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The King

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Posts posted by The King

  1. [quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1331009915' post='2934424']
    Here ^ . Also, in before you say you had a poor choice of words while several of you have attempted to pick and choose from my responses. Good luck with that :)

    Your question I've already answered: That you believe the only way to generate "fun," is to be cretins or act in a manner that makes you look like total GOONS is simply wrong. Believe it or not there are other ways, if you only try!
    MYTHY POOO!!!!
    i missed you <3

  2. qiuick question arabic league....what is up with your flag? Lol.
    [quote]I don't want Tetris to defend me, and if they interfere with my affairs they too must be destroyed. [/quote]
    R&R messes up your plans as well I assume. You should destroy them too!

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