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Posts posted by moniker

  1. I, for one, look forward to the future of this thread. The way I see it, one of two things will happen.

    A) The New Pacific Order will respond to this thread, outlining exactly why MKs diplomats were evicted from their embassy. I'd like to think that they had a good reason, and that one of the oldest and most influential alliances isn't turning into a shadow of its former self;

    B) It comes to light that the Mushroom Kingdom actually has a legitimate complaint, which dashes my hopes outlined in A.

    Either way, something that could be considered 'interesting' actually occurs

    edit: when I look at my signature I realize the absurdity of a world where I root for the NPO, but there you have it.

  2. [quote name='Denial' timestamp='1289373480' post='2509144']
    That's not at all what Quiz said. Just a tip: when you attempt to spin someone's words, you need to at least leave [i]some[/i] of the thrust of the original message in. You're really quite bad at this.

    What Quiz is arguing is not that we had no choice in the matter. The Kingdom made quite a deliberate choice, a choice to demonstrate our resolve and make it clear that we do not capitulate in the face of smear campaigns and some righteous indignation from the usual faux moral crusaders. As I have explained previously, if the New Sith Order was interested in negotiating a lower amount of compensation, then heading to this forum and trying to score a few cheap PR points, rather than approaching MK high government with a reasoned and well-expressed case, was not the way to do it.

    "We were wrong, but we're so confident in our superiority that we will NEVER admit to it! You can't make us back down from a mistake because we are so tough!"

    edit: and the best part is you cannot even refute this without claiming your King, Emperor, Leader whatever is wrong in his own OP.

  3. [quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1289224064' post='2506040']
    I'd argue that demanding financial compensation from an alliance is a more fair-handed approach to punishment than is blasting individuals into annihilation, especially in this era of declining world population. We don't want the wrongdoer to cease existence--we just don't want him deliberately gaming people again.

    So how is extracting your pound of flesh from NSO (and specifically NOT from the 'wrongdoer') going to accomplish that?

    I feel like I'm missing something here

  4. I'm going to nominate Bakamitai of the New Pacific Order. Throughout our somewhat temptestuous relationship with the NPO, baka has always comported himself with the utmost dignity and respect, and has always (in my somewhat narrow experience) been as helpful as he could with anything I've been involved with. Proof that 'enemies' can be friends as well.

  5. Wouldn't this be the first time reparations are actually deserved? It's one thing when you're agressor, demanding reps after beating up a smaller alliance. It's quite another to be defender and expect some sort of damages.

    In my humble opinion, TOP et al should be on the hook for whatever damage totals calculated for CnG, payable in cash or tech. They should be able to afford it, and they certainly don't deserve leniency.

  6. Unfortunately TOP forced our hand with their completely unwarranted attack on several of our other treaty partners. While Ivan Moldavi was able to choose wether or not to request our aid, the terms of our treaties obligate us to defend against Paradoxian agression wether we'd want to or not. As a GATO member I would not dream of maligning an ally over the actions their honor and treaty obligations require them to take, and I would expect the same treatment in kind.

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