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General Scipio

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Posts posted by General Scipio

  1. [quote name='Keve69' timestamp='1302240878' post='2686569']
    hehe No one has picked the team with the best shot at the cup yet so let me do that:

    Habs vs 'nucks

    Habs take it in 7! w00t 25th cup here we come!

    Vive le tricolore!

    Habs. Best chance at cup. hahahaha

    This !@#$@#$ guy

  2. [quote name='Kevin McDonald' timestamp='1301877807' post='2683679']
    I'm so in. Canucks and Caps, Canucks in 7.

    [quote name='moneymango' timestamp='1301878714' post='2683686']
    Canucks, Bruins. Nucks in 6

    I can't wait for the inevitable first or second round choke from the Nucks.

    My prediction: Flyers and Red Wings, Flyers in 7

  3. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1300941661' post='2674393']
    There's the embassy dispute, there's the whole "pretender to the throne" businesses. Do you read any of their announcements?

    There's a big difference between individuals posting their opinions and government sanctioned tabloids deliberately intended to attack us.
    Don't forget refusing the sanction nuclear rogues and just generally being hostile towards us. When you treat someone like they're your enemy, you really shouldn't be surprised that they hit you.

  4. [quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1300941434' post='2674389']
    ...really?...so no you stating you expecting reps from NPO as well? or is that just reps from their allies? wtf is this !@#$?

    reading this thread i'm seeing repeated arguments with varying answers and deflected questions....is anyone else getting tired of the whole "trust us" idea when this is happening?
    Just reps from the alliances that attacked us

  5. [quote name='Kilkenny' timestamp='1300939991' post='2674365']
    How is this hold up for destroying NPO's upper tier working for you then?? If not granting peace in 30 days is political suicide, how is keeping them at war until they allow you to destroy their upper tier any different??

    And let's be honest...you attacked NPO based on the fact they were a threat and you haven't taken the "political suicide" bullet...why would continueing the war beyond 30 days because they are a threat be any different?? I am sure you and your buddies have a multitude of examples of how NPO did worse back when they were in power.
    Difference is that NPO has the option. It's them keeping themselves at war.

    [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1300940041' post='2674367']
    FAN. Using terms similar to this. Shocker right. There, now that I named an alliance for both your examples, can you please stop with you inane justifications?
    [/quote]FAN was attacked for violating peace terms. I'll grant you that NPO tricked them into walking into a slaughter with their faux terms. FAN was never offered peace in their second war. If NPO had said that they would get peace, and then tricked them I'd grant the point.

    [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1300940107' post='2674368']
    uh, I dunno how much you remember about history, but this same exact event occurred to GATO, FAN(more than likely the entire reason for this current "statement" is to get revenge for asking FAN to enter war mode for a month before they'd receive peace), ONOS, and others, specifically the "maliciously tricked into walking into a slaughter", part of GATO's terms to even get to the negotiation table was to have every single GATO nation in war mode and taking damage.
    Difference is GATO's terms were member based, and they were all threatned with eternal ZI. Only the alliance is getting threatned here. NPO's nations are free to surrender, they will not be persecuted for following orders. I don't believe FAN was offered terms where they would get peace if they fought for a month. ONOS got terms and surrendered without being forced out of peace mode.

  6. [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1300939853' post='2674363']
    Which ones? You mean outnumbering NPO by 42-9 in the over 100k NS range (with just MK/Umbrella) and 70-28 in the 60k-99k (again just MK/Umbrella) means that you don't badly outnumber NPO in the mid tier? This is not including GOONS/NoR/FAN by the way. just the numbers from MK/Umbrella.

    So again, please stop with the lies. It is getting quite ridiculous.

    Hell, for you I will add in FAN/NoR/GOONS. Total is 53 nations over 100k for DH/FAN/NoR vs 9 for NPO. Total is 111 60k to 99k nations for DH/FAN/NoR vs 28 for NPO. So, you state that they won't be that badly outnumbered after the first round right? How is having 164 nations vs 37 not heavily outnumbered? but wait, you must include the number of NPO nations in the mid tier that would no longer be in the mid tier. Considering how heavily outnumbered NPO is above 60k NS, every single one of their nations will be hit by at least 3 nations in their upper range which would mean more damage being done to NPO nations than NPO is dishing out.
    Yeah, I said they were outnumbered in the high tier. Everyone knows that. Fighting three wars they are launching more nukes balencing out the ratios. NPO still might lose more. After that they won't all be above 60k but will be in the mid tier where the fight will be more even. Also you never threw NPO's allies into the consideration.

    Sure it may not be dead even in terms of damage, but it will be close. NPO isn't getting white peace, they need to accept the deal and deal out as much damage. It really is the best deal they'll get.

  7. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1300939642' post='2674360']
    Pacifica was able to do the same thing you're currently attempting to quite a few alliances before their time came, and based off the current political climate, DH would be able to get away with it for quite some time unless something drastic occurred.
    Name one alliance NPO offered peace to that didn't get it. Name an alliance that NPO maliciously tricked into walking into a slaughter. It never happened, it won't happen now. It would make zero sense for DH to do so. I'm sure deep down you people actually know this, you just like being contradictory.

  8. [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1300939353' post='2674353']
    Right because DH is in no way allied to PB or CnG. Not to mention the ties to SF, Sparta, MHA, Argent, and many other alliances. Sure, you may loose some, but ya'll won't lose PB, CnG, Argent, and most of the rest. Which means no, you could lie through your teeth and after the 1 month is up, continue to hit NPO/co. Who exactly could do anything at that moment? Most who just might would still be recovering from the VE-Polar war and the rest have no real love for NPO to attempt to martyr themselves.

    The next war would still be a win for DH and you know it. You are stupid if you think otherwise and quite arrogant to think the rest of CN is as stupid.
    Commiting an act of political suicide is not a smart thing in a game based on years. Look at NpO in Bi-Polar.

  9. [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1300938946' post='2674347']
    For how long? NPO nations would be heavily outnumbered by DH/FAN/NoR. So, how long until NPO is down to only 2 nukes a day due to having a WRC? I would garner, under a week with SDIs and spying. Which means that after the first week, NPO would be stuck taking a nuke a day whereas DH/FAN/NoR would not longer have to worry about having 6 nations nuked per 1 NPO.

    The added tech bonus over the next 2-3 weeks would most assuredly make up for and exceed the damage from those few extra nukes in the first week.

    Again, it appears DH thinks that the rest of CN is just utterly stupid and inept about CN. These blatant lies ya'll spreading is some of the stupidest crap ever.
    After the first week the upper tier nations are in the mid teir where the won't be so badly outnumbered.

  10. [quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1300938772' post='2674343']
    They have to accept it sometime, and when they do, it is quickly looted.

    So says the fool.
    Good to know I'm a fool cause I pointed out that nations can keep aid pending. Man you NPO posters are great!

    [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1300938820' post='2674344']
    Yes, I genuinely believe that this could easily be twisted to simply keep every Pacifica nation in war mode and being nuked to ZI/ZT, a la GATO so many years ago.

    [quote name='Kilkenny' timestamp='1300938969' post='2674348']
    At what point has DH shown it can be trusted??
    When has DH showed it can't be trusted? Not giving NPO peace would be political suicide, all but ensuring they lose the next war. It makes zero sense not to give NPO peace. You guys are dumb.

  11. [quote name='Kilkenny' timestamp='1300938462' post='2674338']
    Can you explain how letting their upper tier get trashed is maximizing NPO's fighting ability???

    And can you explain how one nation can do as much damage to 3 nations, with a large tech advantage, as those 3 nations can do to it?? I mean just plain game mechanics mean that after a couple of days the odds are not going to be good for any GA's and after 4-5 they aren't going to be able to win any GA's, which means that now the nations they are being attacked by are streatching that strength gap even farther. This whole thing about how NPO's nations can do just as much damage to DH's nations is just plain hogwash.
    1 nation can nuke 6 nations in one day while only taking one nuke in return. The added tech bonus won't make up for the damage of those extra nukes.

  12. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1300938146' post='2674335']
    out of curiosity, does anyone genuinely believe Pacifica would just be given peace after a month, or would they have their nations staggered and beaten down forever?
    If you actually believe DH would go back on their word and not give peace after a month you are literally stupid.

  13. [quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1300937895' post='2674333']
    Not really, the lack of military improvements amongst your newest recruits makes for easy looting. Sure, they can send CMs but we can just as easily replace the lost infra by looting the aid they receive.

    I hope the upsurge in your new recruits continues, these new nations are literally nothing more than piggy banks.
    You do know it's really not that hard to keep the aid pending until you need it right?

  14. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300691411' post='2672021']
    In other words, it becomes an issue when NPO doesn't just bend over and let you kick them around. Shame on NPO!

    Clearly, this war isn't just a part of VE-Polaris. You've already done your job to make sure VE won. We're only at war to satiate your thirst for Pacifican blood at this point. It proves that this is a war of paranoia and hate.

    OOC: Are you [i]really[/i] going to go here? Do you [i]really[/i] believe keeping NPO out of the game for [i]another[/i] two years is going to achieve [i]anything[/i] in the way of solving stagnation? Let me give you a hint: It's going to have the opposite effect.
    Ok, I'll make this all bolded so you can understand. [b]A month of war will not keep NPO out of the game for 2 years.[/b]

    It will keep them out of the planet for like...a month. How damaging do you really think a month of war really is? NPO will do just as much damage to DH's upper tier, so they'll be in the same relative postition. They'll have 60 more damaged nations, but DH will probably have into the hundreds. If they don't come out of peace mode, DH will still have the same relative strength over them, simply because NPO never fought. 60 NPO nations will not have taken damage, and hundreds of DH nations will have been spared damage.

    Damaging DH's nations is a good tactic, because if you can perhaps get one of the main groups supporting us on your side, you'll have the advantage. Get MHA or Sparta or FARK on your side and due to the fact that our upper tier was damaged fighting NPO, you'll have the advantage in upper nations.

    NPO has been at peace for 2 years, they have the money to fight a month of wars. You're bill locked nation may take 2 years to get back up to it's pre-war levels, but NPO's will not. Get it?

  15. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1300665445' post='2671570']
    Yes – when the 'criminal' has already been 'convicted' and 'served their time', i.e. when an alliance has already been rolled for something, you shouldn't then roll them for it again. The very large reps given to NPO after Karma were justified (correctly, in my view) by suggesting that they were paying for all their crimes of the Hegemonic period. So it is not justified to bring those same things up again for a second war on them.

    [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300665880' post='2671576']
    No [i]way[/i]. When is the last time anyone remembers Bob Janova saying something that made sense?

    There may yet be hope.
    Sorry Bob, HoT agrees with you, therefore your argument is automatically wrong.

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