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Gen Beagle

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Posts posted by Gen Beagle

  1. CISBanner.png

    A farewell from the Confederacy of Independent States

    There are too many reasons for the failure of CIS that I won't waste my efforts or your time with lengthy explanations. Those of us who were a part of the reformation of the true Confederacy of Independent States know beyond a doubt that regardless of what a few individuals choose to believe, we had something special. It boils down to this: they can think whatever they want to; those of us who partook know.

    We took a chance, went out on a ledge, and any number of other clichés that nonetheless mean we took a high-risk, high-payout chance. We didn't pull it off. The members of our government failed as individuals and as a whole. This week we had to pay the piper.

    One thing we did manage to do right in our few months of operation was find true friends. The Order of Halsa has stood by our side from practically day one. They have been an ally in every way possible. In our hour of need they have opened their borders to accept Confederate refugees as their own. While reluctant in some ways, we are thankful to have friends who can help us pick ourselves up and find our footing once again.

    The Confederacy of Independent States has decided to capitulate unconditionally to The Order of Halsa. Our high government has left; I, as the next tier down, have rejected a promotion for personal reasons, and no other member is both willing and able to step up. It would be a cruel joke to continue to let the rot of inactivity gut what was once a strong and proud alliance. And with that, we say goodbye.

    Gen Beagle,

    Prime Minister

  2. I think the issue at hand is that they may very well be at that point.

    This is correct. Our government was set up so that KasMage and Zocane could call all the shots. Technically, I still answer to them, but neither of them are around to issue instructions. I'm not cut out for real leadership, and Phetion's coup sorta worked; I lost about 4 members to his efforts. I'm just gonna try and hold it together a few more weeks in hopes that Kas's (OOC: ability to access the internet regularly) improves.

  3. CISBanner.png

    Consider this the official CIS response to Phetion's earlier statement.

    The CIS's charter defines only two officials with any power to actually make something happen. Those members are KasMage and Zocane. It has been weeks since I have spoken to either. My powers as the Prime Minister are somewhat limited by their open-endedness, as you can see with the following excerpt from the most recent June government appointments.

    Gen Beagle will return to the Master Council as Prime Minister. As Prime Minister he will be responsible for handling any emergency situations should the High Magistrate and High Chancellor be absent, managing our foreign affairs, and assisting the High Magistrate and High Chancellor in their duties.

    I for one say this qualifies as an emergency. Phetion decided to go outside the protocols for reform to create drama, then run away from the mess he created. I understand his motive but cannot condone his actions. Due to the current position of the CIS however, we hold no grudge.

    The CIS has failed thus far. We have failed in part due to circumstances that are "out of this world" if you will. (Read: OOC issues regarding availability of a steady internet connection for KasMage.) My own failings as a government member are personal, and I won't attempt to excuse them. I haven't had the desire to lead in a long time, and my position as Prime Minister was ceremonial at least, and an advisory role at most. No one, especially me, ever expected that I would need to make real decisions. And I dropped the ball.

    As of this time, I have yet to make contact with The Order of Halsa to confirm our treaty is still active, but CIS has not activated the cancellation period and wishes to believe that The Order of Halsa will stand by us in our hour of need.

    I won't guarantee CIS's survival. But I will guarantee that I will give an honest attempt to stabilize CIS.

    Gen Beagle,

    Prime Minister

  4. Confederacy of Independent States is not Confederacy of Imperial States. We are a different set of people. Most of us are members of the original CIS, before the reformation and then the merge. In my case, I'm a completely new face. Hatred can be forwarded to those who merged away the CIS and then ran the Confederacy of Imperial States into the ground. As for us, we do our best to live up to the original Confederacy of Independent States of 2006. As far as we are concerned, the FPI War has nothing to do with Confederacy of Independent States, only Confederacy of Imperial States.

    TLDR; Confederacy of Independent States and Confederacy of Imperial States are different. Make the distinction, kthanxbai.

  5. Friendships are a bridge that spans all adversity. True friendship lasts. A friendship was forged during the summer of 2006, and opened to new horizons in the summer of 2007; a friendship that has survived despite death and reincarnation. (OOC: deletion and rerolling)

    The friendship shared between those whose signatures you see has outlasted alliances, outlasted prolonged separation, and outlasted ill will aimed at some of the parties involved by the powers that were.

    Tonight, we have taken our friendship and done something about it. We have announced our intent to rebuild the Confederacy of Independent States. The Confederacy of Independent States stands for friendship, stands for increased standards in our members, and most of all stands for a change in the political climate on our Planet Bob.

    As one era draws to an end, another begins.

    o/ CIS

    o/ Friendship


    Gen Beagle,

    Prime Minister

  6. Anyone else getting tired of announcements that have "Pointless" or "Insignificant" or "Unimportant" etc. as the descriptor? Either make your announcement or don't; don't try to sit the fence and not commit to what you have to say by admitting even you don't think it belongs here. Besides, I really don't think this qualifies as a pointless announcement. I for one like to know who the governments of alliances are.

    *steps off soapbox*

    Regardless, congratulations on the new gov. You guys seem pretty cool. Best of luck.


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