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Posts posted by Pudge1975

  1. [quote name='berbers' timestamp='1340911521' post='2999516']
    Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a world breaking record. An actual statement from MK that was true for exactly 2 days. I think that beats the record held by any of their other statements by at least 1.9 days :D

    Not a big fan of this place and don't post much but need to apologize to both MK and Leet. In a haste I read into something incorrectly and am the one that attacked without permission. MK had every intention of keeping their word, just my pure ignorance.

  2. We speak to the Gramlins everyday and voice our concerns over the issues. I also speak to members of Irons government and they know where we stand on this current conflict. If it comes to the point where they are considering having another alliance enter, I have been assured that we would all sit down and talk first. Those are the two other parties we answer the yes or no question to, not the masses here in this post. That is our stance.

    We are as disappointed in this situation as much as everybody else. I personally have made friends with some outstanding members in Iron and know that many hitchhikers feel the same. We hope this cluster of a mess can come to a close in the very near future.

  3. Crymson, Second time I see the same log drop in just a few days. Kiss and I had a conversation. There is more to that log about how if this was a Polaris trap we would get out right away. We spoke on many things. In my own opinion Kiss was a great leader and the night it all broke out he was the calmest one in the room. He is the one that was taking charge and trying to figure it all out. He is also the one that was trying to keep communications open vice the "why oh why MHA" from some of your Gov. We went in with our allies AFTER you attacked. There was no pre-emptive on our part. I am also not much into the dropping of logs so if some of your gov wants them I will give them in private.

    LM you may have said you would be at war with MK some day but there was nothing on our war board of possibilities that said you were going to attack the whole bloc while it was still at peace. That was unexpected and something none of us seen coming.

    We do no deny the fact that we said we would enter the war if Fark or Gramlins were attacked. That changed when you attacked C&G and we were asked by our fellow allies to help in curtailing the act of aggression. At that point we did not know NpO was in a white peace deal. My logs show all that also.

    I have been in TOPs embassy for the last few weeks taking questions and it just seems they cannot get over that we ended up on different sides of the war. Maybe it was silly of us to think we could have friends on both sides of the "tracks". Well you live and you learn. I still have a great amount of respect for the general population of TOP and wish them well in the future.

  4. [quote name='MCRABT' date='20 March 2010 - 08:25 AM' timestamp='1269091491' post='2231245']
    Lets cut through the nonsense FARK was prepared to counter IRON 2 days prior to our DOW, MHA had IRON target lists drawn up in preparation for IRON's attack on FARK. When news was leaked that IRON and TOP would hit CnG, your coalition scrambled for an in on IRON that would bring in you guys and Sparta, this took the form of a treaty-less DOW on IRON by Gremlins. The fact is you guys would have attacked IRON regardless of what we did and we would still be in the current situation. The only thing you guys can be aggrieved over is the fact that TOP picked IRON over MHA, but then it would be pretty hypocritical of you to complain about that since you were planning to hit their ally very early on in this war and like them you also choose to honour alternative treaty obligations.

    The fact is that you both had different priorities at the time that led you in different directions. That is just the way it goes sometimes, trying to get one over on each other is completely ridiculous, I see no reason for the animosity shown by either party in this thread.

    Truth is that the night of the attacks I was sitting with TOP in a combined Gov room. Never was leaked to us and we first found our when the attack took Place. I could not agree with you more. We both ended up on separate sides of a war for one reason or another. The treaty is gone, time to move on.

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