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Status Updates posted by megann

  1. Another migraine. Can they just....not? Please?

  2. Watching FMA brotherhood and the subtitles are totally killing me. "(Bad guy laugh)"? Really? I love you, Netflix subtitle writer.

  3. All watching the Travel Channel does is make me want to go back to Saigon and Cebu.

  4. Es ist nicht leicht, zu grĂ¼n sein. -- Kermit der Frosch

  5. Oreos are the best sort of moral support for essay-writing.

  6. Knitting Christmas presents when I should probably be studying. Maybe I'll start something easy in stockinette and go knit and read later.

  7. " Please know the signs and symptoms of the flu virus, which should not be confused with Ebola. The flu is not Ebola and Ebola is not flu."

  8. 3 cheers for waking up 2 hours early.

  9. *joyful fist-pump*I haven't stopped smiling for ten minutes. Tonight has been awesome.

  10. If you're wondering what to get me for Christmas...everything Eeyore and everything Hello Kitty.

  11. My email is going to explode today and all because some dumbass hit reply all on an email that went to the residence hall listserv.

  12. Anybody know where to get rainbow wrapping paper? I feel like my door needs some pride this Christmas.

  13. Did we actually get any melodies to prepare for sight singing?

  14. Almost out of tea. I still have 6 IDs left before I can let myself get food and a refill.... :(

  15. Having one's roommate spend fifteen minutes talking about faith when all one wants to do is go to bed is really not a good way for one's roommate to endear themselves to oneself.I mean, just saying. Especially after one tells one's roommate that organized religion isn't really one's thing.

  16. why am i still sneezing i though that was supposed to go away when i moved out

  17. Thankful to be on a plane going back to balmy Houston. Oh, warm weather, how I've missed you so.

  18. Not thankful for the lack of wifi here. :(

  19. First family thanksgiving in literally forever. I held another baby! :P and today's just been wonderful. So thankful for all the good people in my life. So thankful to be at an amazing university with wonderful programs in everything. So thankful to have so many warm handknits this year :pLove y'all. Spread the love. Happy thanksgiving. :)

  20. I kinda want to start going by a nickname but I feel like it's too late.

  21. stupid external hard drive not being recognized by my stupid computer

  22. i swear my nose is from the mailman

  23. #selfiethon for my new profile picture. Can't decide.

  24. I now have Alpha Sapphire and I am in NostalgiaLand right now. The music is perfect, the game is perfect, this is just...wonderful.

  25. Life is pointless without Bach.

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