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Blog Entries posted by Jupiteranium

  1. Jupiteranium
    From The Washington Post:
    You can bet if this escalates the US will be getting involved. China is probably doing everything it can to diffuse the situation between its two neighbors, the last thing it will want is war knocking on its doorstep, they are too busy focusing on their new found economic power and world influence. Though China has supported some sanctions against North Korea recently, I do not believe they are ready to actually fight against their old allies. Hopefully the situation will not result in military action either way, the US has its hands full dealing with the recent increase in attacks by the Taliban in the Middle East.
  2. Jupiteranium
    Eastern Conference Finals--Montreal v. Philadelphia
    The Flyers look ready to dominate. After coming back from their deficit last series, the Flyers feel like they cannot lose. The Canadians are buying into the Flyers attitude, they seem to be playing timid. Choking under pressure is a good way to put it. Montreal needs to regain its composure if they want to comeback. Losing two games by such large margins, back-to-back is not good for the self esteem of any team. Mentally, I feel they are not in the right place they need to be to win; physically, they are worn down and are being outplayed. The Flyers are doing everything right and as long as they continue to work and believe they will win it all, they will.
    Western Conference Finals--San Jose v. Chicago
    San Jose has 6 good face off men, big, strong forwards, and can skate up and down the ice all night. They are good in moving the puck in transition and have played the first two games at home. Despite all this, they have lost the first 2 games in the series. So what is going on? Chicago is controlling the game. They set the tempo, the speed, and they set how the game is going to be played. Chicago is doing a good job of disrupting San Jose's offense and is not turning down the pressure. If the Sharks continue to allow Chicago to dominate how the game will be played, they do not stand a chance of getting back into the series. Chicago has one of the most complete teams left in the playoffs and they will continue to build on their success.
    Who will win? I think the Flyers. They feel like they are already the champions, and after coming back from such a large deficit in the semis, they cannot help but feel that they are destined to win.
  3. Jupiteranium
    For my birthday, I am doing something I have always wanted to do: fall out of an airplane. Thursday, May 27 I will be tandem jumping out of a plane over the beautiful coastline of Florida. My brother is suppossed to be going with me, but I think he will chicken out on me. He may go up, but probably will have a problem getting back down...
  4. Jupiteranium
    So I am on my third nation. The first two I lost from inactivity, this third one I hope to keep for a while. I won;t bore you into why I became inactive, I'll just move onto how I see CN now. I came back and fell into the same routine already, collecting, paying bills, buying infra, tech deals, etc etc. I guess one of the beautiful things is how easy it it to just pick CN back up. No matter how many times you leave, you can come back and it's like you never left.
    Along with that, however, lies the reasons I first went inactive. The same routine over and over and over again. No truly new features, nothing really exciting to keep me here and to prevent me from going inactive again. And one of the main things that I enjoyed most about the game, the politics between alliances and the delicacies of diplomacy and war, is completely foreign to me now. I came back and realize that I've missed out on a lot. Alliances have come and gone, wars have been fought, new blocs have been formed and old ones have been disbanded. Even in my own alliance I notice change. I've been a member of CSN since I first joined and haven't left yet, but even there it feels like I've missed out on a lot. Members that I remember are no longer there. There are new treaties and enemies to pick up on and it's impossible to even try and catch up with what is going on in the OW forums. Either way, I'm glad to be back and will spend my first week or 2 back trying to catch up on exactly what I have missed. The guys at CSN have already made me feel like I have assimilated into the alliance again even though many of them don't remember me or were even here when I first was.
    Will I grow bored of CN again and be making this same post with my 4th nation? I hope not. But, you never know. Hopefully I will regain whatever interest I had when I stayed around for my first six months with a nation. If I do, I bet it will be mainly to the credit of my alliance, and my ability to follow and understand current politics.
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