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Posts posted by Alivieina

  1. Even for something as uncontrollable as a University Server. Surely there is more likely to be more than one nation playing in the same area... I don't know I guess I just am surprised that such a rule would even exist. But I don't think I wanna stop playing during school either.

  2. One of my friends and I play Cybernations and she is about to start buying tech, meanwhile I am still selling. I am transferring to her college and I will be her roommate. I understand that there is an IP rule and I heard a rumor that if you are on the same University Server (even if not on the same computer) both nations would eventually get deleted if they interacted with eachother such as tech deals. I was wondering if this rumor is true and if so is there anyway to be sure that our nations will not be deleted?

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