9% cumulative
    • New Sakura Order: 1.73 --> 1.71 (-0.02) / -43.7% cumulative


  5. true, though it is also fair to say that we've not yet turned our attention to IAA, or NsO and BTL for that matter, just as they've not committed themselves to us. So discoutning AA's isn't really a point to raise when those AA's arrayed against one another have yet to do so in a significant way. However, our attention has been directed for the most part towrds the sith and tetris. there it is fair to say we are at an advantage and it is proving to have a significant impact on those two alliance. Whether the above remains to be true for the remainder of the war is yet to be seen but if it were to change then the dynamics of the war will surely change aswell though to whose advantage is not easy to predict.

  6. ghosts.

    what can you do?

    BTA adds 120K with the addition of two more nations so what they lose is regained to a degree whereas we (the legion) have two more ghosts adding 140K.

    The real concern is these aren't even members (to my knowledge) but rather there alone for the war - the issue being obviously that any accurate idea of what has been done is perverted by taking these additions, and those like them since the outset, into account when putting the number together. sigh.

    I mean, with enough new nations appearing on the respective AA's you could see a point where apparently we're either not at war or while at war each alliance is in fact growing if you're to look at the just the numbers while excluding what else it means to wear any particualr AA.

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