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Posts posted by PX6DEVASTATER

  1. Funnily enough, despite several blitzes by my larger NPO opponents, they both failed to get me into anarchy without nukes. It wasn't until a TPF member joined the fight that they were able to drop me that low in troops. I suppose this says something. Then again, I should have seen the writting on the wall when one of the NPOers messaged me the info he gained on a spy op of my own nation.

  2. [quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1308689515' post='2737675']
    We're not doing this to get the poached member back. We're doing this to demonstrate that actions have consequences.

    Actions like declaring war with a bull CB then refusing to present actual evidence for the event you claim as your CB?

  3. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1308632702' post='2736796']
    [color="#0000FF"]I can't say why he did it after joining NsO, but if you believe that it is some sort of conspiracy then really that just a lot of paranoid nonsense.[/color]

    Arrnea claims at least once a week that there are scores of threads hidden on the NsO forums dedicated to his destruction. I spent about 2 hours looking for said threads, never found one.

  4. [quote name='Baden-Württemberg' date='22 February 2010 - 04:23 PM' timestamp='1266877412' post='2197931']
    According to your definition you are right.

    What we were doing is simple. We helped a friend in need. By our standards that's justification enough. That [i]you[/i] don't understand it, again, is obvious.

    but sam, how dare you put your friends first. You should wub your infra like the majority if CN :P

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